RAZD writes:
I think the dems blew it by focusing on the sexual assaults and dropping the issue of lying under oath and demeanor befitting an impartial judge.
It was a silly issue to hang their hat on.
Especially without having actual evidence for it.
Even if they did have solid evidence - I would bet that over 90% of all public workers of a similar age (females included) would have similar sexual assault issues in their own past. It *was* different in the past, and this *was* a very long time ago. People change, and people can easily change away from what this sexual assault entails.
The scale of such a sexual assault is more on the Aziz Ansari side of things than it is on the Harvey Weinstein side of things.
Anyone pushing a sexual assault that's more on the Aziz side is not helping. It ends up looking more like taking-advantage-of-the-#MeToo-movement-for-your-own-agenda instead of using #MeToo for what it's actually supposed to do - help victims.