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Author | Topic: The Barrier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Tangle, do you believe in, or do the readers believe in, "hearing the other side of the story". (Because the way you talk about me here, one would think I had committed a crime in your book by merely existing.)
This seems to just be an, "attack mike the wiz" thread to be honest, and you have used some gloss to pretend it is some sort of topic. The example you quoted out-of-context I think most people of ordinary intelligence would realise was a 100% tongue-in-cheek BOAST. If you're going to assassinate the character, in a court of law do you agree it's going to be rather obvious that you are only going to pick an example which is a misrepresentation? Most of what you have said about me seems to come from the fact that you aren't very observant. If you look at my personal details it says, "mikey mischief" but some people aren't goof at recognising humour. Humour is 90% of my energy.
Tangle writes: I don't mean to turn this into a Mike the Wiz thread but he's such an arse that it's hard not to make him the archetype If that's true wouldn't I act like an arse and call you something back? But when have I personally attacked you or any other evolutionist? In fact to call me an arse is a synecdochic dysphemism. I thought I would mention that if I am to keep in character with your comment, and I quote; "But MtW is pretty intelligent in the IQ way of the self taught". But alas, I don't want to quote-mine so I shall finish it off;
Tangle writes: He just hasn't got the ability to self-criticise or self-regulate I have and I can provide many examples of that which you of course, would never show the jury because, and I quote;
"all our defensive mechanisms spring into action!" Did they ah, perhaps spring into action here in this thread my dear fellow? It seems to me you have sprung a tirade rather than a leak, and now your rhetorical spin is all over my shoes. ![]() (Disclaimer: I haven't got a mensa IQ, I am slightly above average IQ, and have not claimed genius, only ability where I know I have ability. I also frequently on EFF make disclaimers and admit to what I don't know, and only have provisional opinions on issues I feel I'm not qualified to talk about. If you don't believe me, when EFF forum is back up, ask Piasan, he is a theistic evolutionist and we agree about many things, the reason being he is the opposite of someone like you; he is a completely docile, inoffensive person who doesn't try to character assasinate and go to war over every issue.) CONCLUSION: If the theme of your topic is true, could it be that it most pertains to you? What can't you see about your behaviour which I can, for example? What can I see in your posts, you can't? Example: You say things are wrong but don't give any real reasons why they are, you just assert a contrary view. You don't seem to be conscious of when you're using rhetorical-devices. Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given. Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
HOWEVER, if I am guilty (which of course I am at least in part as we're all imperfect) then I shall try to not use the humour-boasting, even to my friends publically online, perhaps only in private messages where they understand the context. (toad for example, is a character from Wind in the willows, he is a boastful braggart, I use him as one of my characters, I basically pretend to be him, and the poster, "killur-bluff" already knew I was taking the piss.)
So I apologise if I came across as an, "arse", and shall try to do better in future, and try and listen more. DISCLAIMER: Don't forget there are things we likely would agree with, so it may appear I am diametrically opposed to literally EVERYTHING you say. But I can quote where I said for example on EFF, that "not everything atheists say is wrong." I even said to killur bluff, "I'm not going to say the sky is green if the atheist says it's blue." And in fact you may be shocked to hear this but I DO appreciate atheists. Generally speaking I find atheists are more sensible, and tend to at least generally, be smarter and more studious that creationists. I even "collect" some logical insights they have. One atheist called Wibble, on EFF argued that a human print if found at say 5 million years, doesn't precede the clade for primates. I collected that and stored it in my memory as "good logic", for of course it would be much more significant if we found a human that was dated by evo, at 200 myo. The point I'm making is this, you only see me as your enemy not realising I'm not really anyone's enemy. Part of the problem is the innate nature of a debate forum which basically creates two groups, and we are then OBLIGED as it were, to go at each other hammer and tongs. And that guy on the other side, in the other group is now the person you're at war with. But on a personal level I don't hate atheists. I even appreciate them.I have appreciated things Modulous has said, Paul K, Parasomnium, and others too. I quite like Minemoose and Percy I think they run a forum with professionalism. Can't we all just get along. ![]() ![]()
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Tangle writes: I'm was on the fairytales site to hear the 'other side' as the other side doesn't seem to want to come here anymore. Although I have heard the otherside's arguments form many years. They don't change sadly I wonder why they don't come here any more. Could it be something to do with the 100% focus on personal attack? If you come to EvC these days, you have to be prepared to argue yourself it seems. But if you read Goku, Wibble, Norman and other atheist evolutionists at EFF, their personal attack-content is pretty much 0%.Did you read an exhcange between me and Goku for example? If he read you in this thread he would admit to your transparent snide sneerings. He is an example of how to discuss things sensibly and maturely, that is why I go to EFF, the evolutionists are forced to behave because of the rules, which it seems they are unable to do without adult supervision. Lol
Tangle writes: I can recognise when I'm reacting against something and try to overcome it. Sometimes it's very, very hard. I spent 4 hours reading multiple threads and much as you think that it's all about you, it isn't. You are very active there so you appear frequently but at least you're not actually obviously insane like some of the others. I think it's all about me? There is that wonderful humility from atheists again, the assumption they have telepathy. No, it's not all about me, but you certainly have made this thread all about me.
