Hi all and thanks for your responses. I summarize them here with my response following.
6-83 Reef re they are not sheep
6-84 Crashfrog re distance, age, trick us, could not duplicate experience
7-91 Darwin Storm re number of stars, distance, personal feeling, imperfect eyes on Bible, invalidation of scientific evidence via disbelief
7-91.a Number of visible stars is = 3000 per hemisphere = (= google phrase search =) so Abraham could see more 5000 years ago but not "billions and billions".
7-91.e I did not say that I do not agree with scientific findings or even imply that they are invalid. I said that a photograph can not be used as proof of distance. The evidence for distance is a measurement. We could see those galaxies in a picture no matter what their distance.
I am a scientist. I think scientists are great people - and certainally not sheep. My son is working on his Phd in crystal chemistry. I support him completely. I am simply strict about using facts and data correctly.
7-91.c - I agree that my personal experience is not scientific data - which is why it is of no concern to me that Crashfrog could not duplicate my experience.
7-91.d - I do not communicate with God by reading. I clearly stated that our communication was intelligence to intelligence - having nothing to do with eyes and brain.
6-84.d - God is not trying to trick us. He is trying to teach us to have faith in Jesus Christ. This universe was designed to do just that. Henry Ford did not build a blob of atoms that would expand into a car - he built a ready to run car. Is it not possible that God built a ready to run universe with no other intentions. Taking this car idea a bit further, can a person living near I-90 in the center of the US assume that every car that comes into view started at one coast and will continue on to the other? No, and we can not safely assume what went on before and what will go on after today.
That said, I agree that the = age of the universe = is supported by evidence (not a photo). I am not as sure about the = distance across the universe = because problem one is that if it is as big in light years as it is in years then it has been expanding at around the speed of light and so its expansion can not be accellerating. Help me out if you will as I do not really care how big it is.
There is much more to talk about (Greenland ice sheets?).
Talk toyou soon,
Bob, Alice, and Eve