Well, based on those low intellect replies, we can question anything. And I go back again to the same example. Why in the world should I "believe" that George Washington and the founding fathers really existed? The next generation can perfectly consider them mythological figures created to unify the nation under one ideal and nothing more. You can provide me thousands of pages to prove me that they existed. But, where is the real proof? I don't see them. I never met them. how do you prove that they existed? You see how stupid and retarded conversations can turn?
On the other hand, the repulsive theory of human evolution created by slaves of a religion called "mainstream science", cannot prove or show why in the world do we have 46 chromosomes while our allegedly recent ancestors (or their cousins as they prefer) have 48. You can create mules and other creatures but they will be sterile or they will be defective copies like humans with 44 chromosomes. Either way, any time that happens by natural ways, mother nature does not allow the replication of that faulty copy. Humans mysteriously have chromosome 2 fused and voila! that gave birth not only to a new creature, but a radical change in intelligence happened. Completely un-adapted to this planet, but smarter than any other species in the world. In the blink of an eye. one day to the next.
By the way, judging somebody by his "qualifications" is just an emotional excuse when you have no more arguments to prove your points. If having qualifications means earn a degree to make 50k a year with a student loan of another 50k, and work for a technology firm and be called "scientist", I am sorry but that shows an individual with barely average iq. You do not need "qualifications" or degrees to use logic, reason and common sense. You are born with those attributes, and like it or not, those attributes makes people think out of the box and not follow the same stupid doctrines that the "experts" try to impose on people who posses your "qualifications"