I've gotta share this! Yes, peanut gallery, Phat has found a new shiny object! It all started less than an hour ago...
I was browsing my stock page, and stumbled upon this article:
Artificial Intelligence Just Had Its Very Own “iPhone Moment” .
Now, granted it was an advertisement in my M1 Money App, but it got me curious about ChatGPT. So I went to their website and signed up. (Some of you remember my brief love affair with CleverBot)
Im super impressed with ChatGPT just messing around with the platform so far.
I asked it one specific question:
Phat writes:
How can I explain the concept of God in human form so as to convince critical thinkers?
In a matter of seconds, the Bot generated this response:
Bot writes:
The concept of God in human form can be a complex and controversial topic, and there are many different views and beliefs on this subject. However, here are a few key points that may be helpful in explaining this concept to critical thinkers:
Historical context: Many religions have stories or beliefs that describe God or other divine beings taking human form to interact with humans. For example, in Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the Son of God and took on human form to teach and guide humanity. Similarly, in Hinduism, there are many avatars or incarnations of the gods, such as Vishnu, who take on human form to help people.
Symbolic interpretation: Some people view the concept of God in human form as a symbolic representation of divine qualities or attributes that humans can aspire to. For example, Jesus is often seen as a model of compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness, and his teachings can inspire people to live more virtuous lives.
Personal experience: For many believers, the concept of God in human form is based on personal experiences of feeling a connection to a higher power or divine presence. While these experiences cannot be scientifically proven or objectively verified, they can be powerful and transformative for individuals.
Open-mindedness: Ultimately, the concept of God in human form is a matter of belief and faith, and it may not be possible to convince critical thinkers who are skeptical or have different beliefs. However, it is important to approach the topic with an open mind, respect for different viewpoints, and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and exchange of ideas.
My eyes popped out of my head!

This Bot has an impressive ability to utilize human language better than I do!
For a link:
Edited by Phat, .