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Author Topic:   Covid-19 and religion.
Suspended Member (Idle past 1764 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 91 of 143 (873323)
03-14-2020 9:18 AM
Reply to: Message 89 by frako
03-13-2020 6:57 PM

Re: A political side to it
I don't recall that he said everyone will be tested. It's supposed to be according to doctor's decision I thought.
What he's doing is encouraging the private sector to develop testing methods since those in place have been inadequate.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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Suspended Member (Idle past 1764 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
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Message 92 of 143 (873324)
03-14-2020 9:34 AM

I said NOTHING about taking NO MEASURES. Where did I say such a thing? All I said was that the level of hysteria seems to be excessive, not that we shouldn't take measures. The point was that Obama didn't declare a national emergency until after a thousand Americans had died, and then the number climbed to 18,000 and nobody criticized Obama!. But Trump is getting the usual bashing although he acted already back in January to shut off travel from China. Biden even criticized him for doing THAT. The hysteria continues because of the Trump bashing mentality, that's the point, since there isn't any other point, entry shut down, forty deaths and less than 2000 cases but the snark doesn't stop. The Left doesn't care a bit about Americans, just bashing Trump.
And how of course he's gone much further. In the last few days he shut down travel from Europe and yesterday he declared a national emergency, putting in place a long list of very useful sounding measures. He's been on top of it from the beginning but the Left will give him no credit for ANYTHING.l Doesn't matter what he says, some fault will be found with it although it's perfectly good statement. We see this on this thread. But of coruse we've seen it over the last three years in the fake news headlines and the Mueller fraud and the Impeachment fraud. ALL about perfectly reasonable or innocent remarks by Trump turned into some kind of fault or criminal act. There really should be laws against this crap.
It may be that his latest actions are excessive, wait and see. It can't hurt though, if they're excessive we'll find out soon enough and be able to decrease as the number of cases decreases. Meanwhile, people on my side are strongly in favor of the measures he's taken as setting a precedent for future epidemics. I'm sure the Left will find nothing good to say of course, but the Right appreciates the speed of response he's made possibly through the private sector with the reduction of regulations and red tape.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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 Message 94 by DrJones*, posted 03-14-2020 2:15 PM Faith has not replied

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Message 93 of 143 (873337)
03-14-2020 1:39 PM

Face to face classes canceled
Well, here's my personal update.
This coming week, we are on Spring Break. When the University reopens, we will not have classes face-to-face; we will be doing as much as we can online.
The plan is to reopen in April, but that can change as the situation is reassessed. Personally, I suspect We're going to remain online until the end of the semester, especially now that I read this morning that the CDC is recommending that schools close for a minimum of eight weeks.
The point, of course, is to slow the spread of the virus so that medical services aren't overwhelmed. So day-to-day operations will continue, and faculty can still come to the office to work. Individual students may come to office hours if the faculty is willing.
But anything involving groups gathering are cancelled: face - to-face classes, extracurricular activities, sponsored events like talks and concerts, and so forth.
Heh. The supermarket I go to had a notice at the cash register this morning: they're expecting their next shipment of hand sanitizer and wipes Week after next.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. -- Richard Feynman

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Message 94 of 143 (873338)
03-14-2020 2:15 PM
Reply to: Message 92 by Faith
03-14-2020 9:34 AM

ALL about perfectly reasonable or innocent remarks by Trump turned into some kind of fault or criminal act.
when you lie all the time, it's only natural that people start to doubt what you say.

It's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds
soon I discovered that this rock thing was true
Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet
All of a sudden i found myself in love with the world
And so there was only one thing I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang along ling long - Jesus Built my Hotrod Ministry
Live every week like it's Shark Week! - Tracey Jordan
Just a monkey in a long line of kings. - Matthew Good
If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest motherfucker in the room", I'll be an elitist! - Get Your War On
*not an actual doctor

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Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 95 of 143 (873339)
03-14-2020 3:45 PM
Reply to: Message 91 by Faith
03-14-2020 9:18 AM

Re: A political side to it
I don't recall that he said everyone will be tested.
He is constantly spouting anyone that wants to be tested can get tested. But even with a doctors decision not everyone can.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
What are the Christians gonna do to me ..... Forgive me, good luck with that.

