I understand your point and I agree wholeheartedly, but I seriously doubt that it is even possible that the core principles of the theory of evolution might one day be disproved. That'd be no more likely than seeing the core principles of the theory of gravity disproved, or the core principles of germ theory disproved. It just ain't gonna happen.
Of course, scientific assumptions and hypotheses based on these theories are routinely disproved, but the theories still hold. By all indications these theories will hold forever, or at least so long as the universe exists.
The theory of creation has absolutely no evidence to support it, save for ancient scripture which, if it can even be called evidence which I don't think it can, would have to be the flimsiest evidence imaginable. Like Born2Preach seems to say, the only way to understand God is through faith. Attempts to prove the innerancy of scripture will always fail because there's no evidence except for the scripture. I don't know if B2P would go so far as to agree with me here, but I think that the creos should drop the inerrancy thing, accept what science teaches as fact and get back to promoting faith.
Saying evolution is impossible because it conflicts with the precise text of a book written thousands of years ago by marginally civilized men is just as absurd as saying that germ theory is impossible because Jesus could heal people just by touching them.
Probably the only reason these idiots don't challenge germ theory is because even those of the meanest intelligence can look into a microscope. It's much more difficult to understand the theory of evolution, and therefore simple-minded people can be much more easily duped.