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Author Topic:   The disconnect between the bible, and its horrific actions versus the message
Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 10 of 83 (919328)
07-07-2024 9:03 AM

The marketing of the afterlife and salvation was a later addition, a handy sales item with absolutely no product liability. It was never a big issue within Judaism. And there are so many other issue, particularly with the Gospel of John were alleged sayings of Jesus are interspersed with editorial comments of the unknown author without any indications of where the alleged quote ends and the editorial comments begin.
The biggest issue for me though is the blatant and misleading quote mining practice of the vast majority of the Fundamental Evangelical Christian communion and the fact that very many if not most Christians simply do not read what is written in context and instead fall into simply believing the interpretations and explanations marketed by the Carny Barker (AkA: Pastor, Priest, Father, Brother, Bishop ...).
Another big issue is the simple ignorance of the facts outlined in so many of the Old Testament threads. In many of the God warns of a disaster coming and offers solutions but it is up to the people to actually perform those solutions.
Examples: Big Flood Coming!!!!!! But humans need to build the boat and provision the boat and sail the boat and then replant and repopulate the world afterwards.
There will be Good Times followed by very Bad Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Humans need to plant crops and raise them and build granaries and set aside surplus and store it up and then distribute the surplus to those in need.
You will get to leave Egypt! But you will have to walk for years to get out and camp out and get up early to harvest the dew and send out hunting parties to catch wild birds if you want to live.
The folk that created Christianity, over a period of 100 years or more, crafted and revised the message to suit audience and era. Jesus was never a Christian and Never actually tried to create a new religion and Jesus was an Apocalyptic Believer; one who truly believed that the End was near and that the order was going to change violently. He may have also believed that afterwards some better live would happen but it was from the Jewish perspective rather than anything marketed by those creating a new religion.
But the basic message of Jesus, fed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, protect the weak, heal the sick, while not new and pretty much the echo of the Buddha, Confucius and other teachers in the past is still a great lesson. Christianity based on that short message could be awesome but that's also a near impossible sale to make. It's far easier to market You're Forgiven, Follow Me and the Reward will be Everlasting Joy.

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 Message 16 by Phat, posted 07-10-2024 8:51 AM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 18 of 83 (919424)
07-10-2024 12:56 PM
Reply to: Message 16 by Phat
07-10-2024 8:51 AM

Re: Jim Palmer: Ex Megachurch evangelical
Now it's time to stop believing and trusting just what you want to believe and who you trust.
Throw the God & Jesus you've been sold away and actually look at what is written.

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 Message 16 by Phat, posted 07-10-2024 8:51 AM Phat has seen this message but not replied

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 Message 19 by Theodoric, posted 07-10-2024 1:18 PM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 22 of 83 (919429)
07-10-2024 4:23 PM
Reply to: Message 21 by Theodoric
07-10-2024 3:11 PM

Correct but remember I'm just a lower case jar.
And anyone who has any faith & trust in Tucker Carlson can only be pitied and feared.
The CCoI is the single biggest threat the US faces.
I may have said that here at Ev over the decades but today the evidence is overwhelming.

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 Message 21 by Theodoric, posted 07-10-2024 3:11 PM Theodoric has not replied

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 Message 23 by Phat, posted 07-10-2024 4:50 PM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 26 of 83 (919433)
07-10-2024 5:03 PM
Reply to: Message 23 by Phat
07-10-2024 4:50 PM

The Threat Of Willful Ignorance Haunts Elitists
No, I will continue as I have for two decades here now and blame the Christian Cult of Ignorance and the utter and complete stupidity of folk like you who have failed to learn how to think.

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 Message 23 by Phat, posted 07-10-2024 4:50 PM Phat has replied

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 Message 28 by Phat, posted 07-10-2024 6:30 PM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 30 of 83 (919437)
07-10-2024 6:35 PM
Reply to: Message 28 by Phat
07-10-2024 6:30 PM

Re: The Threat Of Willful Ignorance Haunts Elitists
Learn to READ. It's a four letter word.
The threat is your Willful Ignorance that was brainwashed into you by the CCoI.

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 Message 28 by Phat, posted 07-10-2024 6:30 PM Phat has replied

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 Message 56 by Phat, posted 09-01-2024 1:22 PM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 35 of 83 (919448)
07-11-2024 9:12 AM
Reply to: Message 33 by Phat
07-11-2024 12:08 AM

Re: No Creator Owes Anyone Anything
Stop and actually think.
In the earliest parts of the Old Testament what is actually written just reflects on the unknown authors personal beliefs at the time. It is NOT monotheistic but rather very much polytheistic. It says "I am the Lord THY god. Thou shalt have no other gods Before me"; in other words 'I'm you Daddy and so listen to ME!' All the other gods were very real and there is nothing to suggest they were anything other than as real as Yahweh.
The Gods were tied to one people, one geographic location and had to be worshiped at that location. Look at 2 Kings 5. Naaman get cured by a prophet of the Hebrew God and so wants to worship that god, so he asks for soil from the land and carries it back home like a prayer rug.
The Gods were just like human rulers, tyrants or princes; good at times but capricious and evil at other times. They were often not kind but rather cruel. That definitely included Yahweh. Ask Abraham, Jonah and Job.
The Gods were not all knowing. See Gen 18:15-33.
Again Phat, these are all written and I've pointed them out to you numerous times over the decades but you choose to believe the Carny Barkers called Apologists that tell you that they don't really mean what is actually written
Throw the Christianity and God and Jesus YOU created away.

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 Message 33 by Phat, posted 07-11-2024 12:08 AM Phat has not replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 44 of 83 (919463)
07-11-2024 2:13 PM
Reply to: Message 40 by Taq
07-11-2024 12:42 PM

Re: No Creator Owes Anyone Anything
Taq writes:
We are talking about a Creator who went out of his way to kill people. No one chose to die. The Creator chose to kill them.
Particularly all the little children and animals who had done nothing to deserve death.
Perhaps SHE said "Suffer the little children to come unto me" as the waters got really high for a better view.

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 Message 40 by Taq, posted 07-11-2024 12:42 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 46 by Taq, posted 07-11-2024 3:24 PM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 48 of 83 (919491)
07-12-2024 2:32 PM
Reply to: Message 46 by Taq
07-11-2024 3:24 PM

Re: No Creator Owes Anyone Anything
The god in the whole Exodus tale is just plain disgusting yet that fact is simply not generally taught to Christians (except those that were in my Sunday School classes). Time after time the Pharaoh character says "No problem, just take them and go away" and the god character hardens his heart and makes him change his mind and so uses that to simply hurt folk more.

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 Message 46 by Taq, posted 07-11-2024 3:24 PM Taq has not replied

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 Message 51 by nwr, posted 07-12-2024 8:04 PM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 161 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 50 of 83 (919495)
07-12-2024 7:47 PM
Reply to: Message 49 by Phat
07-12-2024 7:35 PM

Re: No Creator Owes Anyone Anything
Phat writes:
The Apostle to the atheists, our very own jar, suggests we all throw our preconceptions of God away and do what Jesus taught, expecting nothing and giving everything.
Phat, Phat, Phat.
I have never acted or written or posted anything directed at any atheists or attempted to market god to any atheists.
But what I do post is supported by what is actually written rather than what the Carny Barkers called Apologists say the REAL meaning is. I never tell anyone to not look behind the curtain.
Please stop misrepresenting what I write and what my positions are.
And yes, if we are followers of Jesus should we not follow his teachings and do what is written that he commands us to do?

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 Message 49 by Phat, posted 07-12-2024 7:35 PM Phat has not replied

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