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Davidjay  Suspended Member (Idle past 2655 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Numerological Arguments that the Speed of Light was Designed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14174dm Member (Idle past 1435 days) Posts: 161 From: Cincinnati OH Joined:
distance of our Earth from the Sun, 93,000,000 miles, and divide it by the speed of Light of 96,000 miles per second and its answer comes out to 500 seconds for light from the Sun (SON) to get to us. 93,000,000 miles divided by 96,000 miles per second is 968.75 seconds. the distance from the Sun to the Earth varies from 91,393,184 to 94,517,917 miles (after conversion from AU) from Earth at Perihelion and Aphelion: 2001 to 2100 The speed of light is 299,793,458 m/s or 186,282 mi/s so the time from Sun to Earth is 490 to 507 sec (+/- error in measurements). My big question is why you think the designer used seconds. The only biblical time measurements I can recall are hours (1/12th of daylight so varied), day, season, and year.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
The title of this tyhread is suppose to be about Light Speed Design and is not about Numerology. Of course it's about numerology. You have a big heap of numbers you find interesting for a remarkable variety of reasons, you perform arbitrary arithmetic operations on them, and you expect people to be all impressed when this results in meaningless identities. This is numerology. As Housman said of a similar activity: "This is not scholarship, it is not even a sport, like hopscotch or marbles, which requires a degree of skill. It is simply a pastime, like leaning against a wall and spitting."
Stile Member (Idle past 369 days) Posts: 4295 From: Ontario, Canada Joined:
Davidjay, with my bolding writes: It is about exact measurements and exact speeds, and exact times. Okay.
Davidjay, with my bolding writes:
We know now that its generalized diameter is 7920 miles... For is it by chance that the MOON is 216,000 miles away from the Earth, 1/100th of its diameter size Actually, the moon is 239,000 miles away from the Earth. Making it more like 1/110.6 of its diameter size. So, is it exact or generalized or just wrong?Is the Lord's design spot on, or just kinda smudgy-close if you squint your eyes and fudge the numbers?
Tanypteryx Member Posts: 4597 From: Oregon, USA Joined: |
Actually, the moon is 239,000 miles away from the Earth. Making it more like 1/110.6 of its diameter size. But, but, the answer is WAY more amazing if you use the other numbers. Besides this thread is about how amazing it is that the speed of light is 96,000 miles per second according to that kidder for god, Davidjay.What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python One important characteristic of a theory is that is has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --percy The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
Davidjay writes: Time is not at random as the luck and chance and everythingis random false evolutionists and athiests believe. Perhaps you could cite a reference where "evolutionists" make these claims?
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
Davidjay writes: So let"s start by realizing the basic relationship between the Earth and its only Moon. We know now that its generalizeddiameter is 7920 miles, with the Moon"s diameter being 2160 miles. But in the "sacred geometry" known by the ancients, these two distances were added together, 7920 + 2160 gives 10,080 miles. (The center of this distance being the perfect manageable number according to Plato 5040. (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)). But wait a minute 10,080 is 1.272 times greater than 7920 and lo and behold 1.272 is the square root of - phi - or the square root of the Golden Section , which is the "magical star template'. This is all easily disproven. The holy number is 7, since that is the day of the Sabbath. The equatorial radius of the moon is just 1,738 km. If you divide this by the equatorial radius of the Earth, which is 6371 km, you get a ratio of 0.272. This is not 7. Therefore, it is not designed.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2655 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
Seconds as we know are 1/60th of a minute, and a minute is 1/60th of an hour.... and hours as you mentioned are mentioned as sacred, as is the exact measure of one 24 hour day.
