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Author Topic:   Moving to New Server
Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 1 of 131 (895169)
06-10-2022 2:43 PM

The operating system for our current server is being EOL'd, so we're moving to a new server running AlmaLinux 8.4.
Everything's been moved over to the new server, it's ready to go, but it takes a while for the website's new IP address to propagate across the Internet. Some of you will be using the new server before the end of the day, for others it will take longer, potentially a few days. The changeover will be transparent. You won't notice a thing.
Please post any issues/problems to this thread.

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 2 of 131 (895170)
06-10-2022 3:00 PM

What Server Am I On?
For those curious about whether they are using the new or the old server, here's some information:
Old Server's IP Address66.148.117.70
New Server's IP Address66.148.122.44
If you're on a laptop or desktop, on Windows bring up a cmd window, now called a PowerShell. On a Mac bring up a Terminal window. This command works on both Windows and Mac:
You'll see this output for the old server:
Non-authoritative answer:
The website's IP address is on the last line.

EvC Forum Director

Replies to this message:
 Message 3 by nwr, posted 06-10-2022 3:13 PM Admin has replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 4 of 131 (895172)
06-10-2022 5:06 PM
Reply to: Message 3 by nwr
06-10-2022 3:13 PM

Re: What Server Am I On?
I should have mentioned there are no SSL/TLS certificates yet. The certificates have to be issued under the domain name, not the IP, and the nameserver update hasn't propagated to the server yet. I'll issue them as soon as I can, but we're going to be away this weekend and my time will be limited.

EvC Forum Director

This message is a reply to:
 Message 3 by nwr, posted 06-10-2022 3:13 PM nwr has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 5 of 131 (895175)
06-11-2022 6:45 AM

According to a DNS checker I just ran, the new IP address hasn't yet propagated anywhere in the world. That seems pretty slow. I'll check again later.

EvC Forum Director

Replies to this message:
 Message 6 by nwr, posted 06-11-2022 9:11 AM Admin has replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 7 of 131 (895188)
06-14-2022 11:59 AM
Reply to: Message 6 by nwr
06-11-2022 9:11 AM

Re: Status
The registrar for our domain experienced a hiccup. The new IP is now propagating around the world (only four days after I originally made the change) and everyone should be seeing it soon. You will likely get a security warning until I install the SSL/TLS certificates, which I'm doing now.

EvC Forum Director

This message is a reply to:
 Message 6 by nwr, posted 06-11-2022 9:11 AM nwr has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 8 by ringo, posted 06-14-2022 12:02 PM Admin has replied
 Message 14 by nwr, posted 06-14-2022 2:03 PM Admin has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 9 of 131 (895190)
06-14-2022 12:22 PM
Reply to: Message 8 by ringo
06-14-2022 12:02 PM

Re: Status
Certificates are in place, you should already have been redirected to https. Thanks for the feedback.
nwr, I'm not sure, but you may need to remove the entry from your hosts file before the security warning goes away.

EvC Forum Director

This message is a reply to:
 Message 8 by ringo, posted 06-14-2022 12:02 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 10 by ringo, posted 06-14-2022 12:41 PM Admin has replied
 Message 15 by nwr, posted 06-14-2022 2:05 PM Admin has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 11 of 131 (895194)
06-14-2022 12:50 PM
Reply to: Message 10 by ringo
06-14-2022 12:41 PM

Re: Status
Well, that's a new one. Thanks for letting me know.
This message posted as ringo, but when you were entering it was it still calling you Admin?

EvC Forum Director

This message is a reply to:
 Message 10 by ringo, posted 06-14-2022 12:41 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 12 by ringo, posted 06-14-2022 12:52 PM Admin has replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 13 of 131 (895196)
06-14-2022 1:03 PM

Welcome Message is Probably Erroneous
I'm tracking down the bug now, but where it say "Welcome, Admin!" at the top, that's probably a bug. You're not really logged in as Admin. Should be fixed soon.

EvC Forum Director

Replies to this message:
 Message 16 by nwr, posted 06-14-2022 2:20 PM Admin has replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 20 of 131 (895217)
06-15-2022 12:28 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by ringo
06-14-2022 12:52 PM

Re: Status
The "Welcome, Admin" problem is fixed, moving on to next problem.

