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Author Topic:   Creativity Corner
Inactive Member

Message 17 of 86 (636107)
10-04-2011 2:24 AM

Dissed and dismissed?
Oh man, we've been dissed, how to deal
better close your frikkin eyes and feel,
me lookin thru the lies, that reach the skies,
I think it's about time somebody dies,
or atleast, gets injured intellectually,
as long as we get the real stor-E.
Actually, I don't know why im even on this track,
i'll let my homies attack your weak azz whack.
Xong here, been at the bar,
saw the agnostic allicance signal hopped in the car,
what the hell is going on I thought we was one,
mind, im shocked, dissen me, I thought we was done.
dam bro, you best flee, im all buzzed up,
from some vodka mixed, with 7up.
I was chillen, relaxing with anal emm-a,
are you ever gonna recover from your amnesi-a
forgetting my posts, i've been contributing,
just once it would be nice if you started admitting,
my posts are real, and honestly,
represent, what none of us can see.
whether it's you, mod, bluegenes or panda,
why the hell you gotta slanda,
my name xong last name smith,
what the hel is it wit you A-theist
we disagree, so what, get over it,
i'd be shocked tho, if you did, I can't help you get rid,
of those thoughts, these fellings that haunt,
day and night like a open 24 hours resteraunt,
Im not on the fence, get it right,
I think your inconsistant, like a cold summer night.
Im done, for now, i'll hand it to my brother,
try and stop acting like my dam friggen mother.
RAZD here, or Zen Deist if you like,
don't really matter, just hand me the dam mic
rophone, that's right, I gotta bone,
to pick, so listen up, or feel the wrath of a menace,
cause im about to ground up yer azz like venice
son-im agnostic, for the 1000th time,
if this were a phone call i'd be on my millionth feeekin dime,
get it in yer head, im a 3 on most gods,
as far as Lord V he's as fake as Mod's
humbleness, I tell ya, or Panda's intelligence,
so get it in your head or i'll jump the dam fence,
and finally end this, like a dam crime spree,
so tell me Straggler, do you agree? Yes No
I hope so.

Replies to this message:
 Message 18 by Straggler, posted 10-04-2011 5:55 AM Chuck77 has replied

Inactive Member

Message 21 of 86 (636357)
10-06-2011 12:29 AM
Reply to: Message 18 by Straggler
10-04-2011 5:55 AM

Straggler is the Mrs
Please Straggs, you think im embarrassed cheerleading for RAZD, you couldn't be more wrong,
now would you please step away from the heavily resonated bong,
and clear your mind, your rambling you know?,
on top of the bong hits I think you're snorting blow,
you seem lost, confused, delusional and stale,
you're acting like a #1 on the outdated Dawkins scale.
im a cheerleader so what, I add my takes,
seems like you tho, just disregard and shakes,
your head, what's wrong? you gotta make fun?
like you never once refered to bluegenes as hun?
please, we know it's true,
bluegenes preparing bubble bath's for you,
come on stragg, get with the program bro,
we both know you and bluegenes are ho-
mo sapians, just like the rest of us,
don't get mad at us cause you both ride the short bus,
don't be shy, don't be coy,
we all know RAZD uses both of you like a dam toy,
now face the facts, you lost, it's over,
case closed, just like in Dover,
the four horseman, plus PaulK, have taken quite the stance,
so sit back, clear the way and let bluegenes and Straggler dance.
Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 18 by Straggler, posted 10-04-2011 5:55 AM Straggler has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 25 by Straggler, posted 10-06-2011 1:49 PM Chuck77 has replied

Inactive Member

Message 23 of 86 (636366)
10-06-2011 4:38 AM
Reply to: Message 22 by xongsmith
10-06-2011 3:02 AM

Re: Apropos' the Wall Street protest
Nice man!

