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Author | Topic: Are You Racist? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ringo Member (Idle past 729 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
What DO you think governments should do? I don't believe that government should "legislate fairness". And conversely, how else will we achieve fairness?"Oh no, They've gone and named my home St. Petersburg. What's going on? Where are all the friends I had? It's all wrong, I'm feeling lost like I just don't belong. Give me back, give me back my Leningrad." -- Leningrad Cowboys
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Ringo, you need to understand the meaning of
switcheroo. Tohuw's primary meaning is "to lie waste."To lie waste does not prevent secondary interpretations; such as, desert, worthless thing, or desolate. Isaiah 45:18 states that the earth was not not createdtohuw. Now you say that the earth was created as a desert,worthless thing or desolate, a vacuity But that directly contradicts Isaiah 45:18 that statesthe earth was not created tohuw, or as you say: desert, worthless thing, or desolate place. So tohuw in Genesis 1:2 cannot mean what you hopeit means If tohuw is not the condition that the earth wascreated in, then it should be obvious to even the dimmest among us that tohuw is the condition earth became. I don't rely on creationists stories, even though someare well researched and thought out. My church has taught me these truths. You mentioned that Adam and Eve, who had neverexperienced death, would not know what death meant. Sure they would. God told them. And, no offense, but Paul, who wrote Romans, hasbeen known by a good many of people down through the centuries. If one of you two is lying, it sure ain't him.
Phat Member Posts: 18706 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.1 |
Through providing equal opportunity to work hard and get paid.
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." ~Mark Twain " *** “…far from science having buried God, not only do the results of science point towards his existence, but the scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence.”- Dr.John Lennox “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.” “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him.” — Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Also Ringo, tell us what you think happened during
creation week. Even if you are an atheist, you must have an opinionof what you think Moses is stating. Without having your own interpretation of whathappened on each particular day, you carry little credibility when debating others.
ringo Member (Idle past 729 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
candle2 writes:
No. You don't get to decide what the "primary meaning" is. YOU were the one wo (mis)quoted Strong. I just pointed out what Strong actually said.
Tohuw's primary meaning is "to lie waste." candle2 writes:
It says no such thing:
Isaiah 45:18 states that the earth was not not createdtohuw. quote: candle2 writes:
I didn't say it. Strong did. Now you say that the earth was created as a desert,worthless thing or desolate, a vacuity candle2 writes:
I quoted it above. It does not contradict what Strong said.
But that directly contradicts Isaiah 45:18 that statesthe earth was not created tohuw, or as you say: desert, worthless thing, or desolate place. candle2 writes:
Tohuw IS the condition that the earth was created in. But tohuw does NOT mean what you claim it does. You're contradicting your own source.
If tohuw is not the condition that the earth wascreated in.... candle2 writes:
You're embellishing again. There's nothing in the story to suggest that God told them anything about death. They would have to have known about it already, from observation of reality, or His threat would have been meaningless.
You mentioned that Adam and Eve, who had neverexperienced death, would not know what death meant. Sure they would. God told them. candle2 writes:
Pay attention. I didn't say he was lying. I said he was wrong. And, no offense, but Paul, who wrote Romans, hasbeen known by a good many of people down through the centuries. If one of you two is lying, it sure ain't him. "Oh no, They've gone and named my home St. Petersburg. What's going on? Where are all the friends I had? It's all wrong, I'm feeling lost like I just don't belong. Give me back, give me back my Leningrad." -- Leningrad Cowboys
ringo Member (Idle past 729 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
Where do you think minimum wage laws came from? And safe working conditions? (keyword: laws) Through providing equal opportunity to work hard and get paid. And you didn't answer the question: What do you think governments should do?"Oh no, They've gone and named my home St. Petersburg. What's going on? Where are all the friends I had? It's all wrong, I'm feeling lost like I just don't belong. Give me back, give me back my Leningrad." -- Leningrad Cowboys
ringo Member (Idle past 729 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
candle2 writes:
The story is right there in Genesis 1. But it's just a story. It didn't happen like that.
Also Ringo, tell us what you think happened duringcreation week. candle2 writes:
Moses has nothing to do with Genesis1.
