Calvin writes:
And I do still think it is one of the larger pieces of evidence, if not totally conclusive.
Maybe it was the title? How I said it disproves YAC. I still haven't seen a good argument against what I said in the op however.
I think that the idea you're attempting to convey includes a lot more than the words you wrote in your OP (original/opening post) imply if those words are taken standing alone.
I think that you are absolutely correct about the idea you are attempting to convey... that Hubbles Constant, coupled with the evidence behind the Big Bang Theory and all wrapped inside the current knowledge of astrophysics... all completely destroys and leaves no other possible conclusion than "YEC is false."
However, we've been around these arguments a while

And we understand that you're not likely to get much YEC-response to your post. Possibly because of lack-of-ability to properly deal with your argument, or possibly because of lack-of-YEC-believers-willingness-to-participate at all (maybe even simply because there's not many of them left!)
So, in knowing what your argument was, and also knowing that you weren't likely going to get much of a debate with any actual YECs... we've turned to the next best thing. Dissecting your argument for various reasons...
-out of boredom (with few YECs around, we don't have much else to do... )
-out of a willingness to help you form clear and concise arguments in the future
-out of a desire to point out arguments that contain flaws regardless of them coming from a YEC or "someone we agree with"
-out of knowledge that dealing-with-YECs is not generally a dealing-with-facts sort of argument... therefore, if you're going to use facts, you need to have them "air-tight."
-probably a bunch of other reasons I can't think of
Again, I think that the idea you had in mind certainly does do what you claim it does.
Folks are just pointing out that the words-you-used-to-describe-your-idea didn't include all-the-necessary-parts-of-your-idea in order to form all the connections to the conclusion-you've-claimed.
Granted... perhaps in order to include all-the-necessary-parts-of-your-idea you may need a lot of data and words, and it can seem overwhelming if not generalized and truncated correctly to begin with. But, well, that's all part of forming a good argument that, to me, is best learned by experience.
Anyway... try not to take any of this personally, we can also be a bunch of tools

Have fun!