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Author | Topic: D&D and satanisim | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
I didn't know where else to put this so I put it here.
Anyway, recently Phatboy made a comment about D&D glorafying the "evil one", and that was one particular tidbit of urban myth that allways threw me for a loop. When I was in high school, I used to play D&D with a few friends. It was kinda geeky I guess, but hell if we didn't have fun. After all, using your imagination is allways a great passtime! So, i liked the game. But at that time, I was in a christian school BTW, alot of the other kids and teachers gave us funny looks, and commented on the greivous sin of Dungeons and Dragons. After much research, and as a former player of the game, I can pretty conclusively say that the game has no satanic content, or evil glorafied as good. So, I was wondering if phatboy, or any christians who still subscribe to this belife, have ever actually looked into the game before branding it, and it's players, as 'satanists by proxy' or somesuch? [This message has been edited by Yaro, 04-09-2004]
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
LOL! That's awsome!
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
heheh... I loved Dark Sun.
That was my fav. world. I playd a thri'kreen who was ostrasized by its hive. Living in Tyr fighting in the arenas for profit and honer I eventually had my own little mob of arena slaves and exiles. It was real fun. One of my friends playd a ferel halfling with a quick temper, and a penchant for biting knees. The other person who playd with us, playd an elf warrior. She was the "good guy" of the grupe who kept us all in order. It was really neat cuz our DM structured the campain with us doing all these tiny little quests to get us to define our characters, and somehow he managed to pull them all together into one gigantic adventure. Needless to say, those were some fun games. And like a really good D&D session goes, we spent most of the time "role-playing" and not rolling dice.
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
I think you nailed it. You get from the games, what you put into them.
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
The christian that thinks someone that plays D&D is a 'satanists by proxy' doesn't have to look far into a D&D manual to be convinced that it does not glorify Jesus. The artwork alone is enough. This is the standard by which they judge most works. Even a christian who is not overly zealous might understandably have a problem with D&D. I have never played or seen, (15+ years playing) a game where God of the bible was the only god and there was only one heaven, one hell, etc. (Those campaigns might be out there but I have yet to see one.) Realize, with some fundies if its not about God its not godly, therefore it must be worldly which means its satanic. D&D is an easy target, just like evolution and secular music. No "God" involed = Satan. And I don't know if it does have a place in a christian's walk with God. WOW! That's a very interesting point of view! So essentially everything in the world = satan, if god is not directly involved. Or are we talking about only human things? Because I would imagine that nature != satan. I mean, nature, even though it does not directly involve god, supposedly glorifys him as it is soposedly his creation. I would imagine that your point of view, or at least the christians you are commenting on, see anything MAN made that does not involve god as being satanic. So bascicaly everything we make must involve god or it is evil. Am I on the right track there? BTW, as for the D&D artwork, most of it fetures characters doing things, creatures, battles, etc. The evil guys are drawn doing evil things, the good guys, good things. But a vast majority of the art is pretty neutral, serving to make a visual impression in the mind of the reader as to how the worlds described look. What is satanic about this?
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
I LOVE shatterd lands. I adore it. Its probably the best D&D based game ever, maybe coming a close second to Baldurs Gate II. But anyone who has playd shatterd lands can easely see the similarity between it and the BGII game engine. Heck, Im tempted to say that BGII uses a modernized Dark Sun engine. I still have shatterd lands on my hard drive and play it from time to time, along with another forgoten CRPG gem, Darklands. The Dark Sun sequel though, Wake of the Ravager, sucked.
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
I love werewolf! That was a fun game, I never got into the White Wolf games that much tho. They were much to Goth. In Werewolf, I enjoyed playing a "good guy" race. It was fun.
The best part about it was just being so damn strong! I mean my character could pick up cars and throw them at people. You rarely get to do that with your avarge D&D race. I hated Vampire. Much too brooding, I hate it. To goth, Im a positive kind of person. I like playing epic type hero quests ![]() I love gameboy RPG's as well. I loved all the Final Fantasy Legend series, as well as the very first Secret of Mana, known in the US as Final Fantasy Adventure. Heck, I even like pokemon to some extent, it's fun. One thing I could never get into with Computer or Console RPG's was MMORPGs. They are so boring. I don't think anyone has done those right. Belive it or not folks, the only good MMORGs are MUD's. Anyone here play Muds?
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
Not only that, the kid that comited suiced had emotional problems long before he played D&D. He was a coke addict, and a bit of a Juvenile delinquent.
The group he played with testified that the kid only participated in maybe one or two games. The mother blamed the game however. I guess it's easier to blame a board game than to face the fact that you likely failed your child in his upbringing.
Yaro Member (Idle past 6815 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
JRR Tolkein firmly stated that LOTR was not an allegory of any kind.
It's relevance, or similarity, to any real world happenings or events has more to do with the timelessness of the story and it's nature as a myth, rather than any special meaning put into it by the author. Besides, you gotta admit, the whole godman, resurection, coming of age, good vs. evil thing, is pretty played out as far as myths go. The Bible didn't invent it all, it's just a human nature kinda thing ![]()
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