Even if you are an atheist, you must have an opinionof what you think Moses is stating. candle2 writes:
I don't need "my own interpretation". YOU do because you have a preconceived notion of what you want it to say. I just go by what it DOES say. Without having your own interpretation of whathappened on each particular day, you carry little credibility when debating others. And I'll stack my credibility against yours any day of the week."Oh no, They've gone and named my home St. Petersburg. What's going on? Where are all the friends I had? It's all wrong, I'm feeling lost like I just don't belong. Give me back, give me back my Leningrad." -- Leningrad Cowboys
Phat Member Posts: 18706 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.1 |
Candle2 can you help me? I'm trying to keep on topic in all of my posts on various topics. I think that you and I and ringo should discuss this stuff over here: Message 65
Edited by Phat, : just waking up "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." ~Mark Twain " *** “…far from science having buried God, not only do the results of science point towards his existence, but the scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence.”- Dr.John Lennox “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.” “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him.” — Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You
Percy Member Posts: 23144 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
Phat writes: Do you support antisemitic or Nazi or pro-Confederacy or white supremacist conservatives? No. White lives matter too,... This buys into the conservative racist trope that BLM means that black lives matter and white lives don't.
...but whites have no need to assemble simply to protest injustices towards "whiteness". So you already understood what I just said, but you recited the racist trope anyway.
We already have the GOB (Good old Boys) network which is slowly dissolving. The good ole boy network is dissolving just as much as racism is dissolving.
That being said, I am against affirmative action... Are you against affirmative action specifically, or against any efforts to level the playing field.
...and am watching the implementation of reparations. You're don't reveal your position on this one, but it would be consistent with your other comments if you were against reparations, which is just another proposal attempting to level the playing field.
I don't believe that government should "legislate fairness". So you believe it shouldn't be against the law to refuse to sell real estate or rent apartments to blacks? Or to have one water fountain for blacks, another for whites? Or to have white schools and black schools? We should bring back separate but "equal", where equal is in quotes because what was provided to whites was far superior to that for blacks?
It causes the pendulum to swing too far the other way. The pendulum hasn't budged an inch. Perhaps the language we use has changed, we don't call them niggers anymore, but the attitudes have not.
That's one reason I am a moderate... You're not a moderate. You're a racist.
I like the pendulum somewhere in the middle. That would be nice, but the pendulum remains far to the right. If the pendulum were shaped like an arrow it would be pointed at white privilege, white supremacy, and religiously excused discrimination on the basis of race and sexual proclivity.
Are you in favor of the mistreatment of illegal immigrants on the grounds that they're not like us and don't belong here? No, but I am against any policy that makes it easier to be illegal. How much harder do you want to make it for people who have already endured hell just to get here? Where does our broken immigration system enter into your equation? What is one to do when the normal immigration process takes months to years, and that's if you're sponsored, but your family is starving now, or the cartel is threatening to kill you now? You have the compassion of devil spawn.
Are you in favor of banning books? No, but I think that any ideology taught in an institution of higher learning should be challenged in order to develop true critical thinking in students rather than left-wing exclusivity. The people banning books are religious homophobes, and the books being banned are LGBTQ books in school libraries. No institutions of higher learning are banning books (though I would find it believable about religious institutions). Where did you get that idea from?
Are you against gay marriage? No. It is a secular issue in a pluralistic society. Furthermore, the church should not interfere except within its own jurisdiction apart from the government. This is inconsistent with your other views. I have to believe it stems from something in your personal life.
Do you believe in forced birth? I don't know enough about the issue to comment. Sure you do. You know exactly what it is, but I'll spell it out for you. Forced birth is what happens when anti-abortion sentiments are codified into law. Forced birth occurs when someone wants an abortion but can't obtain one because it is against the law, and so she is forced to continue the pregnancy to term and give birth. As is happening right now. Some women even live in states where they have to pass through several other states before reaching one where they can obtain an abortion.
Do you believe abortion should be criminalized, even when performed in another state? No. Then you are against forced birth, too.
Do you believe the US is a Christian nation? If the choices were Christian, Muslim, or Secular, I would say that our upbringing was and is largely Christian. That being said, the Moral Majority led to problems for our national politics. Your "Christian nation" attitudes are obvious. Saying that "our upbringing was and is largely Christian" overstates the case. Only 65% of Americans are Christian, and that number is declining. Less than half of Americans belong to a church of any affiliation, and that number is in decline, too.
