You didn't even read post 1 above before you posted this AIG tripe. Mark24 rebutted it in advance:
Appendix: Regarding the age old creationist "refutation" of ice core dating, namely buried WWII aircraft in many layers of snow. Firstly the aircraft were buried in an area of Greenland that has the highest snowfall in the country. Most glaciers move in the order of a foot or two per year, the region in which the aircraft were uncovered has glaciers moving miles per year, commensurate with the level of snowfall. Secondly, creationists seem surprised that there are many layers, ie more than 50-ish. This is because individual heavy snowfalls can form their own narrow layers, & this can also be seen in the summer ice core record. The difference is that there is a homogenous layer between the airy summer layers. Ergo a WWII aircraft buried deeply in many layers of snow is not a refutation. What would be a refutation is having >> 50-60 airy/homogenous layers that display the correlations 1-4 above.
The Christian world was a ghetto. We called it the Dark Ages.