So essentially everything in the world = satan, if god is not directly involved
Perhaps I used too broad a brush but I can only describe the christians I've encountered that have a problem with AD&D. These tend to be the "Matt 6:23-24" crowd (can't serve two masters, etc,etc...) who take a position of its God against Satan in a struggle for our souls. They belive that all things should glorify God or at least not dwell on occult or satanic thought/images. Have you never met these types of christians? These are the ones that have a problem with D&D, Evercrack, dancing....insert your own "worldly pasttime" here. I know plenty of christians that don't care or even know about D&D. They see it as just a game, which I agree with btw.
I find it funny that people are bewildered by these christians reaction to D&D. I mean, lets talk about a real campaign and put yourself in the shoes of a christian who sees this constant battle mentioned above.
I have never run a game where all the players were lawful good (might be interesting but how boring refusing the reward everytime). Most are LE, TN or CG at best. Players have murdered, stolen, summoned deamons, slayed men, elves, dwarfs, etc. I can see a fundy running screaming from the room and sticking you on a gossi..ummm I mean pray list for months to come. Sure its your imagination but come on, these individuals activly try to curb their thoughts of anger/evil. How can they be shown that acting out a chaotic evil thief that backstabs innocents in an alleyway is good, wholesome fun?
I've had one christian that agreed to sit in on a session after critizing D&D and he was uneasy with the occult situation but agreed a WWII or even a robotech campaign might be more to his liking. What are other people's experiance with inviting critics to play?
As for the 1st ed. AD&D DM manual has a 20' demon carrying a half naked girl while a wizard prepares a spell. You gotta know this is going to offend some people and give them an immediant impression. Sure
most of it fetures characters doing things, creatures, battles, etc. The evil guys are drawn doing evil things, the good guys, good things
but again, players can be those evil guys doing evil things and I think this is what fundies have a problem with.