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 Message 91 by Faith, posted 03-14-2020 9:18 AM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 1344 days)
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From: Prague, Czech Republic
Joined: 10-22-2008

Message 96 of 143 (873341)
03-14-2020 5:50 PM
Reply to: Message 84 by Faith
03-13-2020 1:09 PM

Re: A political side to it
If the hubbub over the swine flu was so huge it's funny I don't remember it.
A thousand people had died before Obama did anything about it, and 18,000 by the time it was over. 60 million were infected. Some hubbub might have been in order under those circumstances.
Put like that, we should be in a state of constant panic. Most estimates suggest there were not any more deaths due to flu in 2009 than in a typical year.
I agree that much of the reaction to this virus is over-the-top.

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 Message 98 by Faith, posted 03-15-2020 4:42 AM caffeine has not replied

Posts: 6188
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Message 97 of 143 (873343)
03-15-2020 2:02 AM
Reply to: Message 84 by Faith
03-13-2020 1:09 PM

Re: A political side to it
But here we've got, what, 40 deaths, FORTY, and the whole nation is shut down. Less than two thousand infected? And the whole nation is shut down?
First, just could you possibly know how many people in the US are infected? How could anybody possibly know when we've hardly tested anyone? Until we start large-scale testing we will have no idea how many people are infected.
Second, do you notice who it is that's shutting down the nation? Not the federal government. Rather, it's state and local governments, local organizations and businesses, and individuals. Why are they taking it upon themselves to act to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus? Because they have to. Because of the glaring lack of leadership from the White House.
So why is everybody panicking? Because of the glaring lack of leadership from the White House. Three years of Trump constantly lying is catching up with him now. He's trying to bullshit-lie his way out of this crisis and it's not working this time. Before, they were willing to overlook his incompetence because he was juicing up the stock market (which is not the real economy) and making their 401(k) and IRA accounts fatter, but now they're floundering because of this (mine has dropped about $50,000). They know better than to trust anything that comes out of his lying mouth. He has no credibility. His public statements are still lies and misinformation that contradict what the experts tell us. Instead of seeing to it that the people will not starve and end up on the street and not even be able to be tested or even just plain let the people know what's happening, Trump kept worrying about the stock market and about bailing out corporations and about keeping the reported numbers low (to the point that that is the reason he wanted to keep US citizens on that cruise ship, so that the number of cases would not go up and make him look bad). And he explicitly refused to accept responsibility for anything. Obama left him with an organization to handle such an outbreak and Trump scrapped it two years ago. We had a research team that was working on a coronavirus vaccine (we've known about them for a long time) and he got rid of them a couple years ago, along with the groundwork for a vaccine that is now about a year and a half away. The World Health Organization (WHO) came out with a test for the virus which it made available to many countries, but the US decided to reject it in favor of their own, which is just now starting to show up two months later! That's two months of lost time! Plus, instead of preparing for the impact this can have on our healthcare system, Trump was too busy trying to wish it away to the cornfield. He only just now finally got around to declaring a national emergency. Too little too late.
So of course the public is panicking, what with Trump at the helm. We need the President to take command of the situation and Trump is failing us, very bigly.
Now, if you want to compare Obama and H1N1 (swine flu) with Trump and COVID-19, here are a couple pages:
Compare the two cases in terms of what actions were taken and when.

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 Message 84 by Faith, posted 03-13-2020 1:09 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 99 by Faith, posted 03-15-2020 4:46 AM dwise1 has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1764 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 98 of 143 (873354)
03-15-2020 4:42 AM
Reply to: Message 96 by caffeine
03-14-2020 5:50 PM

Re: A political side to it
A thousand people had died before Obama did anything about it, and 18,000 by the time it was over. 60 million were infected. Some hubbub might have been in order under those circumstances.
Put like that, we should be in a state of constant panic. Most estimates suggest there were not any more deaths due to flu in 2009 than in a typical year.
Well, I should probably tone down the hubbub bit, since all I really meant was that we needed more organized ways of addressing the problem. But yes you are right about the flu, and that's true now as well. In a way we could ask why make such a fuss about a new virus when the flu kills more of us every year anway.
But I suppose we could argue that we really don't know enough about this Covid virus yet and the more measures taken to protect us the better. I'm likely to have a selfish resonse I suppose since I'm so near the age group that dies from it. ( HOWEVER, somebody pointed out that far more in this age group die of the flu than any of these novel viruses anyway.)
I agree that much of the reaction to this virus is over-the-top.
Thanks, I often find your comments reasonable and fair, by the way.

