There is a boundary beyond which a person is not a Christian for denying some tenets of the faith. I don't know if denial of the supernatural and prophecy is beyond that boundary or not though I would suspect it has to be since Christianity is nothing if it is not supernatural
I don’t see how denying that particular prophecies are genuine predictions - based on evidence - would cross the boundary.
I saw a quote by Metzger himself saying that he dated Daniel later than Daniel himself claims to have written, (making Daniel a liar of course), because he didn't believe in prophecy.
I very much doubt that. It is more likely that you saw somebody else claim that was Metzger’s reason. Besides Daniel is a fiction anyway - he never existed - so how can Metzger be calling him a liar ?
The book is quite consistent and coherent as Daniel wrote it but to date it later destroys its coherence and consistency.
The book is a compilation of shorter works - in two different languages - and how you think the late date for the prophecies creates internal contradictions I have no idea.
ABE: And for further reference here is a
tribute to Metzger from Daniel T Wallace
There are, of course, hate-mongers who are quick to condemn any biblical scholarship that doesn’t agree to a T with their ultra-conservative views. A search on Google will reveal a lot of venom directed against Dr. Metzger. To be sure, there are things over which many Christians will disagree with him. But on the essentials of the faith, it’s hard to take issue with him. He was adamant about the deity of Christ and his bodily resurrection.
Edited by PaulK, : No reason given.