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Author Topic:   Another Anti-science Dufus
Posts: 23144
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 16 of 17 (919778)
07-31-2024 1:12 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by Phat
07-31-2024 12:25 PM

Re: On The Beach
Phat writes in Message 12:
Dredge writes:
the earth goes through cycles of heating and cooling, so how do know global warming isn't partly natural?
My understanding is that it most definitely is partly natural.
Where does your understanding come from?
Perhaps jar is suggesting that if the "Christian Culture Of Ignorance" is neutralized as a political force and cultural influence, humans may have a hope of survival.
Jar was not suggesting that. He was saying that if the causes of global warming are natural then perhaps we have a chance given that the natural causes might reverse themselves. Obviously if humans are responsible we're doomed since we're doing almost nothing about it.
Of course, I disagree with his flippant dismissal of Christians who (as he would put it) "park their brains at the door" because it has been my experience that the rest of the people have their sins too. In other words, humanity is likely to be wrestling, fighting or fiddling while Rome burns.
Remarkably irrelevant to what USA 1776 posted in The Salesmen of the Green New Deal.
So how is the politics and global outlook from down under? I once read a book in school called On The Beach written by Neville Shute two years before I was born.
You linked to the article on the film. The article on the book is at On the Beach (novel). How is global nuclear annihilation related to global warming?
The two men most likely to escalate World War III to a nuclear conflict remain the heads of Russia and. or the United States. Do you ever see such a possible scenario or do you think, as I do, that society could mess itself up through many means other than nuclear war.
Why are you drifting off into concerns about nuclear war in a thread about climate change?

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 Message 12 by Phat, posted 07-31-2024 12:25 PM Phat has not replied

Posts: 6187
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 17 of 17 (919780)
07-31-2024 1:50 PM
Reply to: Message 13 by NosyNed
07-31-2024 12:49 PM

Re: Natural?
What parts are natural? How big is their effect and in which direction? How do you know?
It's not simply a matter of isolating which parts are natural and which ones are caused by human activity, but rather we must also examine how those parts interact with each other, especially when that interaction results in effects greater than the sum of its parts. AKA synergy (despite its overuse as a buzzword):
Synergy is an interaction or cooperation giving rise to a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts (i.e., a non-linear addition of force, energy, or effect). The term synergy comes from the Attic Greek word συνεργία synergia from synergos, συνεργός, meaning "working together".
For example, large amounts of methane trapped for millennia in the frozen tundra is now being released into the atmosphere. That is a natural source of methane, but the reason the tundra started melting is from temperature rise caused by human activity. And once that melting got started, its natural effects drove the temperature higher resulting in even more melting and even more methane released driving the temperature even higher, rinse and repeat.
In semiconductor electronics, we learned that as the avalanche effect. Driving a current through a resistance generates heat (power = voltage × current, P = EI). But semiconductors have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance which results in the semiconductor's resistance decreasing as it gets hotter (unlike conductors with a positive temperature coefficient of resistance wherein heat causes resistance to increase, hence the approach of driving the temperature downwards absolute zero (−273.15 °C) in order to get superconductivity). As per Ohm's Law (I=E/R), decreasing resistance increases current, but that will increase the temperature which in turn increases current, increasing temperature, rinse and repeat. Which means that if you don't design your semiconductor circuit to limit the current through your semiconductor device to keep it within its power capacity, then it will burn out as soon as you try to use it.
BYTE April Fool's Article of New Electronic Devices:
Noise Emitting Diode (NED):
In response to being connected across a large current source, the NED emits a loud noise. Once.

Basically, in a complex system with interactive parts, any one thing will affect other things; nothing acts in isolation from the rest.
Hence, sharply dividing between natural and man-caused causes is over-simplistic and delusional wishful thinking on the part of deniers.

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 Message 13 by NosyNed, posted 07-31-2024 12:49 PM NosyNed has not replied

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