GDR writes in Message 37:
Percy writes:
That's you. Most conservative Christians take the flood story as literal truth and are therefore worshipping a monster. And the flood is just one of many OT examples.
And you know that how?
Seriously? You've been here since 2005 and somehow missed the parade of creationists arguing about the Grand Canyon and geologic layers and Mount St. Helens and radiometric dating and slow light and the impossibility of evolution and the literal truth of the Bible? Did you never go to the religious section of bookstores in the 1990s and early 2000s and see all the books dedicated to creationism? I created this site because of the very active debate between creation and evolution. And you're asking how I know that most conservative Christians take the flood story literally?
Sure it's easier for the vast majority of posters on this forum so mock the strawman you have set up.
Strawman? Again, have you been reading the posts on this site or not? How you could read anything by Faith, ICANT, randman, riVeRraT, Buzsaw, mike the wiz, frako, Dredge and so on and say we're creating a strawman? Then there's organizations like ICR and CRS, all the people cheering on Duane Gish at his "debates", the Answers in Genesis Ark Encounter park that draws nearly a million visitors a year, Kitzmiller v. Dover and all the efforts to get Genesis taught in schools, and on and on. A strawman? That's just delusional. Please don't be this absurd.