The forum software's handling of the <PRE> HTML tag is broken.
I can no longer display ASCII graphics using the <PRE> HTML tag. It used to work on this forum, but now all the leading spaces get stripped out
and it displays using proportional spacing instead of monospace (hence the complete garbling of the Venn diagrams in the text below).
Here is the pertinent text:
/ \ ___________________
| Jawed Vertebrates | / \
| | | Jawless |
| (Bony Fish) | | Vertebrates |
| (Cartilaginous Fish) | | |
| ____________________________ | | |
| / \ | | |
| | Terrestrial Vertebrates | | | (Cyclostomes -- |
| | | | | e.g. Lampreys) |
| | (Amphibia) | | \___________________/
| | ________________________ | |
| | / \ | |
| | | Amniota | | |
| | | | | |
| | | (Reptiles) | | |
| | | | | |
| | | (Mammals) | | |
| | | | | |
| | \________________________/ | |
| \____________________________/ |
Not surprisingly, this does indeed yield a phylogenetic tree as follows:
Cyclostomes Bony Fish Cart. Fish Amphibia Reptiles Mammals
----------- --------- ---------- -------- -------- -------
\ \ / \ \ /
\ \ / \ \ /
\ \ / \ \ /
\ \/ \ \/
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ / Amniota
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \/
\ \ /
Jawless \ \ / Terrestrial Vert.
Vertebrates \ \________________/
\ /
\ / Jawed Vertebrates
\ /
Furthermore, on page 287 Denton applies the same technique to primates:
/ \ ___________________
| Gibbon | / \
| | | Monkeys |
| ____________________________ | | |
| / _________ ___________ \ | | |
| | / \ / \ | | \___________________/
| | | | | | | |
| | | Apes | | Man | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | \_________/ \___________/ | |
| \____________________________/ |
From which we get the following phylogenetic tree:
Monkeys Gibbon Apes Man
------- ------ ---- ---
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \/
\ \ /
\ \ /
\ \ /
\ \ /
\ \/
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
Remember that the
PRE tag both preserves all spaces and newlines as well as displaying it in a monospace font such as Courier New. That used to be supported by the forum software but no longer.
How do I get that capability back?
In order to see how the ASCII graphics in that text should display:
- Peek this message.
- Select and copy the text within the <PRE> tags into your clipboard.
- Paste from the clipboard into a text editor whose text is displayed in a monospace font face (such as Courier New).
- Compare that with the unintelligible mess rendered by the forum software.
Edited by dwise1, : Added HINT for seeing how that text should be displayed
Added succinct description of the problem, that <PRE> is broken.