EvC Forum Director

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 Message 12 by ringo, posted 06-14-2022 12:52 PM ringo has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 21 of 131 (895218)
06-15-2022 12:48 PM
Reply to: Message 16 by nwr
06-14-2022 2:20 PM

Re: Welcome Message is Probably Erroneous
I'm unable to reproduce this problem myself. Is the blue arrow problem still there? If so then I suspect a DNS problem. If you use Chrome, could you try resetting Chrome's DNS cache, because it is possible that "" and "" are not pointing to the same IP address in Chrome's DNS cache. Reset it like this:
  1. Type "chrome://net-internals/#dns" into Chrome's address box and hit return.
  2. On the webpage that comes up click on the "Clear host cache" button
If you don't use Chrome then please tell me which browser you useq and I'll figure out how to reset its DNS cache.
If you have your own way of checking if the problem is fixed then use that, but if not then try this:
  1. Click on the "Announcements" link near the top of this page that's on the context line. This will display the threads of the "Announcements" forum.
  2. On the line for Moving to New Server click on the yellow folder. This will mark all the messages in the thread unread, and it will change to the light blue right arrow.
  3. Click on the light blue right arrow for Moving to New Server, which will bring you to page 1 of the thread.
  4. Click on the "Announcements" link to again display the threads of the "Announcements" forum.
  5. Click on the light blue right arrow for Moving to New Server again, which this time should bring you to page 2 of the thread.
  6. Click on the "Announcements" link to again display the threads of the "Announcements" forum. There should now be a dark blue down arrow for Moving to New Server.
Hopefully it's fixed, but if not let me know and I'll look into it further.

EvC Forum Director

This message is a reply to:
 Message 16 by nwr, posted 06-14-2022 2:20 PM nwr has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 22 by nwr, posted 06-15-2022 2:17 PM Admin has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 26 of 131 (895274)
06-19-2022 2:33 PM
Reply to: Message 24 by dwise1
06-18-2022 7:44 PM

Re: Spell Checking
The spelling stuff is specific to your computer. If you're not seeing wavy red underlining of misspelled words in the reply box for EvC Forum then you shouldn't see it when typing text anywhere else, either. For instance, mistype a word into the Google search box and normally you would see wavy red underlining there, but if you're not seeing it in the EvC Forum reply box then you shouldn't see it there, either. You should see it in both places or neither place.

EvC Forum Director

This message is a reply to:
 Message 24 by dwise1, posted 06-18-2022 7:44 PM dwise1 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 27 by dwise1, posted 06-19-2022 2:50 PM Admin has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 30 of 131 (895469)
06-30-2022 11:23 AM

Database Has Been Moved to New Server
The database has been moved from the old server to the new. We are now running off the version of the database on the new server. Please post any problems to this thread.

EvC Forum Director

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 31 of 131 (895662)
07-10-2022 10:52 AM

Move to New Server Fully Completed
EvC Forum is now running on the new server with no dependencies on the old. I decommissioned (deleted) the old server yesterday and it no longer exists (it was a virtual server, as is this one).
The new server has a couple additional features provided by an updated control panel that make it much more secure. The reason we moved to a new server was because while investigating persistent break-ins I discovered that the OS on the old server was being EOL'd, and so we'd have to move because though I could continue using the EOL'd OS, software providers would no longer support their software on it. In fact, this had already happened for the server's control panel, which stopped receiving updates around a year ago, as also had the firewall, which perhaps created a weakness that was exploited to break in.
The new server is running Almalinux 8.6. Almalinux is an open source version of Linux intended to fill the gap left by the EOL of Centos, our old OS. It calls itself a "1:1 binary compatible clone of RHEL" (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Hopefully it will be around for a long time.

EvC Forum Director

Replies to this message:
 Message 32 by AZPaul3, posted 07-10-2022 11:02 AM Admin has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 33 of 131 (895694)
07-11-2022 11:49 AM

Thanks. The latest control panel features made moving the website itself over pretty easy. More challenging was becoming familiar with a bunch of behind-the-scenes changes related to security.

EvC Forum Director

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 34 of 131 (895725)
07-15-2022 1:09 PM

Minor Update
In a minute or two I'll be releasing minor changes that affect a lot of files. Please report any problems here.

EvC Forum Director

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