I'm on Mac but haven't updated my machine, not even for minor things, since March because Apple never tells you which updates include a reboot. I'm in the middle of a development cycle with a complex environment (PHP, ReactJS, NodeJS, MUI, MySQL, nginx). I have 120 windows open, about 30% are browser windows, and about 200 browser window tabs, and well over a hundred Emacs buffers. If my machine reboots I would have to reconstruct my environment, a lengthy task.
This is a unique situation for me. In the past I've always been developing in linear languages, a programming style I'm already very familiar with, but in this cycle I'm using ReactJS/NodeJS. I am not yet intuitive writing code that is event-driven. Many browser tabs are open on pages about info/aspects/issues with ReactJS, NodeJS or MUI.
After my next reboot it'll probably be a day before I'm able to resume developing, and it would be days before everything was back to normal.
And so I continue on with my Mac that hasn't rebooted in over half a year. I will likely do an update shortly after I release to the server and have all the new code securely source controlled.