And someday when people have failed without God, ...
And someday when people have failed without Zeus, ...
And someday when people have failed without Wotan (AKA "Odin", who literally gave his right eye in order to learn the secret of the Runes (just for
you), ...
And someday when people have failed without Ahura Mazda, the Lord of Light, ...
And someday when people have failed without Krishna, ...
And someday when people have failed without the Tao, ...
And someday when people have failed without Vishnu, ...
And someday when people have failed without Bel and Anu (the actual divine sources of Mosaic Law), ...
And someday when people have failed without any one of the more than thousands of gods that have ever existed (because Man has created them all), ...
In your paradigm, you the theist would need to have chosen the one correct god. Because if you were so fuelish as to choose one of the thousands-minus-one of the thousands of possible gods, then your version of the "secular humanist" scenario would never ever come into play. Rather, what would be playing would be your own scenario of people failing without the proper god. And you are completely unable to truly choose that one proper god.
... , the secular humanists will blame the behavior of the humans in bringing about the tough times rather than the idea that it is a spiritual war and must happen.
Of course, you can offer no alternative, since you have to weigh in which to determine which one of the thousands of gods to choose to follow.
But think about this for a moment. In your scenario, the secular humanist is trying to analyze the problem, to determine its cause, and to propose a solution. You instead call for spiritual war and want no other outcome than horrendous bloodshed. Wouldn't it be more rational to try to seek a solution?
Edited by dwise1, : Farking icehole of a censor!
Edited by dwise1, : Damned homophones!