So Yes, you are right, hours, are an exact measure, a divine measure of time, as a day is. And hence accordingly with a scientific mathematical mind, you see if minutes, are divine and if seconds are divine. Yes, seconds are divine as 1,000 seconds gets one across the SOLAR SYSTEM. Coincidence NO, as it is the tabernacle of the Sun... And for more confirmation, as we already discussed.... OneDayTilNoahsFlood These seconds also pinpoint the time of the Worldwide Flood exactly... It's easily established that the world was created in 4004 B.C. This done simply by going through the geneologies dated years of Genesis. ( SEE ForeFathers Graphic ) And this confirmed in my recent searches via http://www.greatdreams.com/432.htm Because they also realised through simple subtraction that the Flood of Noah took place in 2348 B.C. Therefore 4004-2348 gives 1656 years. And as mentioned on this afore mentioned site or by simply doing the math... there was 86,400 weeks from the 'Creation week' in days to the recreation of the Earth after the Flood. For do notice that Noah stepped out of the Ark on the first day of the first Month exactly. Genesis 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year,in the first month, (Nissan) the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry For at that time of the solar year, it was equal day and night as mentioned in Genesis 1. This meaning the month Nissan was at the equinox in April 21st. Hence equal time of darkness first, and then the light, as Jewish days are from sundown to sunset. Time wise this exactly means 43,200 seconds of darkness, before the light or Sun (SON) rises at the dawn of the first day for 43,200 seconds of daylight. 12 hours times 60 minutes/hour times 60 seconds/minute= 43,200 seconds per daytime and the same for the night. This meaning that as we know there are 86,400 seconds in a day. Therefore the Lord literally gave the Earth and its inhabitants ONE Day of 86,400 seconds before He send and recreated its surfaces via His worldwide flood. This with each second equaling a week of seven days. Yet this type of ratio-ing timing mechanism was and is hardly a novel idea as the Lord also had a similiar timing mechanism for Daniel the prophet. And yet with Daniel the Lord made one week represent 7 years. ( Consider Daniel 9.) 'Shubuah' was the Hebrew word for week as it was the number 7. And hence shubuah represented seven days, or a WEEK, the number of literal days it took for the Lord to originally create the Heavens and Earth. ( SEE Creation in 24 Hour Days. ) In other words 7 days resents seven years. A week equalling 7 years,or a day equalling a year. In the New Testament and Old Testament as well, you also might have read, that a day is as a thousand years, not just flowery vague literature but as an exact measure. (Sacred geometry) 2 Peter 3: 8 So doing the mathematical substitution of a 1,000 years for each day of Creation, we get that there will be 6,000 years of man, before the 1,000 year REIGN of Christ called the Millennium. Consequently the Shubuah for all of World History before the next re-CREATION when the Lord makes a New Heaven and New Earth is one 'Shubuah', or creative WEEK of seven thousand years. ( Consider Earths History. / 1000 Year Divisions.) A second equalling a week for NoahA day equalling a year for Daniel A week equals seven thousand years for Peter Are you catching the Lord's exact ratio's and timing ? Because again 86,400 seconds to a day exactly means the Lord, synchronoized his Heavenly bodies to their distances and their sizes as you would expect an exact Creator to do. 86,400 being harmonic to 432 hertz, being harmonic to 216, which is the Moon's NUMBER. Why because the Lord made the Moon 216,000 miles from the Earth with a diameter of 2,160 miles. This not by chance but by ratioed DESIGN. Hence the Moon is asscociated directly to 216 and via the next octave up, 432 hertz. (As taken from Moon Time 216.) "Does this harmonize with the Sun and its musical distances, YES of course because the Lord made the ratio's to the `Music of the Spheres', as Pythagoras and the Ancient Egyptians realized. The Moon distance to us of 216,000 miles compared to the distance of the Sun's Central Core distance to us the center of the Solar System. 93,000,000 miles plus its radius of 465,000 miles or 93,465,000. Therefore 93416 / 216 = 432.." "Hmmm but 432 is double 216 and they are musically therefore in tune and an octave apart or any distance times by 10 or divided by 10 would also be in tune with the Sun and Moon and us here on Earth. And we are not just on any planet, but the Headquarters of the Son of the Universe, as He created the Earth as His Focus and Home." But we should say logically, What about the Sun? Well like distances and diameters, the Sun is also exactly ratio-ed to correspond to 111, and 444 and 888. ( SEE Magic Square of the Sun. and Jesus8880: The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity ) The Sun being 880,000 miles in diameter, and 93,000,000 miles away from us. This meaning that light which was given an exact speed at Creation travels to us in 500 seconds, meaning its radius orbit in time to us is 500 seconds and across the whole circle of our orbit around the Sun (SON) there is a time diameter of 1,000 seconds. This again not by chance but by Design so that all distances, diameters, ratios, and heavenly bodies would be tuned together to produce the "Music of the Spheres" How do you get music out of distances, well simply because sound is beats per second and seconds as we have been talking about have been divinely ordained to be a specific length of time. 86,400 seconds in a day, til the New day and hence the Lord allowed one day before He stopped man's insanity to man and the earth, sent the Flood and allowed Noah and his offsrprng to step on a New earth. As was the case, it shall be the case, before the Millinium, and then before the New Heaven and the NEW EARTH. In My Mathematical Opinion David Jay Jordan PS) Which means maybe 432 hertz is a very important tuning frequency as I theorized previously. (From Moon Time 216. ) "And musically 432 hertz is the natural central C tuning frequency for the human voice, meaning an octave below is a lower C at 216 hertz, and below that at 108 hertz, a lower C just below the natural resonance of the granite stones of most sacred temples of 110 hertz. Theoretically suggesting that we can go from our voice frequency of 108 hertz to the temple frequency of 110 hertz, to get to the Gateway portal of 111 hertz. (SEE 108-109-110 to 111 hertz & Number 11-111 All the best vibrations under His Sun (Son) and Moon (end of article) Two exact measures that use divine length of time called a SECOND. When people are indocrinated into everything is at random, it takes time to see and understand that speed, measurement and TIME are tools of the Master Craftsman also called the Great ARCHITECT or DESIGNER. Luck and chance is their indocrination, so design has to be fought by them tooth and nail. Edited by Admin, : Remove extraneous line breaks.. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2655 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
We can also discuss and prove mathematically, that the year as recorded by Enoch was done to harmonise all things, as again it is not by luck and chance that reproduction and music expansion and chords....all point to a literal exact harmony of all created matter.
