I have been watch all the Debates on youtube on ID . With Dawkins Dennett, William Craig, Alvin Plantinga...etc and all I saw was the same points over and over.
And what I noticed was that all the ID proponents were Apologist/Theologians for Christianity and argued moralism as a key point in ID. This is absurd on the face of it. If in fact Evolution is true which it is this has little or nothing to do with morality.
The real Debate is between Super-naturalism and Materialism and this is a False Dichotomy.
Materialism is obviously false but so is Supernaturlism. And neither have anything to do with morality. Or the meaning of life for that matter.
If the Christians were right we would have exactly the same society we have now except for the fact that if their deity were real and as they describe him we would have all gone insane or destroyed ourselves by now. So what I mean to say is Christians would exist whether Materialism is true or not.
Which brings me to my next point. If Evolution/Materialism is right this would not change who or what we are as humans. We would still be biological machines. Some machines would be Christian in their thinking and some would not.
The debate is not about reality but about beliefs and agendas.
The Christians are worried about society becoming completely amoral without
Belief in God.
The Atheist make the case that belief in God has not improved the moral imperative in society and if anything has held us back in superstitious nonsense. And that religion does not have a good record in either pursuing truth or justice.
This is my understanding of the debate of Intelligent Design.
So I came on here hoping to hear other viewpoints besides the ones expressed on youtube by the New Atheist and the ID Theologians.
I do think both have a secret agenda and that this whole thing is staged and political. I believe that The Discovery Institute has a Right Wing Agenda and it is stated on their website quite bluntly
"Discovery Institute is an inter-disciplinary community of scholars and policy advocates dedicated to the reinvigoration of traditional Western principles and institutions and the worldview from which they issued. Discovery Institute has a special concern for the role that science and technology play in our culture and how they can advance free markets, illuminate public policy and support the theistic foundations of the West."
The New Atheist are obviously the opposing Left Wing Agenda and I notice that even though groups like The Union of Concerned Scientists which back them up are actually more concerned about public policy in relation to Global Warming then Evolution as they claim when supporting The New Atheist in this debate.
Their position on ID is this
The Union of Concerned Scientists is an independent, nonprofit alliance of more than 200,000 citizens and scientists. We base our research and outreach on rigorous scientific analysis and the maintenance of scientific integrity in decision making among the public and policy makers.
We are gravely concerned about current attempts to mandate the teaching of intelligent design and other non-scientific accounts of the origins of species and biological diversity in our nation’s science classrooms. We are also troubled by the misleading interpretations of scientific principles being used to discredit and misrepresent the science of evolution. This misuse of science and education could have significant negative long-term consequences for American competitiveness and world leadership on scientific matters. "
But I think their
real agenda is in relation to Global Warming and Public Policy that will make a whole lot of money off our Environmental Fears
Now I must Qualify this when I looked on their website it did not seem to left leaning. They did have a position on Nuclear Power that wasn't Left leaning so maybe they are legit.
But regardless how far to the left or right extremes these groups both lean The Discovery Institute and The Union of Concerned Scientists do have agendas and it seems to me this debate has nothing to do with morals God or even Evolution as much as it does to do with Changing Public Policy and generating revenue.
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma