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Davidjay  Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Numerological Arguments that the Speed of Light was Designed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
The title of this tyhread is suppose to be about Light Speed Design and is not about Numerology. Of course it's about numerology. You have a big heap of numbers you find interesting for a remarkable variety of reasons, you perform arbitrary arithmetic operations on them, and you expect people to be all impressed when this results in meaningless identities. This is numerology. As Housman said of a similar activity: "This is not scholarship, it is not even a sport, like hopscotch or marbles, which requires a degree of skill. It is simply a pastime, like leaning against a wall and spitting."
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
The Moon has a diameter of 2160 miles, and a distance from us of 216,000 miles, a ratio of 1 to a 100. This is not true. The distance to the moon is 238,900 miles, giving a ratio of ~110.6. I guess that proves there is no God, huh? Numerology is silly enough, but how much more pathetic is it when you have to make up the numbers.
And where will the Bride and Bridegroom be spending Eternity together except in His Eternal Heavenly Tent or Crystal Pyramid called New Jerusalem, and its base just happens to fit perfectly inside the diameter of the Moons diameter of 2160 miles, because it is 1500 miles square. This is of course not true. To fit "perfectly", as you claim, the diameter of the Moon would have to be 2121.3 miles. Oopsie, God fucked up again.
Because as you might know, musically 432 hertz is the natural central C tuning frequency for the human voice, meaning an octave below is a lower C at 216 hertz, and below that at 108 hertz, a lower C just below the natural resonance of the granite stones of most sacred temples of 110 hertz. Theoretically suggesting that we can go from our voice frequency of 108 hertz to the temple frequency of 110 hertz, to get to the Gateway portal of 111 hertz. (SEE 108-109-110 to 111 hertz & Number 11-111 432 Hz is A above middle C, so wrong again. The rest of this paragraph appears to be complete gibberish. There is no such thing as "the natural resonance of granite".
And more amazingly, the Moon always keeps its revolutions harmonized with the Sun, so that it always has the same side facing the Sun. This is, of course, complete bollocks. Have you never looked at the Moon?
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
OK we talked about or it was shown that 365.24 days per revolution around the plane of the Earth (around the SUN) was not at random but was precisely chosen by the Lord or Creator to harmonise scientifically and mathematically all things created on the Earth. Harmony is not a semantic liberal art word but an exact mathematical term which deals with chords, and the exact matching up of frequencies in expansions or contractions. Top understand measure and speeds, one MUST study GEOMETRY. Study geometry not denail semantics. Physics is about space and time and measure, study PHYSICS So here below is the link to understanding HARMONY or even eventually the MUSIC OF THE STARS.. MusicandSacredGeometryMusic is composed of sounds and sounds come from vibrations, and vibrations are deteremined by the lengths of strings, or wavelengths in air, that translates into cycles per second which gives us different notes. Music and Sacred Geometry In the process of going from One to Two, a Circle with adiameter length has a single vibration, but when another Circle is added interesecting it in its center, a Vesica Pisces is formed. This is the area that it shares which looks like the female generative organ, and from where in sacred geometry all things come from. It is part of the reproductive creative process of the Lord (SEE Golden Section Class). ....For this is how the Lord multiplication and reproduction came about from One to Many Vibrations that we see and feel and hear. and yet all are in tune with the One Originator, who is the LORD, the One God. (SEE Sexual Mysteries Board ) O.K. so if there was a string across the diameter of our first circle, that could be our base frequency of 1,The second circle makes the Vesica Pisces, and extends the distance to 1.5 times the first. Therefore any frequency times 1.5 gives a pitch that is in tune with the original pitch or vibration. And then if we continue on with the construction of a new Vesica Pisces by the mating of two circles, it makes a new larger circle of 2.25 times larger than our original circle. And so if we half this diamter, into a range between 1 and 2, it is 1.125. Therefore any original frequency sounds in tune with that frequency times 1.125. And lo and behold we can go on making twelve notes between 1 and its octave of 2. 1.125 being the B note on the piano. Therefore using this same process we get a table, as seen on the left, with each of its corresponding notes that are all harmoniously in tune with each other, and now you know why. Circle Diameter Ratio Note Hertz 1 = 1 1 A 440 2 = 1.5 1.5 E 659 3 = 2.25 1.125 B 494 4 = 3.375 1.69 F# 743 5 = 5.062 1.265 C# 554 6 = 7.539 1.88 G# 827 7 = 11.39 1.42 D# 622 8 = 17.08 1.06 A# 466 9 = 25.62 1.59 F 698 10=38.44 1.19 C 523 11=57.66 1.79 G 787 12=86.49 1.35 D 582 Homepage But what makes them all sound in tune when played together ... Well, they have to be an octave of or a ratio of the original string or wavelength. If a sound of 110 hertz is played, it goes together harmonically with 220 hertz and 440 hertz because they are octaves apart. 110 x 2 = 220 etc. etc. or of 55 H because that is half of 110 H., etc. etc. So using these seven basic step measures , each note on the piano, has a ratio between them as follows . Therefore musical notes sound in tune because they fit together in their sound waves and vibrate in unison along theircompression patterns and its all mathematical and relates back to the Original. And this gets very interesting when you consider that our Earth has a frequency (SEE Earth Frequency) and the Lord has His Frequencies of transmission if we are in tune. (SEE Crystalline Skull). We can literally hear His Music and His Voice. IHS David Jay Jordan SEE the graphics on the website for a clearer picture of the exact music frequencies, and the famous vescica pisces of creation... Its math folks and not evolutionary semantics We know how musical harmony works. There is nothing in here even remotely suggesting that the speed of light was designed. You know how I can tell? Because it doesn't mention the speed of light. You are now spamming your own thread with your copypasta, good job. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Its not my fault you have written nothing and know nothing ... I know that the figures which you use for the basis of your drivel are made up. And now that you've been informed of this, so do you.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
Evolutionists have no math ... This is not only a bizarre lie, but a peculiarly hypocritical one coming from you, since we've found and corrected so many of your dumb mistakes in basic arithmetic.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
Has anyone ever told you that people are different sizes?