Anyway because you asked HERE we go... ******************************* PythagorusComma Pythagorus Comma and the Lord's Calendar The Earth's Revolutionaround the Sun Musically Why does the Earth's revolution around the Sun, take 365.24 days, that's an odd number of days and seems to contradictthe Lord's usual whole numbers and exactness. (SEE The Lord's Numbers). It seems so random and evolutionary if you don't dive deeper into this Mystery and the Divine Solution in Musical Harmony. Because to make all things fit together perfectly and beautifully, which is the basic definition of 'Harmony', the Pythagorus Comma has to be added. What is this Pythagorus Comma (From Biowaves) The Perfect Fifth is the lowest ratio harmonic you hear, and is mathematically calculated by multiplying a frequency theratio 3/2 or 1.5. For example, in the note of C, the perfect fifth would be a G. In harmonic terms, the perfect fifth is one octave below the third harmonic. Pythagorous of Samos (c.582 - c.507 B.C.) discovered that you could make a musical scale by continuing through theCircle of Fifths, and dividing down harmonically with The Law of Octaves to determine the pitch for each note. This is a distinct problem in this procedure, however... Unfortunately, it does not add up correctly, but leaves a small residual error that has been the frustration and bane of musicians ever since. Or as Lui has said, 'The prime numbers are interesting. For if you are going to mention the 2 and the 3, then maybe youwould consider the fact the the mathematical major scale emerges from Nature using the primes 2 3 and 5. That means you may remember that it is actually the note D that is 432. Then, as you know, the colors will match the vibrations. (SEE Harmonic Circle of the Tribes) It makes no real difference, except one vital one; it puts the Dorian mode in the position of balance, where the Egyptians always had it, and where the Greeks followed. The Egyptians apparently believed that we all had our own siamese twin on the other side, and that they were seperated invibration by the interval of the Comma. This comma isn't as accidental or a nuisance as the West's musicologists like to think. If you take just the 2:3 ratio to build the scale (SEE Sacred Geometry and Music) then there will be this little gap of 1.014 by the twelth fifth. The Egyptians also found that the ratio between 365.25/360 was also a difference of 1.014. This is why the astrological calendar and the Dorian was so important to them. Their week corresponded with the highs and lows based on this system of the Comma." And that may sound complicated but it isn't, for even in ancient times they understood that the Creator made 360 days andthe extra days of the Earth to revolve around the Lord's Sun were called Holy-days. rather than holidays as we now call them. The extra 5.24 days are needed to harmonize the Earth musically to the Sun (Son). (SEE Book of Enoch) So mathematically, the Pythagorian Comma is 1.014 and if you do the simple division of 365.24 by 360 days you get theexact same thing.1.014 In other words, It seems the solar year uses the Lord's Comma to tune itself harmonically. The extended time to get our Earth back in Harmony with its music. (SEE Tune their Hearts to Mine Lyrics) It adds some time to retune itself via Holy Days, to get realigned and returned for the next cycle. Who made this timing mechanism so perfect, exact, and harmonious. Was it Pythagorus, No, He just understood it betterthan many before him. Was it all by luck and chance. Absolutely not as 'Evolution is a total LIE" It was by design from the Lord of Lords. He made the 'Distances' and put the planets, and Earth and Sun into motion. Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights inthe firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: .....And it was GOOD ... and HARMONIC Don't you agree ? David Jay Jordan. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2655 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
To see the relationships of the Moon and connect it up with the Earths diameter, THEN you can see why Enoch designed the Great Pyralid and why it is prophetic about Earths timeline til the Messiah's Coming again..