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 Message 22 by xongsmith, posted 10-06-2011 3:02 AM xongsmith has seen this message but not replied

Inactive Member

Message 29 of 86 (636601)
10-08-2011 6:31 AM
Reply to: Message 25 by Straggler
10-06-2011 1:49 PM

Re: Chuckles Bites Back
A break from the rhyme,
I really don't have the time,
I read your post and wanted to boo,
instead I offer you a halloween haiku.
My my my Straggler - 5
many words, little meaning - 7
atheist costume? - 5

This message is a reply to:
 Message 25 by Straggler, posted 10-06-2011 1:49 PM Straggler has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 30 by Straggler, posted 10-08-2011 9:24 AM Chuck77 has replied

Inactive Member

Message 42 of 86 (636655)
10-09-2011 3:35 AM
Reply to: Message 30 by Straggler
10-08-2011 9:24 AM

Re: One Flew Over The Chuckles Nest
Straggler writes:
But even more sad is your need to fuck with Panda's rating
You went back in time to boo his every post
That shit makes you the one who deserves to be jeered the most.
I'm a jerk, I admit it, im far from perfect and was angry,
I went back, fixed the ratings and plead to act more sainly.
They say the the first sign of madness is talking to yourself.
Guess we should be concerned about your mental health. Message 405
As true as that is there's no need to worry,
as I was lonley you came in a hurry,
To kick while im down, I have no problem,
once I get up, your rhymes, i'll solve em.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 30 by Straggler, posted 10-08-2011 9:24 AM Straggler has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 43 by Straggler, posted 10-09-2011 10:48 AM Chuck77 has not replied
 Message 44 by GDR, posted 10-09-2011 4:04 PM Chuck77 has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 69 of 86 (637062)
10-13-2011 7:10 AM
Reply to: Message 68 by Straggler
10-13-2011 6:04 AM

Re: Straggler's Night Out
What's with the Limericks?
does it help getting chicks?
no more rap?
gone like a cut down tree's sap?
how's this for throwing up bricks?

This message is a reply to:
 Message 68 by Straggler, posted 10-13-2011 6:04 AM Straggler has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 72 by Straggler, posted 10-14-2011 1:29 PM Chuck77 has replied

Inactive Member

Message 76 of 86 (637339)
10-15-2011 1:04 AM
Reply to: Message 72 by Straggler
10-14-2011 1:29 PM

Re: Straggler's Night Out
Straggler writes:
I am sorely tempted to start a lymerickal contest with you too.
But, in the name of family decency, I shall refrain.
There once was a man named Straggler,
he's often mistaken for a her,
he once befriended a goat
together they learned to float
now he's a well known herder.
Well, I toned it down some. It was a little more "contraversial" than this nice little limerick.
Maybe i'll let you lead...
Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.
Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.

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 Message 72 by Straggler, posted 10-14-2011 1:29 PM Straggler has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 77 of 86 (637340)
10-15-2011 1:13 AM
Reply to: Message 72 by Straggler
10-14-2011 1:29 PM

Re: Straggler's Night Out
Hello Chuck. Bearing in mind the rhyme possibilities of your name
There once was a man named chuck
who did not give a ----
now tho he does
and never there was
if he was a chicken he'd pluck
Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 72 by Straggler, posted 10-14-2011 1:29 PM Straggler has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 78 of 86 (637341)
10-15-2011 1:44 AM
Reply to: Message 72 by Straggler
10-14-2011 1:29 PM

Re: Straggler's Night Out
There once was a man from!
who also liked to go huntin...huntin!
as long as he drank
and slept beside frank
you could tell all was well from the gruntin...

This message is a reply to:
 Message 72 by Straggler, posted 10-14-2011 1:29 PM Straggler has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 79 of 86 (637342)
10-15-2011 1:46 AM

OK, i've got the limericks down. Im perfecting then on Straggler for now. Keeping it clean too. Oh the possibilities. I'ts much more challenging to keep them PG

Replies to this message:
 Message 80 by Straggler, posted 10-15-2011 10:47 AM Chuck77 has not replied

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