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Author | Topic: Does reversing abortion laws give all non-white Americans a better socio-economic dem | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ringo Member (Idle past 738 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
Greatest I am writes:
We already knew that. ... I do not know how to reply."Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." -- motto of the Special Olympians
dwise1 Member Posts: 6194 Joined: Member Rating: 5.4
Can you focus on your main concern? My main concern is the overabundance of BS.
So many issues that I do not know how to reply. Please try to keep up. The racists are so very concerned with non-whites "replacing" them. So much so that they are doing everything they can to firmly establish their rule of the minority. Their greatest fear is democracy. If non-whites form the clear majority in a democracy (ie, where every qualifying citizen can vote), then they view whites as being out-voted all the time. Even though so many of the things that would be voted on have nothing to do with race. But if whites lose the reproduction race against non-whites, then they see themselves losing if democracy is the rule. That is one reason why they want to get rid of democracy and to establish and cement their own rule of the minority. They want their own white minority to still be able to rule over everybody, even if the majority is non-white. BTW, by "white" I also read WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. For so long, racism was based on nationality, not on the color of your skin. Hence the discrimination against Italians, the Irish, and Jews. I'm primarily Celtic (half Scottish and the other half mainly Irish with a sliver of German (though possibly Jewish if my sister's suspicions are right)) so [voice=Mike Myers being hyper-Scottish]fuck you, you bloody Saxons![/voice]. It's only been within part of this past century that it has become a matter of skin color, which is admittedly a much easier way to determine whether to discriminate. Though they still hate the Jews so very much. Must be jealousy. I remember a scene in a movie, possibly "Cast a Giant Shadow" (failing the consulting-Wikipedia-in-a-conversation test here, since I'm going completely on memory), about the formation of the state of Israel. Paul Newman is a Zionist (and hence Jewish) who encounters Peter Lawford as a British officer. Lawford makes a statement that he can spot a Jew a mile away. Newman feigns that he has something in his eye and asks Lawford to check on it. Lawford obliges and his "Jew-dar" completely fails him. So while non-whites could possibly out-breed us (yes, I just switched to including non-WASPs), white supremacists want to change politics to enable them to remain in power by subverting democracy. But breeder farms, which is what Lebensborn ("Fountain of Life") basically was a Nazi (AKA "national-socialist") form of. Why aren't they pushing for that as a way to out-breed the non-whites? As I've seen depicted, not many Aryan women would willingly prostitute themselves in that manner, though the depiction in Europa Europa shows them being encouraged to do so (the protagonist, a young Jew trying to pass as a good Nazi youth, is in love with a beautiful girl, but giving in to his desires would blow his cover -- the final scene of him in a bonding piss with his long-lost brother finally revealed to me after so many decades of "huh?" the Ghostbusters joke about not crossing the streams). What I've seen depicted (eg, in X Company about a resistance cell operating out of Camp X and communicating through Hydra) is that properly vetted young "Aryan" women in occupied countries were "volunteered" 1 into such reproductive "service". Similarly (also depicted in X Company) young "Aryan" children would be abducted and adopted by Nazi foster parents.
The US Marine Corps has always prided itself as being an all-volunteer service. Yet the personal testimonies I've heard refer to a group of draftees in a room when a Marine sergeant enters and points to specific draftees saying, "You, you, and you. You've just volunteer for the Marine Corps." Being "volunteered" for something is a standard military joke (35-year military veteran speaking here, albeit with 29 years of reserve duty). In one of those personal testimonies (from WWII), the draftee's group after having been whittled down had an officer enter to administer the oath of enlistment: "You are being enlisted in the US Navy. Raise your right hand." And they raised both hands with a "Hallelujah!" So if they're so eager to out-breed the non-whites, where are the whites-only breeder farms? What is their version of Lebensborn? The Nazis were so well organized, so why can't our Latter-Day Nazis get their most basic acts together? At the very least, the self-documentation of their misdeeds is most excellent, as the Jan-6 committee has been finding. You can always count on Nazis for really good documentation (the death camps were run on IBM software, after all).Edited by dwise1, : Added "in occupied countries" to "Aryan-enough" women being forced into Nazi breeder farms, the Lebensborn
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
We live in a dualistic system.
The stupid do not see the good and evil in all concepts. The less astute do not decide if something is more good than evil. Your selfishness, as well as everyone else's, is what keeps us evolving. Ignore your selfishness and be ashamed of what has kept you alive, dummy. RegardsDL
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
I alluded to how more non-whites are aborted than whites.
Stats I have supplied elsewhere were ignored because they did not like the source. I am quite happy to see whatever stats you have that show more whites being aborted in the U.S. than non-whites. I will likely trust your source. RegardsDL
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
Fuck you.
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
Thanks for your opinion on racists.
I do not agree with much of it. Did you have a specific issue on the white right racists shooting themselves in the foot? RegardsDL
dwise1 Member Posts: 6194 Joined: Member Rating: 5.4
Jessica H. Christ!
What don't you understand? If you are incapable of thinking, why would you ever try to engage in any feigned attempt at discussion?
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
Stop talking of yourself while writing.
Get on topic, or just fuck off. RegardsDL
dwise1 Member Posts: 6194 Joined: Member Rating: 5.4
If you cannot keep up, then you should fuck off yourself.
Or stop and think for a moment. If that is at all possible for you.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined:
You made the assertion you need to provide the source data.
Or just crawl back under your rock.What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts "God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness. If your viewpoint has merits and facts to back it up why would you have to lie?
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined:
This is about all you have. I guess you might as well go with it.
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts "God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness. If your viewpoint has merits and facts to back it up why would you have to lie?
AZPaul3 Member Posts: 8716 From: Phoenix Joined: Member Rating: 4.9
We live in a dualistic system. No, we don’t. And that’s not the least of your philosophical misunderstandings.
The stupid do not see the good and evil in all concepts. Nor do the stupid see the grave disparity between good and evil that exists in a whole lot of human concepts. Like the stupidity of racists. They are so steeped in evil they think human suffering is to be encouraged in society.
The less astute do not decide if something is more good than evil. That is the call of society. Racism is evil. Your racial views are disruptive to society and, given the bloody history, are lethal to the population. Your racist actions have been made illegal by this society. Your racist views are anathema to society and need to be aggressively opposed.
Your selfishness, as well as everyone else's, is what keeps us evolving. Oh you poor sick puppy. Your delusions are deep and … so fucking dumb.Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
We live in a dualistic system.
No, we don’t. And that’s not the least of your philosophical misunderstandings. I believe as the 94% believe. Religion Has No Earthly Purpose, So Why Do We Cling to It? | Reza Aslan | Big Think I can think of much duality around me. Hot/cold etc. I am open to any thing you can name that I cannot see the duality of. Put your money where your stupid mouth is. Beat 94%. RegardsDL
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
Like the stupidity of racists. They are so steeped in evil they think human suffering is to be encouraged in society.
Can I see a link to who said this please. There are some benefits to stress in some natural systems, think coral reefs and how predation makes it produce at it's best, but no human has ever set a limit to how much the rich can predate the poor. That is some kind of Qanon/Illuminati thinking. I cannot see anyone saying such. RegardsDL
Greatest I am Member (Idle past 600 days) Posts: 1676 Joined: |
Your selfishness, as well as everyone else's, is what keeps us evolving.
Oh you poor sick puppy. Your delusions are deep and … so fucking dumb. If not a selfish desire, what do you think drives your evolution? What, if not a selfish desire to win at our debate, is making you post at all? RegardsDL
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