I don't know much about written Hebrew so I was wondering how many characters it takes to form a phrase like those found in the Bible Codes. My understanding is that written Hebrew is more syllabic than character based like english is. What I am trying to get at is this, if it only takes 3 characters to spell out a word/phrase compared to 15 characters for english phrases in Moby Dick, is it fair comparing codes written in hebrew versus code written in english? Or better yet, wouldn't it be more accurate to translate Moby Dick to hebrew and then look for codes?
Secondly, recently on the Discovery Channel they had a program about the Bible codes. They compared the improbability of of their codes to "monkey text", or code that would represent a random series. If Hebrew is like english, then certain characters could be overrepresented in grammatic Hebrew as compared to random Hebrew letters. In fact, what they should compare the improbability of the codes to what they consider non-inspired Hebrew writing from the same time period.
I'm not really trying to refute any specific points, but rather trying to get a handle on the language being studied. Hope this is clear.