HBD writes:
1. I have a philosophical ideology that accepts that there is a higher power that is responsible for the existence of all that exists.
2. I have been unable to convert that philosophical ideology into a viable scientific hypothesis.
3. If anyone else has been able to do this, I would like to know how they did it and what those hypotheses are.
4. Assertions that no such supernatural entities can exist is not a logic assumption.
The point here is not one of deductive logic, proof, certainty or proclamations of impossibility about what can or cannot exist. The question here is whether there is any evidential basis upon which to elevate the notion of an Intelligent Designer above that of any other conceivable but un-disprovable human construction.
So far you haven’t offered any basis for doing so. And nor has anyone else. Even the vague hand waving about 'universal principles' seems to have been retracted.
HBD writes:
Therefore, I am justified in asking questions 1,2 and 3.
Ask away . But don't expect much aside from personal beliefs being indirectly cited as some sort of justification for elevating one evidentially baseless proposition over the infinite array of other such possibilities.