This is easy to visualise graphics.... and when you catch it then you understand the basic of what all mystery schools kept back from the general public... THE GOLDEN SECTION OR PHI TEMPLATE OF CREATION Earthmoonphipyramid Easy to understand and SEE Therebe the template of creation....... 5, PHI, one beyond the square, into curves and living matter. SEE How to build your own Universe book.... as a primer for sactred geometry that teaches and shows this mystery of the ages, for any that search... for there is design and there is a DESIGNER. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Coyote Member (Idle past 2432 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
These seconds also pinpoint the time of the Worldwide Flood exactly... As has been pointed out to you on several occasions, the real-world evidence shows there was no worldwide flood during the time humans inhabited the earth. You have failed to respond to this evidence, but have just continued on with your disproved and worthless numerology nonsense. Admit it--you're nothing but a preacher, a third-rate shaman, and a true crank. But most importantly, your claims have been shown to be wrong. Your claims are worthless! Regarding this, see the quote below: Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience. Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn. ... If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods on facts which they themselves have learned from experience and the light of reason? Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge. Belief gets in the way of learning--Robert A. Heinlein In the name of diversity, college student demands to be kept in ignorance of the culture that made diversity a value--StultisTheFool It's not what we don't know that hurts, it's what we know that ain't so--Will Rogers If I am entitled to something, someone else is obliged to pay--Jerry Pournelle If a religion's teachings are true, then it should have nothing to fear from science...--dwise1 "Multiculturalism" demands that the US be tolerant of everything except its own past, culture, traditions, and identity. Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other points of view--William F. Buckley Jr.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2655 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
I am not allowed to further prove the dating of the Great Worldwide Flood and can not post there ..... so lets move on and prove the heavenlies and their design, and how time is by DESIGN.
For again the Moons diameter as taught throughout the ages in mystery schools and to LeoarnadoDaVinci and other grandmasters of the dark side..... involving the sacred template of creation Moon, Time & 216, 432 The Moon has a diameter of 2160 miles, and a distance from us of 216,000 miles, a ratio of 1 to a 100. And by the Lords Exact Design, it appears the same size in the sky to us as the Sun, because the Suns diameter to distance ratio is the same 1 to 100. The Sun having a diameter of 864,000 miles while being 93,000,000 miles from us. This equality of divine ratios being seen visually when the Moon passes in front of the Sun in an eclipse. (SEE 100 Pis in the Sky and Jesus Power of 10). So we can easily associate the Number 216with the Moon, and amazingly 216 is also 3 times the Great Number of 72, which is the numeric sum of the Lords all-powerful Name. Or you might think of 216 as the addition of the Lords people number of 144 with His Number of 72, the addition of the Bride with the Bridegroom, 72 + 144 = 216. (Compare 144,000) And where will the Bride and Bridegroom be spending Eternity together except in His Eternal Heavenly Tent or Crystal Pyramid called New Jerusalem, and its base just happens to fit perfectly inside the diameter of the Moons diameter of 2160 miles, because it is 1500 miles square. And because the Moon and its 216 factor also connects up with 432, (2 x 216), then a study of 432 is very helpful in understanding the Moon's harmony with the Earth. (SEE 432 Study Ten Pages). Because the Moon and earth sizes are the basic geometric STANDARD of Sacred Geometry called the SQUARED CIRCLE. Because as you might know, musically 432 hertz is the natural central C tuning frequency for the human voice, meaning an octave below is a lower C at 216 hertz, and below that at 108 hertz, a lower C just below the natural resonance of the granite stones of most sacred temples of 110 hertz. Theoretically suggesting that we can go from our voice frequency of 108 hertz to the temple frequency of 110 hertz, to get to the Gateway portal of 111 hertz. (SEE 108-109-110 to 111 hertz & Number 11-111 For at that point we would be into the spirit world of the Lord where time no longer exists. (Revelation 21 ). And distances are related to time by speed. Distance = Time x Speed. Consequently time is also an integral factor in the distances between the Lords Spheres, of the Sun, Moon and Earth. as well as His pre-set Light Speed. He created everything in six days, (Genesis 1: 1 & Creation) as His equation was 'One day is as a thousand years ( 2 Peter 3: 8) ) So doing the mathematical substitution of a 1,000 years for each day of Creation, we get that there will be 6,000 years of man, before the 1,000 year REIGN of Christ called the Millennium. And such has been the case in history!!! (SEE 6,000 Years of Man & 1,000 Year Divisions) . But if we go further into the division of time for a day, we get the number of seconds that we have in one day. And amazingly, the tempo of counting from one number to the next, can approximate one second as well. Hmmmm but lets do the calculations. 