you've made probably one of the more profound points in the history of this site; if god did not exist, atheists would not have to declare he did not exist. by saying god does not exist, you are leaving a shadow for an entity you obviously acknowledge. so atheists are actually god believing deists. really fascinating.
Exactly. This is how we know the entire Greek Pantheon of gods are all real... Zeus, Poseidon, Appollon, Artemis, etc. If you acknowledge their non-existence then you are in fact secretly acknowledging their existence. Brilliant argument, PRC. Couldn't agree more... All hail the gods!!! Pantheism is the way, the truth and the life!!!! Nobody comes to the Fathers/Mothers but through all of them!
Edited by Hyroglyphx, : No reason given.
"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine