Talk about a dumb response... Evasive answer and answers, Razz superceeds all other evolutionists in saying nothing and never answering....
does inbreeding creat a new species..Not by itself answsers Razz
What a gutless whimpy reply.. She doesnt say what else is injected into their miracle species creation, just NOT BY ITSELF.....
Is that scientific NO, Is that comprehensible NO... Is that an answer NO.
Dumber than dumb.
Maybe evolutionists want to throw in their god of selection, who knows Razz doesn;t say what else is needed to make inbreeding jump the gap and actually start producing a new species.
But insanely for a rational person says, she can not define a species... or KIND so is unable to answer further.
IE. Dumb evolutionists have nothing but semantics and no science behind their dumb theory. All they have is name changes, literary classifications, and double speak, and artists imaginations.
Yes, evolutionists have great GREAT problems with their lack of evidence and lack of answers. Yet always try to blame those that question them for not understanding their dog pics, and their inbreeding.
Inbreeding does not creat new species or KINDS. Its a BIG LIE of evolution and evolutionists.
Edited by Davidjay, : No reason given.
Evolution is not science. It did not create life nor did it diversify life. It didn;t create the laws that exist nor did it create science. It is a religion and not Science.
Intelligent design always defeats evolutions lack of design and lack of intelligence. Luck and Chance is not a scientific doctrine,