Has anyone ever told you that everything you post is crap? Incidentally, what does this drivel have to do with the speed of light? Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Dr. Inadequate, humans are not different sizes, they have the same ratios. This is of course not true, as can easily be verified by looking at two humans.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Light Speed across our Solar Plane is by design, the distance across this plane is 1000 seconds. As you have been informed, this isn't true.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
From where I am sitting, I have won all discussions ... And this is only one of many things you are wrong about.
I would hope that more intelligent evolutionists show up and know some math ... I have a Ph.D. in math, but this is hardly necessary: a moderately intelligent child could also have found your errors in fact and in arithmetic.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
m= meter = 1/10,000,000 of the Earth's Circumference from Pole to Equator No it isn't. It was meant to be, but they measured the Earth wrong. It's actually more like 1/10,001,965.
M= megameter or 10,000,000 meters c= speed of light = 299,792,000 m/sec d= s times t (distance equals speed multiplied by time) A.U. = Distance from Earth to Sun *************************************************** m = c(sec)/299,792,000 Therefore m= 1/10,000,000 of Earth's 1/4 Circumference = c(sec)/299,792,000 Do you see the relationship between the Earth and the Speed of Light Has it occurred to you, you great gibbering guffoon, that that would work for any speed whatsoever? v = 59.5 m/s is the maximum speed of a 2016 Volvo T6. Therefore m= 1/10,000,000 of Earth's 1/4 Circumference = v(sec)/59.5 Do you see the relationship between the Earth and the speed of a Volvo? h = 11 m/s is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. Therefore m= 1/10,000,000 of Earth's 1/4 Circumference = h(sec)/11 Do you see the relationship between the Earth and the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? What you have discovered is that if you divide the speed of light by itself you get 1. But this is not something special about the speed of light. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Earths Diameter 7,920 miles = 63,360 furlongs Earths Diameter7,917.5 miles = 63,340 furlongs Oopsie, looks like God screwed up again. What does this have to do with the speed of light? Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
The Lord also knowing exactly what his land would produce at any given time ... which of course would only be known by the Creator Himself... Or, y'know, a farmer.
An acre = 43,560 square feet = 660 feet times 66 feet But one furlong equals 660 feet = 1 furlkong x 1/10 f. Therefore = 1/10 of a square furlong Or Ten acres equals One square furlong But in One day there are12 hours x 60 min/hr x 60 seconds/minute = 43,200 seconds SEE 432 and Sacred Measure So amazingly if we can just progress one foot per second That would be 1.0083 square feet per second. Amazing.
And when you consider that his speed of light travels one foot in one billionth of a second, or in a nanosecond 0.984 feet per nanosecond. Don't they let you have calculators in the asylum?
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
Truly the boobies number is of great mystic significance. For behold, let B be the boobies number, let c be the speed of light in miles per second, and let m be the number of days in a lunar month.
Then B / c = m. Checkmate, atheists.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
OK, lets go over FIRST, the basic diameters of the Earth and Moon before going any further.7920 miles, and 2160 miles...... Wrong: they are 7,917 miles and 2,159 miles. God fucked up again, eh?
But wait a minute 10,080 is 1.272 times greater than 7920 and lo and behold 1.272 is the square root of - phi No, 10080 divided by 7920 is actually 1.273 if you're only going to give it to three decimal places. It is certainly not exactly the square root of phi.
Well, the golden section is NOT only the template of design of our own bodies (See Golden Section class) but also the design principle involved in PYRAMIDS and the basic-building block of the Earth and computers, CRYSTALS. “You mean, its all connected ?" That’s right ! No, that's bullshit.
.For is it by chance that the MOON is 216,000 miles away from the Earth, 1/100th of its diameter size That's a goddamned lie, isn't it? You know perfectly well, because we have told you, that the distance to the moon is 238,900 miles.
For again it is no coincidence that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away from us meaning it takes 500 seconds for light to reach us from there, or light 1000 seconds to reach across our orbital diameter around it. Again, you goddamned liar, you know perfectly well that this is a lie.
YES for similarly if you have studied Pyramids, especially the Giza or Great Pyramid, you might realize that it also had a radius or height of 500 but this time in feet. The height of the Great Pyramid is 455 feet. If your religion can only be sustained by telling stupid childish lies, does that not suggest that your religion is shit? Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Evolutionists have no math You are a stupid liar. Whom do you hope to deceive?
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