Paulk writes:
So let me explain what I think it means. It is a complete absence of evidence, not an absence of some evidence we would expect to find, if the proposed entity was present.
The problem with that kind of wording is that we don't have complete knowledge of anything. So if we wish, we can push it into the absurd.
But we do have a lot of knowledge about a lot of stuff now and I think it's safe to say, for example, that if dowsing worked there would be good and sufficient evidence available to show it. Instead there is good evidence that when formally tested under scientific conditions detection is no better than random.
I think at that point we form a conclusion that the absence of evidence is enough to say that dowsing is bollocks. All provisional of course, but as near to certain as we ever get.
Until relatively recently we lacked the technology to detect exoplanets. That was an absence of evidence, not evidence that exoplanets did not exist.
In these sort of cases we do know the extent of what we should see with the technology we have. It wasn't just that there was absence of evidence there was also the absence of our ability to detect it so we could say nothing about it at all.
Or another from this forum. There is no official Roman record of the execution of Jesus. Since we do not have Roman execution records from Judaea covering that time, this is an absence of evidence that is not evidence of absence.
I think rather more persuasive is the argument that if such a character as Jesus actually did all the things he's supposed to have done - been executed by the Romans for it, risen from the dead and caused earthquakes etc etc - we should expect there to be reports of them from those whose writings we do have. We don't have them. It's not conclusive proof, not even close, but it is evidence of absence that can be added to other evidence if we were forced into a binary decision based on the balance of probabilities.
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine.
"Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved."
- Tim Minchin, in his beat poem, Storm.