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Author Topic:   "If I descended from an ape, how come apes are still here?"
Member (Idle past 4032 days)
Posts: 1011
From: Edinburgh
Joined: 01-03-2004

Message 110 of 286 (651458)
02-07-2012 3:47 PM

Apologies in advance....
.....if this has been brought up before. I came across a statement by a fundie on "Fundies ay the darndest things" and thought I'd share. I'm paraphasing here.
In response to the topic question, aforementioned fundie stated that the standard evolutionary explanation that it was a gradual change over millenia didn't hold water because "monkeys live less than 1000 years". Now that last bit is a direct quote.

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 Message 111 by Dr Adequate, posted 02-07-2012 3:51 PM Trixie has not replied

Member (Idle past 4032 days)
Posts: 1011
From: Edinburgh
Joined: 01-03-2004

Message 122 of 286 (651539)
02-08-2012 3:37 AM
Reply to: Message 121 by Tangle
02-08-2012 3:24 AM

I much prefer "If people are descended from grandparents, why are there still grandparents?". It shows the absurdity of the question.

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 Message 121 by Tangle, posted 02-08-2012 3:24 AM Tangle has not replied

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 Message 123 by Percy, posted 02-08-2012 8:43 AM Trixie has not replied

Member (Idle past 4032 days)
Posts: 1011
From: Edinburgh
Joined: 01-03-2004

Message 139 of 286 (652064)
02-12-2012 7:25 AM
Reply to: Message 133 by Chuck77
02-12-2012 4:10 AM

Oh, the ironing!
I find it hilariously ironic that in a thread begun to demonstrate and explain the idiocy apparent in the question which is the title of the thread, we are subjected to the following nonsense.
Chuck77 writes:
If we descended from a common come we don't know who they were?
If you had engaged your brain before your fingers, the answer would have come to you in a flash. Panda has given you a great example of why your question is dumb, in fact it's even dumber than the original question. By your reasoning, if you can't tell us all about your great x 7 grandfather then he didn't exist. So spill, tell us about him, because he obviously did exist. If you can't tell us anything are we to assume that he didn't and therefore that YOU don't exist either?
Honestly, Chuckieboy, you're gonna have to raise your game a bit. It's one thing to make a statement against evolution and have that statement rebutted, it's another thing entirely to make a statement that makes you look like an utter idiot, which, if correct, proves you don't exist.
I have to assume that much of this post is going to sail right over your head and go "plop" on the wall behind you, since the idiocy of your question demonstrates a complete lack of higher thought processes. Maybe not all of us share a common ancestor with othe apes - on the evidence I'd say some share a close common ancestor with turnips.

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 Message 133 by Chuck77, posted 02-12-2012 4:10 AM Chuck77 has not replied

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