I have a tiefling fighter/rogue character with a massive persecution complex and a fondness for pairs of envenomed swords. (For some odd reason I'm addicted to characters that fight two-handed---must be Drizzt-envy or something...)
Unfortunately, I haven't played pen and paper D&D in a very looooooong time, since most of my gamer friends have moved out of state or become fundy Xtians.
Right now I'm playing around with NWN and starting to toy with module design for that program. (Tilesets, baby. Gotta get 'em all!) Also, I've taken to collecting rule books and supplements for 3rd edition---which, BTW, is the best edition yet. My most recent purchase is the Underdark supplement.
P.S. Yaro, I totally LOVED Dark Sun. I wish the wankers at WOC would reissue that stuff.