For $5000 you can sponsor a beam. You get a certificate and everything,
I think you missed the part about the donation being
tax deductible. So if you are in the 25% tax bracket, the beam actually only costs $3750! But wait! There's more!!! You get an Ark Model Replica - a $75 value. But that's not all! Ken Ham will personally autograph your Ark Model Replica. I am thinking of buying 4 or 5 beams and giving the Ark Model Replica to my friends as Christmas presents!!
But unfortunately

It has been unable to raise sufficient amounts of money, despite pleas to the Creation Museum’s visitors to donate to the project.
Maybe they should put a roller coaster in that thing! And have aliens and all kinds of freak animals (like unicorns, bigfoots, Nessy, etc...) in the cages. That might generate some interest!
The sad thing is they have raised $22.6 million so far, but still need $20 million more before they can even break ground. The question is ... what happens to all the money that these suckers err... people donated already? Do they give it back. Or just make a half scale replica? What a disgrace!