nwr writes:
To me, it suggests a major epidemic of deliberate cheating by professional athletes.
We should accept the obvious -- professional sports is completely and totally corrupt.
I'm inclined to agree.
Think about it.
Did any average person know what Meldonium is or what it does (or helps prevent/mitigate) before this?
Once we learn what it does, is it something that a lot of people generally have?
Percy writes:
...most reasonable people would conclude that over a 100 drug test failures in less than 2 months suggest lack of effective notification.
Perhaps, yes.
But, are we to believe that this obscure ailment is an epidemic throughout amazing athletes only and they all require Meldonium for alternative, benign health reasons?
Or are amazing athletes the only one taking this product because it does have side affects that happen to enhance physical abilities as well as being (formerly) off the no-no drug list?
In other words... why are 100 athletes taking this product already?
To me, nwr is on the right track here.
In general, though, I don't really care if athletes are doping or not.
I feel pity for the system and athletes as a whole. I don't see any way for them to get around this.
It's just something the entire athletic system will have to work through.
As long as athletics are a business, this will remain an issue.