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 Message 102 by PaulK, posted 03-15-2020 7:04 AM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1764 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 99 of 143 (873355)
03-15-2020 4:46 AM
Reply to: Message 97 by dwise1
03-15-2020 2:02 AM

Re: A political side to it
You write such offensive stuff I have little motivation to read any of it. I am curious, however, about what's in your links. BUT I'm not going to go there, they ARE bare links, so would you please quote the essential point in each one?

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Message 100 of 143 (873371)
03-15-2020 6:01 AM
Reply to: Message 99 by Faith
03-15-2020 4:46 AM

Re: A political side to it
You write such offensive stuff I have little motivation to read any of it.
Yeah, well, you are so flagrantly offended by the facts. Sorry, that's your problem.
I am curious, however, about what's in your links.
What the fuck is your problem? It's a fucking link! FOLLOW IT!
You clutching your pearls and acting so fake-offended does nothing more than expose your hypocrisy. Gee, what did Jesus say about hypocrites? But then what should you care about what Christian doctrine actually teaches?

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 Message 101 by Tangle, posted 03-15-2020 6:46 AM dwise1 has not replied

Posts: 9629
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Message 101 of 143 (873374)
03-15-2020 6:46 AM
Reply to: Message 100 by dwise1
03-15-2020 6:01 AM

Re: A political side to it
Please delete that dwise1

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Message 102 of 143 (873375)
03-15-2020 7:04 AM
Reply to: Message 98 by Faith
03-15-2020 4:42 AM

Re: A political side to it
In a way we could ask why make such a fuss about a new virus when the flu kills more of us every year anway.
Because Covid-19 is likely to kill more of us. It seems to be considerably more lethal than ordinary flu and vaccines won’t be available until next year.

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 Message 103 by jar, posted 03-15-2020 8:29 AM PaulK has not replied
 Message 104 by Dogmafood, posted 03-15-2020 9:04 AM PaulK has replied

Member (Idle past 159 days)
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Message 103 of 143 (873377)
03-15-2020 8:29 AM
Reply to: Message 102 by PaulK
03-15-2020 7:04 AM

Re: A political side to it
Available next year AT earliest. Every year we try to predict which strains of the annual flu will be the biggest concern and there is still no universal flu vaccine. We already know of at least two different EVOLVED strains of Covid-19.
Edited by jar, : no e in flu; stupid spell check

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Posts: 1815
From: Ontario Canada
Joined: 08-04-2010

Message 104 of 143 (873380)
03-15-2020 9:04 AM
Reply to: Message 102 by PaulK
03-15-2020 7:04 AM

Re: A political side to it
Because Covid-19 is likely to kill more of us. It seems to be considerably more lethal than ordinary flu and vaccines won’t be available until next year.
Except now that the hockey season has been cancelled the Canadians are seriously motivated and indeed the U of S has already started animal trials.COVID-19 vaccine a possibility as work continues at U of S | 650 CKOM.
Seriously though how accurate is the estimated mortality rate given that we don't really know how many people have been infected?

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 Message 105 by PaulK, posted 03-15-2020 9:23 AM Dogmafood has seen this message but not replied
 Message 124 by Taq, posted 03-16-2020 2:16 PM Dogmafood has seen this message but not replied

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Message 105 of 143 (873381)
03-15-2020 9:23 AM
Reply to: Message 104 by Dogmafood
03-15-2020 9:04 AM

Re: A political side to it
It doesn’t have to be that accurate. Flu has a mortality rate around 0.1%. Even 0.5% for Covid-19 would be significantly higher, and it looks like somewhere around 1% is the best estimate right now.

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