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Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
Time to transition from The 2016 United States Presidential Election to this new thread to cover the Trump presidency.
Trump did a good thing yesterday in using the bully pulpit, er, tweets to force the Republicans to reverse their trashing of the independent ethics committee. Here are a couple other good things Trump wants to do:
Phat Member Posts: 18712 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.2 |
It remains to be seen what effects the new president and presidency will have on History. One thing I have noticed is how effectively Trump uses Twitter. His tweets themselves become news, and i wonder if he will use this media as much when inaugurated.
Chance as a real force is a myth. It has no basis in reality and no place in scientific inquiry. For science and philosophy to continue to advance in knowledge, chance must be demythologized once and for all. —RC Sproul "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." —Mark Twain " ~"If that's not sufficient for you go soak your head."~Faith Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.~Proverbs 28:26
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined:
Yea his first tweet will be can you believe the nuclear code is 00000000
Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand What are the Christians gonna do to me ..... Forgive me, good luck with that.
Dogmafood Member Posts: 1815 From: Ontario Canada Joined:
One thing I have noticed is how effectively Trump uses Twitter. Doesn't it strike you as kind of un-Presidential and more like El presidente? My impression is that it is intended only to manipulate the public opinion and has nothing to do with expressing his actual intent. I mean does he really intend to communicate with the Congress by way of Twitter? Has Twitter become the official podium? It seems off to me and more the behaviour of a celebrity than a public servant.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
I wonder if Trump will even get to the Presidency, thanks to the endless efforts by the Democrats to sabotage him. Now Obama is trying to start a war with Russia, which I suppose he hopes will become Trump's problem Either that or create a national emergency that will give a reason for him to remain in office. He's just moved troops near the Russian border.
All this is based on the fake news that Russia interfered with our election. First it was how they hacked our voting machines, which happens to have been an impossibility. Now it's that they are behind the leaks of Democrats' emails which supposedly had the effect of giving Trump the edge in the election. (It's still likely that Trump won the popular vote despite the propaganda, because there was definitely election tempering that favored Hillary by the millions). abe; Oh the biggest fake news of all I forgot to mention: that the Russians tried to sabotage the power grid in Vermont that powers the whole East Coast. Now I can't remember if it was this or the election fake news that's prompted the sabre-rattling by Obama. /abe Julian Assange of Wikileaks has said clearly that there is absolutely no evidence that the Russians have had anything to do with any of this. There are rumors that there was definitely interference but not by Russia and that we'll eventually get to hear about it, but I'm wondering when. In any case Obama and the Democrats love their fake news so much they are trying to start a war over it. So far Putin has been acting rationally, apparently understanding what Obama is plotting, and wanting to wait to deal with Trump. I don't know what is going to happen but I've prayed a lot more these last few weeks over the volatile political situation we're in than I've ever prayed in my life over any political national or world event. Some people are saying we are blessed to be living in such interesting times. I get the idea but it's hard for me to share it. Old Chinese Curse: May you live in interesting times. These times are WAY too interesting for me. Edited by Faith, : No reason given. Edited by Faith, : No reason given. Edited by Faith, : No reason given. Edited by Faith, : No reason given. Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
I wonder if Trump will even get to the Presidency, thanks to the endless efforts by the Democrats to sabotage him. Now Obama is trying to start a war with Russia, which I suppose he hopes will become Trump's problem Either that or create a national emergency that will give a reason for him to remain in office. He's just moved troops near the Russian border. Bet?
All this is based on the fake news that Russia interfered with our election. First it was how they hacked our voting machines, which happens to have been an impossibility. Now it's that they are behind the leaks of Democrats' emails which supposedly had the effect of giving Trump the edge in the election. (It's still likely that Trump won the popular vote despite the propaganda, because there was definitely election tempering that favored Hillary by the millions). Evidence?
Julian Assange of Wikileaks has said clearly that there is absolutely no evidence that the Russians have had anything to do with any of this. There are rumors that there was definitely interference but not by Russia and that we'll eventually get to hear about it, but I'm wondering when. In any case Obama and the Democrats love their fake news so much they are trying to start a war over it. So far Putin has been acting rationally, apparently understanding what Obama is plotting, and wanting to wait to deal with Trump. Trump said that Russian hacking was a big problem ... back in 2014, before he realized it was good for him.
Some people are saying we are blessed to be living in such interesting times. I get the idea but it's hard for me to share it. Old Chinese Curse: May you live in interesting times. Alternatively it seems you can have paranoid delusions and those are just as interesting. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
NoNukes Inactive Member |
Faith writes: I wonder if Trump will even get to the Presidency, thanks to the endless efforts by the Democrats to sabotage him. Now Obama is trying to start a war with Russia, which I suppose he hopes will become Trump's problem Either that or create a national emergency that will give a reason for him to remain in office. He's just moved troops near the Russian border. Yikes! Fortunately for us all, reality has a liberal bias. Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846) History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Martin Luther King I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. Thomas Jefferson Seems to me if its clear that certain things that require ancient dates couldn't possibly be true, we are on our way to throwing out all those ancient dates on the basis of the actual evidence. -- Faith Some of us are worried about just how much damage he will do in his last couple of weeks as president, to make it easier for the NY Times and Washington post to try to destroy Trump's presidency. -- marc9000
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Which part of this news have you failed to hear because your ears are glued to the fake news sources of the MSM?
