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Author | Topic: Any practical use for Universal Common Ancestor? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
Anyways, none of that weakens my argument: There is no fossil record of evolutionary ancestors for the many novel phyla that appeared during and after the Cambrian explosion. For example, trilobites, fish and insects seemingly appeared out of nowhere.
Please describe the genus and species of your Cambrian insects. I'd also like to see your documentation of a Cambrian trout. And an explanation of why the Edicaran-type of fauna could not be precursors to the Cambrian ones.
The best scientific argument for this evidence is genetic engineering performed by aliens (and not Darwinian evolution, which is little more than a glorified version of the nineteenth-century superstition of spontaneous generation).
According to you. As yet, you have provided no evidence of such aliens. You have no mechanism.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
I suggest Karl Popper's grasp of the English language is pathetic - I understand very little of the above statement.
Few people really understand Popper, though creationists often think they do. That's because he was a philosopher. He had no laboratory. But his grasp of English was fine. Your inability to comprehend has nothing to do with that.
One hundred and fifty years ago, the Darwinian explanation prevailed in primitive minds, but Darwin et al had no concept of advanced aliens from outer space and no experience of UFOs, but these days we know better.
Some of us, yes.
The best scientific explanation for the history of life on earth is that it is the result of billions of years of aliens having fun with genetic engineering.
Yes, you said that.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
Really? According to Gunter Bechley, there is no evidence whatsoever of evolutionary ancestors of insects.
But you know that they appeared in the Cambrian Period, yes?
Are you going to ignore the opinion of this world-renowned paleontologist (who has three insects named after him)?
Everyone has an opinion and he is entitled to his. The question is, what can you bring to the table here besides the opinions of others? You could do a little research outside the confines of your little creationist box, however. Evolution of insects - Wikipedia Edited by edge, : No reason given.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
Did I say that?
It would be the only way that your argument would be supported.
1. There are plenty of transitional fossils. Every fossil is a transitional.
Not really, but we'll let that go for a while.
But their paucity suggests very large jumps have occurred, ...
And the incompleteness of the fossil record makes that understandable. What is the problem? Unless, that is, you think that the fossil record is complete ...
... which doesn't suggest a steady process of biological evolution.
Who said it was steady? Oh, that's right! YOU said so.
In others words, genetic engineering is a much better explanation of the evidence.
Fine with me. Where's the evidence?
2. Fossils tell us ZERO about what caused evolution.
No, but known mechanisms occur. Your mechanism is unknown and unsupported.
The Darwinian explanation is not confirmed in the slightest by fossils.
That's because there's more to it than just the fossils. You guys can't seem to get anything right, yes?
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
Fossils of evidence of Darwinian evolution, progressive creation and genetic engineering by aliens.
I await your evidence. Still. Edited by edge, : No reason given.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
We know there is no known fossil evidence for evolution from E to C. Your evolution model relies on evidence that doesn't exist.
Untrue. We know that there were even pre-Ediacaran fossils that were even simpler and we know that some species in the Ediacaran have features that we find in Cambrian fauna. The Ediacaran fossils are almost certainly precursors to the Cambrian. That you cannot connect the dots is immaterial.
The huge jump from E to C is what the scientific mind would expect if aliens performed feats of genetic engineering.
Fine. Show us your evidence for alien genetic engineers. Talk about a huge gap in knowledge ...
I haven't tested it - to test is to confirm - I can't test/confirm my most excellent theory.
Well, let us know how it goes over the next century. Evolution is tested virtually every day now for longer than that.
The fossil record is my primary evidence for the aliens - the best scientific explanation for the history of life as revealed in the rocks is genetic engineering performed by aliens. Furthermore, science cannot rule out the existence of intelligent life from another planet.
I await your independent evidence.
And let's not forget the secondary forms of evidence that supports the existence of aliens - crop circles, abductions, UFO sightings, etc.
And let's not forget that I called Poe on you the other day.
Too easy - the mechanism is genetic engineering.
Fine, show me the facility and the operator. Those would be part of your mechanism.
The lack of evidence of evolutionary ancestors of animals.
You mean other than the orderly progression of life over geological time, yes?
1. One lucky find is not statistically significant.
It wasn't luck. It took a lot of hard work and persistence. What have you done?
2. That lucky find can also be explained by my "aliens did it" theory.
And your posts can be explained by my Poe theory.
Big words frighten me.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
What you have for the reptile jaw-mammalian inner-ear is a rehashed version of the nineteenth-century superstition of spontaneous generation - Darwinian evolution.
Whut? Is this some kind of simple evasion? Please explain.
The best scientific explanation for reptile-mammal "evolution" is genetic engineering performed by aliens.
Yes, we understood you the first twenty times you said this.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined:
Precisely when insects appeared in the fossil record is irrelevant - the point is there is no fossil evidence of any evolutionary ancestors of insects.
It is relevant in determining that you have no idea what you are talking about.
1. You criticise me for relying on "the opinions of others", then you supply an opinion from Wiki to back up your own argument!
No, I criticize you for relying on invalid opinions. If you think Wiki is wrong, you might tell us why.
The blatant hypocrisy is hilarious!
Just remember we are not laughing with you, we are laughing at you.
2. So the opinion of the nobodies at Wiki carries more weight than a world-renown palaeontologist with three insects named after him?
No, it carries more weight than a scientifically illiterate poster who has no background in research.
More hilarity!
Yes, you are a funny guy. Edited by edge, : No reason given.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined:
That would be a funny thing for an atheist to say - atheism means every living moment, every single thought, deed and emotion is pointless.
Off topic, but interesting since it comes from someone who relies on an outside agent to provide him a point for every living moment, every thought and every emotion.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined:
No, you don't get to besmirch Dr. Mller like that.
This is a disturbing trend that seems to be growing. Somehow, learning about evolution is undermining evolution.
He's one of the good guys pushing the TOE in more detailed and technical directions, not dismantling it. Your misrepresentation of his work is disingenuous, reprehensible, disgusting, but, expected from such a small mind.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined:
The best scientific explanation for the appearance of a new genus is genetic engineering performed by aliens.
I think you mean that the intellectually laziest explanation is genetic engineering by aliens. You can make up whatever you want, yes? You aren't even constrained by a Bible.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined:
Oh, I don't know about that. I'm enjoying this thread. This kid's hilarious.
Yes, the entertainment factor should not be minimized. But we should understand that we are being trolled. No need for umbrage.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
I don't recall saying that "Ediacaran-type of fauna could not be precursors to the Cambrian ones." However, I do recall saying there is no evidence of evolutionary links between Ediacaran life-forms and the animals that appear in the Cambrian.
Well, to most scientists in the field, the pattern in which the Ediacaran fauna fall is a line of evidence for them being precursors to the Cambrian fauna. The geochemical changes also support the transition from soft-bodies to more durable carbonate skeletons at the same time. This may not be good enough for you, but until there is evidence for something better, that's what I'm going with. Your opinion is noted, but somehow, I don't think it is sincere and you certainly haven't come up with even the remotest evidence for alien genetic engineers.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined: |
...I definitely don't believe in aliens. ... I said aliens ... is the best scientific explanation
In some remote corner of an intellectually benighted galaxy, this makes sense.
edge Member (Idle past 2029 days) Posts: 4696 From: Colorado, USA Joined:
Not quite - my "aliens did it" theory is an example of sublime science produced by the mind of a deadest genius.
"Deadest", perhaps ...
Do you realize that many scientists thought Einstein was babbling when he first aired his theories?
I trust you are not comparing yourself to Einstein. And did you realize that people laughed at Bozo when they first thought he was a clown? Oh, wait ...
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