24 hours, 60 minutes/hour x 60 seconds / minute = 86,400. Do you see it ? ..Theres 216 and 432 again, as they are factors or harmonic to the amount of time we have in a day and a night. 864 / 216 = 4 and 864 / 432 = 2. Is our time for working for the Lord ratiod with His Heavenly Bodies to our divine ones YES And if we want to get more specific, with equal days and nights (Equinox) a day would be half that amount of time or seconds and therefore be 43,200 seconds . And more amazingly, the Moon always keeps its revolutions harmonized with the Sun, so that it always has the same side facing the Sun. This being absolutely impossible if the speeds and rotations were at random, but as we know, they are NOT and are by DESIGN from the DESIGNER and architect of the Universe. And so again halving 86,400 seconds in a complete day into equal times of 43,200 seconds for daylight and 43,200 seconds for the night makes mathematical sense. For we must work the works of Him that sent us while it is day, for the Night cometh when no man can work. (John 9: 41). MoonTime216 So it appears the Moon is harmonized with our work and our day's seconds as well as the Hebrew lunar calendar, whereas the Sun is harmonized with our yearly solar calendar, and the time we have as a human race to get back to the Son. And we therefore need not have 'Fear of the Moon', for like the Bride, it merely reflects the glory of the Bridegroom and SUN. IHS David Jay Jordan Edited by Davidjay, : No reason given. Edited by Admin, : Remove extraneous line breaks.. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Coyote Member (Idle past 2432 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
In other words, you can't refute the evidence I have posted here.
We have the evidence, you have silly numerology that often doesn't add up and would be meaningless even if it did. We win. Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge. Belief gets in the way of learning--Robert A. Heinlein In the name of diversity, college student demands to be kept in ignorance of the culture that made diversity a value--StultisTheFool It's not what we don't know that hurts, it's what we know that ain't so--Will Rogers If I am entitled to something, someone else is obliged to pay--Jerry Pournelle If a religion's teachings are true, then it should have nothing to fear from science...--dwise1 "Multiculturalism" demands that the US be tolerant of everything except its own past, culture, traditions, and identity. Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other points of view--William F. Buckley Jr.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
The Moon has a diameter of 2160 miles, and a distance from us of 216,000 miles, a ratio of 1 to a 100. This is not true. The distance to the moon is 238,900 miles, giving a ratio of ~110.6. I guess that proves there is no God, huh? Numerology is silly enough, but how much more pathetic is it when you have to make up the numbers.
And where will the Bride and Bridegroom be spending Eternity together except in His Eternal Heavenly Tent or Crystal Pyramid called New Jerusalem, and its base just happens to fit perfectly inside the diameter of the Moons diameter of 2160 miles, because it is 1500 miles square. This is of course not true. To fit "perfectly", as you claim, the diameter of the Moon would have to be 2121.3 miles. Oopsie, God fucked up again.
Because as you might know, musically 432 hertz is the natural central C tuning frequency for the human voice, meaning an octave below is a lower C at 216 hertz, and below that at 108 hertz, a lower C just below the natural resonance of the granite stones of most sacred temples of 110 hertz. Theoretically suggesting that we can go from our voice frequency of 108 hertz to the temple frequency of 110 hertz, to get to the Gateway portal of 111 hertz. (SEE 108-109-110 to 111 hertz & Number 11-111 432 Hz is A above middle C, so wrong again. The rest of this paragraph appears to be complete gibberish. There is no such thing as "the natural resonance of granite".
And more amazingly, the Moon always keeps its revolutions harmonized with the Sun, so that it always has the same side facing the Sun. This is, of course, complete bollocks. Have you never looked at the Moon?
nwr Member Posts: 6490 From: Geneva, Illinois Joined:
Physicists and mathematicians all know that the speed of light is 1.
It just look different, because they made bad choices for units of length and time. If they could start over, they would choose those units so that the speed of light is 1.Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity
14174dm Member (Idle past 1435 days) Posts: 161 From: Cincinnati OH Joined: |
The ratio of 60 seconds per minute and 60 minutes per hour are arbitrary. If you use a different measurement of time, your numbers are completely different.
What proof do you have that the designer used seconds as opposed to any other unit of time? Why not the Chinese ke?
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