The marriage between patriotism and Christianity was not the best idea. ![]() Finally some sanity.
So how did I do? You're a typical Christian racist who doesn't believe they're racist. --PercyEdited by Percy, : Fix quoting error.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Tanyptery, my kids were no more well off than many black
kids. But, they had a father at home who loved them dearly, and who taught them the values that would help them succeed in life. Now they are doing well. And, both of them are deeply involvedin their kid's lives. Not all fathers are good though. My father shot my motherto death in front of me before turning the shotgun to his own head. I spent the next nine years of my life in an orphange. At theage of 18 I was told to go, and I had no place to go. When I first went to the orphanage (Paradise Friendly Home,in Graves County, KY.) I was scared to death of the other, larger kids. I would hide in an old 55 gallon barrel for hours at a time. I did this for numerous days. I was booted out of the army I couldn't adjust. I went throughmuch of my life drinking and doing drugs. I was in and out of jail. What I needed more than anything was a loving mother andfather. Especially a father to guide me and teach me how to become a fine young man. People won't believe this but I eventually I found the fatherthat I needed. It was and is the heavenly Father. Those who say one cannot have a relationship with Him areignorant beyond words. And, never assume that just because one is of a certain raceor ethnicity that they are mentally stronger or weaker than the others. The greatest predictor of living in povety is the absent of afather in the home. One other thing, difficult and trying times can lead to emotionalgrowth. It can also lead to a more compassionate individual.
Tanypteryx Member Posts: 4597 From: Oregon, USA Joined:
You didn't answer my question.
Here it is again.
Tanypteryx writes: candle2 writes: If you think that white privileges exists, or that systemic racism exists, show us where. How would you like it if your children are treated as if they are black or poor, in healthcare, and education, and employment, and housing, and voting, and banking, and law enforcement? If you had answered you would see where white privilege and system racism exists. Instead you made excuses so you could ignore its existence. Black children in America with good fathers still have to face systemic racism in healthcare, and education, and employment, and housing, and voting, and banking, and by law enforcement. I guess you've never heard the term, driving while black.Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned! What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python One important characteristic of a theory is that is has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --percy The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq
ringo Member (Idle past 729 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
candle2 writes:
It's easy enough to see why you needed a father figure - so much that you made one up.
People won't believe this but I eventually I found the fatherthat I needed. It was and is the heavenly Father. candle2 writes:
Of course you can have a "relationship" with an imaginary friend. It's pretty common, especially among children. Those who say one cannot have a relationship with Him areignorant beyond words. For that matter, the reason a lot of marriages fail is because the relationship is largely an idealized fantasy.
candle2 writes:
Or not. A large proportion of prison inmates come from trying times. One other thing, difficult and trying times can lead to emotionalgrowth. It can also lead to a more compassionate individual. "Oh no, They've gone and named my home St. Petersburg. What's going on? Where are all the friends I had? It's all wrong, I'm feeling lost like I just don't belong. Give me back, give me back my Leningrad." -- Leningrad Cowboys
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Tanyptery, you made the assertion white privilege and
racism exists. I simply asking you to put your money where your mouth is. Tell us in all your infinite wisdom what privileges I have thata black person doesn't have.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Ringo, many of those who are in prison were raised
without father's. And just saying that I needed a father figure sobadly that I made one up is nothing more than a cheap come-back. Some guy that believes his ancestry consists ofamoeba, hyenas, and chimps has a lot of gall in trying to convince others about life. You brain came about by random chance, nothingbut a mutation. It can't be trusted. Mine was created by God.
Phat Member Posts: 18706 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.1 |
Candle2, (and others) perhaps we should remind ourselves that belief in God is a Faith & Belief or Theism topic rather than a racism topic unless perhaps one could start an argument over Biblical Patriarchs and Sexism or slavery in the Bible and/or anti-semitism. That being said, enjoy your coffee, and don't spill any on Percy's carpet.
![]() "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." ~Mark Twain " *** “…far from science having buried God, not only do the results of science point towards his existence, but the scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence.”- Dr.John Lennox “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.” “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him.” — Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You
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