Good day all,
I was just wandering around the web, and I came accross this lovly lil' site, and I noticed that Evolutionists do seem to be a little more long lived then Creationists...shame on them. I'm a Creationist, and no, I'm not going to pretend to be some "neutral" who is looking for " the answers to life" and spring a trapping question on you and then disappear. Heck, I'm not even going to pretend to use good grammer and spelling. Sorry folks, I'm 19. If you don't like it, fix the public school system. However, I do look forward to matching wits with you all in the near future. Disclaimer: I'm in the US Navy, so if good ol' Uncle Sam calls, I might be gone for extended periods. I'm not retreating, I'm doing my job, and I'm sure most of you can understand.