Some definition of terms might help me understand what is being bandied about on this thread. According to presumably intelligent people at, intelligence seems related to reason, manipulation of one’s environment, and information. Design involves creating or executing according to a plan (which requires a mind?), and evolution seems quite centered around the idea of process.
If these definitions are correct, I think they suggest to me that one critical point in the ID — evolution controversy is whether there are processes which could reasonably provide a sufficient explanation for the tiger or supercomputer without any manipulation of the environment (intelligence) according to a plan (design). Since I know of no supercomputers that have DNA or sex, I’m guessing natural selection and descent with modification will not be a sufficient process to explain very much about them. In the case of the tiger, once you’ve got one (OK, maybe two), then evolutionary processes can seem to explain quite a few things.
Natural selection and descent with modification seem to be processes that require a self-replicating organism to have any explanatory relevance. What process do we know of that give rise to such organisms from water and chemicals and such?