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Author Topic:   How to Retain Leading Spaces?
Posts: 6187
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 1 of 15 (917843)
04-18-2024 5:19 PM

The forum software's handling of the <PRE> HTML tag is broken.
I can no longer display ASCII graphics using the <PRE> HTML tag. It used to work on this forum, but now all the leading spaces get stripped out and it displays using proportional spacing instead of monospace (hence the complete garbling of the Venn diagrams in the text below).
Here is the pertinent text:
/ \ ___________________
| Jawed Vertebrates | / \
| | | Jawless |
| (Bony Fish) | | Vertebrates |
| (Cartilaginous Fish) | | |
| ____________________________ | | |
| / \ | | |
| | Terrestrial Vertebrates | | | (Cyclostomes -- |
| | | | | e.g. Lampreys) |
| | (Amphibia) | | \___________________/
| | ________________________ | |
| | / \ | |
| | | Amniota | | |
| | | | | |
| | | (Reptiles) | | |
| | | | | |
| | | (Mammals) | | |
| | | | | |
| | \________________________/ | |
| \____________________________/ |
Not surprisingly, this does indeed yield a phylogenetic tree as follows:
Cyclostomes Bony Fish Cart. Fish Amphibia Reptiles Mammals
----------- --------- ---------- -------- -------- -------
\ \ / \ \ /
\ \ / \ \ /
\ \ / \ \ /
\ \/ \ \/
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ / Amniota
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \/
\ \ /
Jawless \ \ / Terrestrial Vert.
Vertebrates \ \________________/
\ /
\ / Jawed Vertebrates
\ /
Furthermore, on page 287 Denton applies the same technique to primates:
/ \ ___________________
| Gibbon | / \
| | | Monkeys |
| ____________________________ | | |
| / _________ ___________ \ | | |
| | / \ / \ | | \___________________/
| | | | | | | |
| | | Apes | | Man | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | \_________/ \___________/ | |
| \____________________________/ |
From which we get the following phylogenetic tree:
Monkeys Gibbon Apes Man
------- ------ ---- ---
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \ /
\ \ \/
\ \ /
\ \ /
\ \ /
\ \ /
\ \/
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
Remember that the PRE tag both preserves all spaces and newlines as well as displaying it in a monospace font such as Courier New. That used to be supported by the forum software but no longer.
How do I get that capability back?
In order to see how the ASCII graphics in that text should display:
  1. Peek this message.
  2. Select and copy the text within the <PRE> tags into your clipboard.
  3. Paste from the clipboard into a text editor whose text is displayed in a monospace font face (such as Courier New).
  4. Compare that with the unintelligible mess rendered by the forum software.

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by Admin, posted 04-18-2024 9:14 PM dwise1 has replied

Posts: 6187
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 3 of 15 (917856)
04-18-2024 9:26 PM
Reply to: Message 2 by Admin
04-18-2024 9:14 PM

Not even close to working with the Venn diagrams (yes, those are supposed to be Venn diagrams).
Please re-read my message which I have edited in the meantime to include a method for viewing how that text is supposed to display. Thus will you be able to see for yourself what I'm trying to display.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 2 by Admin, posted 04-18-2024 9:14 PM Admin has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 4 by Admin, posted 04-19-2024 6:39 AM dwise1 has replied
 Message 5 by ChatGPT, posted 04-19-2024 8:00 AM dwise1 has not replied

Posts: 6187
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 6 of 15 (917871)
04-19-2024 10:58 AM
Reply to: Message 4 by Admin
04-19-2024 6:39 AM

Your text that I placed between [code] dBCodes looks the same in Emacs:
Still not when I tried it on the forum.
Can you tell me a little more, like which browser you're using?
Microsoft Edge. Windows 10.
Same bad results in the browser on my Android phone (Google Pixel 6).

