But in circles like EvC forum ...
I think this is an error. Here, there, everywhere, ID is fundamentalist christian creationism. In this circle, in any reasonably rational circle in which you may want a receptive airing of your ideas, ID is poison. You touch it, even as a seemingly innocent labeling convenience, you are poisoned by it.
Humans are by definition only human. (It made sense when I thought of it.) And ID conjures up specific images fair or not.
"intelligent design" can mean (and often does mean) the general position that teleology has played a role in the history of life on earth.
You may want it to mean that, but in reality it means "fundamentalist christian creationism" in the minds of all who are familiar. A DI YEC hearing ID will think "fundamentalist christian creationism." A biologist hearing ID will think "fundamentalist christian creationism." And every advocate religious or not from atheist to zoologist hearing ID will think "fundamentalist christian creationism."
If "fundamentalist christian creationism" is not what you mean then do not come within 18 feet of the term ID. No matter how hard you piss into the wind its gonna get on you.
I am a jaded individual, I know. I would not put it beyond some anti-evolution, anti-science, let-me-in-your-science-class religionist to walk in here wearing a lab coat saying,
"No. ID isn't about any One True Jahovah, Creator Of All The Universe, Breathing Fallen Mankind Into Existence Through His Holy Nostrils, Thus Requiring The Gift Of THE Love Of Jesus, Savior To All Sinners. It's merely the general position that teleology has played a role in the history of life on earth,"
trying to "de-religionate" ID so it slides easier under the class room door.
Is that you?
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.