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7
I'd like to make a couple requests:
I'm sorry to be moderating my own thread, I didn't expect to have to do this, but I was very generous in my opening post because I think it important we have a thread for rational and reasonable discussion of the Trump presidency that is rooted in fact. I won't be tolerating posts from the edge of sanity. --Percy
herebedragons Member (Idle past 1178 days) Posts: 1517 From: Michigan Joined:
Every topic you post on makes it seem as if you live in an alternate universe...
Now Obama is trying to start a war with Russia, which I suppose he hopes will become Trump's problem Either that or create a national emergency that will give a reason for him to remain in office. He's just moved troops near the Russian border. This troop deployment began back in October in response to Russia making threatening gestures towards Lithuania and other NATO allies in the region. Russia is the aggressor (remember Crimea and the Ukraine? and more recently Syria?) and it seems they have it in their minds to expand the regions under their control. This troop deployment is a statement by the US that we will stand by our allies and defend them if necessary. Don't get me wrong, the US is not an innocent, we are making power plays of our own. But this has nothing to do with Obama trying to start a war so he can remain in office. That is just crazy conspiracy theory nonsense. The transition of the presidency will happen on Jan 20th regardless of what is going on in Lithuania. It is less than 2 weeks away... this certainly won't escalate that quickly. No one (including the devil himself - Obama) wants a war with Russia... it's a war we can't win - and neither can they.
So far Putin has been acting rationally, apparently understanding what Obama is plotting, and wanting to wait to deal with Trump. Putin acting rationally? Again, what alternate universe do you live in? Putin certainly IS waiting to deal with Trump because he knows he will get a much warmer reception and will have a much freer hand to do as he wishes. I guess that is rational... but not in a good way.
I don't know what is going to happen but I've prayed a lot more these last few weeks over the volatile political situation we're in than I've ever prayed in my life over any political national or world event. There is no doubt that we are living in very scary times. But it boggles my mind that you think Trump is our national savior. I get it that you think he was a better choice than Hillary, I get that. But to heap so much praise on the man, and to think that he is going to rescue the US from all evil - that he is a gift from God, just blows my mind. The man is a loose cannon, he just cannot restrain himself from shooting off at the mouth. He is surrounding himself with rich and powerful men just like himself. His promise to "drain the swamp" is empty. Keep in mind that lobbying goes both ways - that is, there are lobbyists on both sides of many issues (ex. there are lobbyists that lobby in favor of relaxing environmental regulations and there are those that lobby in favor of increasing environmental regulations). What Trump appears to be doing is removing the voices of those that oppose him and simply surrounding himself with those that agree with him. Scary, scary, scary. I predict that we will see some increased prosperity under a Trump administration, but I fear what that prosperity will cost us.
Some people are saying we are blessed to be living in such interesting times. I get the idea but it's hard for me to share it. Old Chinese Curse: May you live in interesting times. These times are WAY too interesting for me. I concur with this sentiment. I think our world politics could use a bit more boring and mundane. But, don't think for a second, though, that your man Trump is into boring and mundane. ABE: Per Percy's request here are some related news articles
US troops will head to Poland - July, 2016 US troops heading to front of new Cold War with Putin - Oct, 2016 US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’ - Jan, 2017 HBD Edited by herebedragons, : No reason given. Edited by herebedragons, : No reason given.Whoever calls me ignorant shares my own opinion. Sorrowfully and tacitly I recognize my ignorance, when I consider how much I lack of what my mind in its craving for knowledge is sighing for... I console myself with the consideration that this belongs to our common nature. - Francesco Petrarca "Nothing is easier than to persuade people who want to be persuaded and already believe." - another Petrarca gem. Ignorance is a most formidable opponent rivaled only by arrogance; but when the two join forces, one is all but invincible.
Tanypteryx Member Posts: 4597 From: Oregon, USA Joined:
In farewell to U.S. military, Obama calls for ‘seamless’ transition of power to Trump
quote: quote: quote: The contrast between the outgoing and incoming Presidents is quite clear. Obama has conducted himself with dignity and has brought honor to the United States, while Trump displays his ignorance and stupidity daily and is an embarrassment to civilization.What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python One important characteristic of a theory is that is has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --percy
jar Member (Idle past 159 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
It will be interesting to see if the Military Oath of Office becomes an issue as well as the built in conflict found in oath taken by National Guard troops.
Modulous Member (Idle past 305 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
Faith writes: First it was how they hacked our voting machines, which happens to have been an impossibility. Faith writes: Anyway here's some evidence from voter fraud expert Bev Harris. Mostly it's about how the votes are easy to manipulate Message 454 Edited by Modulous, : No reason given.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Not from Russia.
abe: The word "hacking" unfortunately implies the internet. The machines are not connected to the internet. The internet is the only way they could be hacked from Russia. They are, however, hackable from a central computer, not the internet, but a central computer on a network with the machines. The data from the machines comes into this central computer which can then manipulate it to give different results. Even this network is limited, as I understand it, connecting a limited number of voting machines. But something like this is what Bev Harris was talking about, not internet hacking. I'm no tech wizard to put it mildly, so all I'm saying is the best I could do with what I got out of Harriis' presentation. There's no point in discussing it further here and I wouldn't have much more to contribute if the topic got moved to another thread either, but if anyone wants to conytinue it, it would have to be moved. Edited by Faith, : No reason given. Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7
I hope there won't be a discussion about what Faith really meant when she first said our voting machines were hackable, then said it was impossible the Russians hacked them, then said "not from Russia." It will never be sorted out and it isn't worth derailing the thread.
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