Many of those who work on the excavation of
these fossils claim that it still has the "stench
of death." Imagine that.
It is imagination. It's apocryphal. Show your source.
Tissue samples from the numerous sites show
that these animals died just a few thousand
years ago, and not tens of millions.
Again, apocryphal. Show your source.
If evolutionists admits to Noah's global flood, it would
be suicide for them.
This is so very true but not for the reasons you would cite. If a class geologist denied the facts and thought Noah was real it would only be because he had become incompetent and no longer able to think. Science has the history of a few good scientists going bad later in their careers. There are also, of course, those somewhat trained geologists who abandon science for woo like your BS religion.
But the vast majority of acknowledged geologists on the planet know your Noah Flud is a fairytale and can't be bothered to even consider such foolishness.
Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!