RB writes:
So processes only exist because of a creator.
Your whole argument rests on this single statement.
ID Theory is the claim that processes only exist because of a creator.
It is just a baseless assertion with no evidence to support it, and therefore should not be considered to be even slightly scientific.
Well, thanks for the answer.
There is no reason to think that processes only exist because of a creator - but at least we now know what ID 'Theory' is.
And to make things worse: it is a circular argument.
If we were to continue along the line of questioning started with "Is my stone designed"...
Panda: "Are planets designed?"
RB: "Yes. Planets are designed by a creator."
Panda: "How do you know?"
RB: "All processes are designed by a creator."
Panda: "Is rain designed?"
RB: "Yes. Rain is designed by a creator."
Panda: "How do you know?"
RB: "All processes are designed by a creator."
The conclusion that
stones, planets and rain (and all other processes) are designed by a creator is based upon the premise that
all processes are designed by a creator.
If I were you
And I wish that I were you
All the things I'd do
To make myself turn blue