Does anyone still think that if on the very very unlikely chance il Donald was Impeached that he would accept that and step down?
Pedantic. Trump will be impeached by the House, but it is doubtful he would be convicted by the Senate.
Your question is: if Trump is convicted by the Senate would he accept that and step down?
Doesn't matter what Trump says or does at that point. As soon as the Senate says "guilty" he is no longer president, automatically without any delay or appeal, and Mike Pence becomes president.
If you were president would *you* let someone else occupy your Oval Office? If you were president, legally, constitutionally, officially, would you let someone else usurp your authority? Do you think Mike Pence lacks the political ego that he would say "Naw, I don't want the job,"?
Not going to happen. First official act of Pence Presidency would be to order US marshals to remove the usurper, bodily if necessary. And they would comply as is their duty, their pledge, their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Does anyone think that the Senate NOT Impeaching il Donald would simply be validation that il Donald really could shoot someone in front of Trump Tower at midday midweek and not lose ANY support?
Lose support from the die hard Trumpettes? Who cares. From the general public ... absurd.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.
Eschew obfuscation. Habituate elucidation.