Yes, I was wondering as well, as
14C can also be produced in other ways, for example from the stable isotope
13C through neutron reactions.
I will thus expect to see
14C in a lot of diamonds as it can constantly be produced in those diamond crystals, depending on the proximity to some radioactive sources.
Maybe the
14C produced in this way can't be detected due to the low concentrations.
Maybe I've got it wrong. Maybe Coyote can enlighten us on the subject.
I'm no wizz on radioactivity; my knowledge on this subject borders on dangerous; therefore will take the word of experts on this.
(Real experts, not the pretend "experts" who claim that you can use carbon dating on diamonds!)
Edited by Pressie, : No reason given.
Edited by Pressie, : No reason given.
Edited by Pressie, : No reason given.