Tangle writes: I don't think so Mike. It would require some form of mental derangement to believe that the earth was young against all the evidence. Similarly - but perhaps not quite so obviously - with evolution. In those areas the science is quite firm - to believe otherwise simply requires a religious belief, which I don't possess. This doesn't specifically have anything to do with what I said. I wasn't referring to a particular topic such as the age of the earth. Also "mental derangement" inferred from believing the earth is young, obviously doesn't follow and is yet another personal attack to add to your long list of them. Can't you have a sensible adult exchange without including HATE in every post? I could respond easily enough of course by saying, "you have to be mentally deranged to believe a cell with more specified complexity and design overall, than anything people can make, MADE ITSELF." But then if we get into that it just becomes five pages of insulting each others position. Suffice to say, from your subjective perception it takes someone mentally ill. However in reality we can see there are many sane people who don't believe for a moment that beas, cheese, fleas, peahs and hairy knees all happened because a tornado exploded in a junkyard. It's "trash in, trash out", unfortunately 90% of your posts seem to be trash. Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Tangle writes: The problem is, it's totally transparent that you have an exceptionally high opinion of yourself. For no good reason. What's this, a jab then an uppercut? This is what it's always about with you, arguing mike. But like I said before, you don't have telepathy. You will like Jar and others, continue to try the psychological warfare, which is all too transparent. God loves a trier eh. ![]() You project this cloud of distorted logic and erronious, convoluted argument. It impresses the sheep but it's nonsense to anyone with a brain and actual knowledge. So it's "distorted logic" to point out that asserting such things is nothing more than bare assertion and question-begging-epithets? Do you actually know the percentage content of epithets in your posts, rhetorical spin, and dysphemisms?
Tangle writes: Sure, like I said, this thread isn't about you, it's about the barrier to thinking that religion puts up. If you'd like to contribute to that point, maybe we could make progress. How can knowing the answer not affect your ability to think objectively about a problem? Knowing the answer about what? Quote where I made a knowledge claim please. As for religion being a barrier to thinking, of course it is, because 99.999% of religion is false even for a Christian. One such example I would put up is a belief a tribe had when Christian missionaries came across them, they had a superstition that water was bad, and they couldn't clean in it. I assume they drank from it only. Anyway, when the missionairies corrected this superstition, obviously a lot of the unsanitary effects became diminished. So the question is, do you assume knowledge and Christianity are mutually exclusive? I find the two are usually in agreement. ![]() "All too easy" - Darth Vader. ![]()
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined:
Phat writes: I do also. I really (usually) enjoy debating with ringo, Tangle, AZPaul3, and PaulK here at EvC. jar is gone for now, and I did get tired of him anyway, for he always had the same argument. He also chastised all of us for not reading (understanding) the Bible the way that he alone seemed to understand it. Hi Phat. Yes what you have to realise is that we can appreciate them as they are still made by God, but they have never appreciated us and aren't perhaps capable of it. No offence but it seems to me that over the years you never seemed to learn that being nice to them simply won't work. See how I tried it with Tangle, and his response was to be SNIDE in his comments. He should google that word. You see even when I was willing to be the bigger person and put my hands up, he could only come back at me with snideness. As far as they are concerned you will never be equal to them, and will always be their focus of hatred. Unlike you I have embraced that the world hates us because it hates Christ. This is why I don't have to suck up to them as though they are special people. All they are is sinners that are so far up their own arse they can't recognise what light is any more. That is all you have here, a bunch of puny gods that worship themselves as god, and anyone who comes against them is less than them in their eyes. (pride) Of course SOME aren't so far gone as that. But basically Phat, a pack of wolves will tear your to shreds even if you do offer them your dinner. You are the dinner, and instead of enjoying the flogging and shouting, "turn me over and smack me again Ike", don't you think it would be easier to finally join Evolution fairytale forum instead of indulging in masochism or do you just enjoy the beating? Ho,ho. ![]() (please take this post lightly Phat, as intended, you know I will and always have been your friend. I hope you are still doing well in keeping off grandpa's cough medicine. ![]() Edited by mike the wiz, : I said "sadism" instead of "masochism".....darn mike, don't type so fast.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Tangle writes: Finally we get you off the subject of you and almost onto the topic of the thread. But you don't get to change the question into one you'd rather answer or redirect it back to me. Oh but I am afraid I do Sir. In fact I shall do precisely what I like, when I choose to, as long as I am not breaking the forum rules. And indeed I have done what I have done, AND I did "get to do it". And right now I feel I am done with this forum for a while. ![]() Oh dear, there's nothing you can do about that is there, except to fire off those eggs and tomatoes on my way out the door. Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given.
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