Obviously within the universe there are separate explanations for different things, but nevertheless this is all part of the same story that the universe created itself and then created everything in itself.
Well, the silly
Mike the Wiz Story anyway. You and your fellow creation myth believers are the only ones who think the Universe created itself.
However, how many more assumptions/entities/variables, must be assumed in order to accept materialism?
You are the only one making up these assumptions/entities/variables.
but a materialistic explanation means we have to believe that once the earth was a primordial blob, and we have to believe accretion, that the planets made themselves and the stars and galaxies made themselves even though they are all now completed, according to the facts,
Believe accretion? Do you even know what accretion is? Who ever says that stars and galaxies made themselves, besides you?
Even though they are now completed? What does that even mean? Stars evolve, galaxies evolve. We can look out into the Universe and see them at many different stages in their evolution. According to the facts gathered by observation.
It's too bad you have never bothered to actually study astronomy or astrophysics.
We don't need to pretend that a tornado in a junkyard can assemble a 747 jet,
Well, that's good because only an idiot would pretend that or that anyone besides creationists believe that.
DO believe that an imaginary being poofed everything into existence out of nothing.
nor do we need to assume hundreds of thousands of transitional creatures, etc...
Interestingly, neither do we. We actually have hundreds of thousands and probably more, fossils of transitional organisms, so no assumptions needed.
An example of that is the aggregate eyeball, the design MATCHES the physics, showing that a neat explanation is that the designer of the eyeball also designed physics.
I am not familiar with
the aggregate eyeball but I would expect vision to evolve to function to detect the physical parameters of light.
the explanation that the universe is created by an intelligent agent, as an argument, seems much more parsimonious at the very least.
The problem is: it is not an explanation at all. The Universe is complex and a simple fantasy about an imaginary entity does not explain anything.
Science is a systematic technique to try and understand the Universe. It is the details that matter, based on observations of reality.
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that is has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --percy