Dredge writes:
Stile writes:
Your test doesn't align with the claim.
The fact of the matter is, if you don’t know how to breed ancients “rodents” into a whale, you don’t know how whales evolved and you don't know how macroevolution occurs.
Of course not.
One can easily know how macroevolution occurs without knowing how to breed ancient "rodents" into a whale.
If you want to learn how macroevolution occurs - you should start by asking how macroevolution occurs.
The answer begins relatively simply: Natural selection + mutations + time.
By Stile in Message 5
Just as one can easily know how electricity works without knowing how to build a nuclear power plant (thanks, Tanypteryx!)
Your "fact" is contradicted by reality.
Really puts a damper on your credibility.
Dredge writes:
Point 1 makes some sense - except you have absolutely no idea how large the rodent population must be. So there’s problem No. 1 for any potential breeding program. If you don’t know how large the initial population must be, this means your knowledge of how macroevolution occurs is based on a certain degree of ignorance and guesswork.
Points 2-4 are irrelevant - artificial selection means you don’t need to reply on natural selection. If you don’t know how to artificially select the rodents you need to breed them towards whale-ness, this demonstrates that you don’t know how your alleged evolution occurred.
Point 5 indicates that you don’t know how an ancient “rodent” evolved to eventually become a whale. You’re just stabbing in the dark and hoping for the best.
Point 6 indicates that your so-called knowledge of whale evolution and how macroevolution occurs is childishly simplistic, based on blind faith and pseudo-science.
Your issues are all about specifics that don't matter for knowing how macroevolution works.
Your issues are about detailed specifics on the precise microevolution steps on how rodent-to-whale evolution happened. All of such detailed specifics aren't known, and aren't need to be known in order to understand the macroevolution involved.
You were the one who said "unlimited time" was available.
In "unlimited time" all these items can be figured out.
-population size not large enough? -start over with a larger initial population
-mutations not occurring to produce the following stages as the fossil record shows? -start over and allow the random mutations to try again
-just keep trying, over and over, until the random mutations duplicate what they did before -if it doesn't work, start over and try again
-use breeding-selection instead of natural selection to keep the large-enough populations that naturally mutate according to the fossil record
-voila - a large population of whales
Your credibility dives once again - this time caught by your own rule
Therefore, the answer to your question on the macroevolution involved in going from rodent-to-whale still stands, no changes required:
The explanation of your test, however, also begins relatively simply:
1. Start with a very large population of rodents - equivalent to that when such rodents roamed the earth.
2. Provide an environment equivalent to that when such rodents roamed the earth.
3. Provide selection pressures equivalent to that when such rodents roamed the earth.
4. Wait for the populations to reproduce and evolve due to selection pressures and mutations.
5. If the progressive evolution of the rodent into a whale isn't matching what occurred the 1 time it previously happened at any point in the "unlimited time" available for the breeding - kill off all creatures and begin again at step 1.
-due to the random nature of mutations, this is expected to occur many, many times before it matches the 1 time it previously happened again.
6. Viola - a large population of whales.
By Stile in Message 5
You need to work on your replies.
You very rarely make a reply that requires a change in the post you replied to.
You seem unable to point out any issues that actually matter.
Only issues that are made up. Such irrelevant protests are easily swept aside simply by repeating the correct answer.