according to C S Lewis the spiritiual is the real reality.
Not even. But we already know religious types have the entire world bass-akwards.
If this spirituality were reality then all spirituality, like the moon, would be the same everywhere. We wouldn't have thousands of conflicting often violent cults all springing from the same spiritual base.
It is the different fantasies of spirituality in the human mind that leads directly to the spiritual conflicts of the cults.
Good deeds get rewarded in unexpected ways, bad deeds are followed by various kinds of thwartings and disappointments.
This is a form of cognitive dissonance. If you feel guilty you will find your punishment *somewhere* whether related or not. All you have to do is wait and something will get you. That is a constant of life in this universe.
You drop your toast butter-side down. That's your punishment for thinking ill of your neighbor. A flower pot falling from a second story window does not hit you, just misses your head. That's your reward for helping that old lady with her heavy boxes.
The fact that both of those instances would have happened to you regardless of any actions you took doesn't even occur to you. You are looking for a connection so you await an instance, any instance that would have happened regardless, to attribute to this spiritual connection.
This is a known human psychological thing. Everyone goes through these things. Even someone as brilliantly un-spiritual and reality-based as myself has to wonder what I did to piss-off the universe that it gave me a flat tire. The damn prick.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.
Eschew obfuscation. Habituate elucidation.