This message is a reply to:
 Message 4 by Admin, posted 04-19-2024 6:39 AM Admin has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 8 by Admin, posted 05-05-2024 11:55 AM dwise1 has replied

Posts: 6187
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 9 of 15 (918480)
05-05-2024 12:03 PM
Reply to: Message 8 by Admin
05-05-2024 11:55 AM

Re: Space Problem "Fixed"
Please define "hard reload".
Microsoft Edge.
Or on an Android phone.
On both, actually.
In Message 498 (19-Sep-2019 7:10 PM) I found this:
863095 writes:
Should be fixed. You'll have to:
  • Do a hard reload (hold down Ctrl and click refresh).
  • Click options, select safety, select delete browsing history, leave only the "Temporary internet files and website files" item checked, then click Delete.
Thanks for reporting this.
How would that affect other EvC browser tabs that are still open? I have a lot of pending EvC business in those other tabs.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 8 by Admin, posted 05-05-2024 11:55 AM Admin has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 10 by Admin, posted 05-05-2024 1:29 PM dwise1 has replied

Posts: 6187
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 11 of 15 (918489)
05-05-2024 1:37 PM
Reply to: Message 10 by Admin
05-05-2024 1:29 PM

Re: Space Problem "Fixed"
I had done that on the current tab in Edge with no effect on the display in [code].
I haven't restarted my computer yet, so I don't know whether I have just been taught far too well.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 10 by Admin, posted 05-05-2024 1:29 PM Admin has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 12 by Admin, posted 05-05-2024 5:16 PM dwise1 has replied

Posts: 6187
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 13 of 15 (918491)
05-05-2024 5:52 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by Admin
05-05-2024 5:16 PM

Re: Space Problem "Fixed"
Giving it a try right now:
         /                                \        ___________________
         | Jawed Vertebrates              |       /                   \
         |                                |       |   Jawless         |
         |    (Bony Fish)                 |       |     Vertebrates   |
         |    (Cartilaginous Fish)        |       |                   |
         |  ____________________________  |       |                   |
         | /                            \ |       |                   |
         | | Terrestrial Vertebrates    | |       | (Cyclostomes --   |
         | |                            | |       |   e.g. Lampreys)  |
         | |  (Amphibia)                | |       \___________________/
         | |  ________________________  | |
         | | /                        \ | |
         | | | Amniota                | | |
         | | |                        | | |
         | | |   (Reptiles)           | | |
         | | |                        | | |
         | | |   (Mammals)            | | |
         | | |                        | | |
         | | \________________________/ | |
         | \____________________________/ |
Not surprisingly, this does indeed yield a phylogenetic tree as follows:

   Cyclostomes    Bony Fish  Cart. Fish   Amphibia   Reptiles   Mammals
   -----------    ---------  ----------   --------   --------   -------
       \                \      /              \           \      /
        \                \    /                \           \    /
         \                \  /                  \           \  /
          \                \/                    \           \/
           \                \                     \          /
            \                \                     \        /   Amniota
             \                \                     \      /
              \                \                     \    /
               \                \                     \  /
                \                \                     \/
                 \                \                    /
  Jawless         \                \                  /  Terrestrial Vert.
    Vertebrates    \                \________________/
                    \               /
                     \             /   Jawed Vertebrates
                      \           /


Furthermore, on page 287 Denton applies the same technique to primates:

  /                                \        ___________________
  | Gibbon                         |       /                   \
  |                                |       |   Monkeys         |
  |  ____________________________  |       |                   |
  | /  _________    ___________  \ |       |                   |
  | | /         \  /           \ | |       \___________________/
  | | |         |  |           | | |
  | | | Apes    |  |  Man      | | |
  | | |         |  |           | | |
  | | \_________/  \___________/ | |
  | \____________________________/ |

From which we get the following phylogenetic tree:

 Monkeys    Gibbon     Apes    Man
 -------    ------     ----    ---
     \         \         \      /
      \         \         \    /
       \         \         \  /
        \         \         \/
         \         \        /
          \         \      /
           \         \    /
            \         \  /
             \         \/
              \        /
               \      /
                \    /
                 \  /
That worked.
Log it in as a MC ("Mike Charlie"), "Mission Complete".
This should probably also solve Taq's issue in Message 4.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 12 by Admin, posted 05-05-2024 5:16 PM Admin has not replied

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