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Member (Idle past 304 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Studying the supernatural | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi 1.61803 (and fellow readers),
If ghost exist they are natural imo. So if god/s exist then they are natural rather than supernatural? Isn't that kind of reverse god-of-the-gaps? Perhaps we should recognize\define\use "natural" to include all things\elements\aspects\etc that can be studied by science (which should be rather tautological, but done to make a point), And recognize\define\use "un-natural" to include all things\elements\aspects\etc that can be studied by science but that run counter to existing\current scientific knowledge(1) -- which would also include sasquatch, aliens, and faster than light neutrinos, as well as some supernatural aspects. And then recognize\define\use "everything else" to be both non-natural & non-unatural ... or "a-natural" - things\elements\aspects\etc that canNOT be studied by science for various reasons. Thus aspects of ghosts that can be detected\studied by science would be "un-natural" phenomena, while aspects of god/s that cannot be detected\studied by science would be "a-natural" phenomena. Supernatural(2) aspects, such as the ability to fly by "magic" would be detectable "un-natural" phenomena, while something like {where god/s live} could be outside the capability of science to detect\observe\test\etc and would then be "a-natural" Note that these "examples" are only for illustration of the differences, and I offer these terms as a means to provide clarity between (Message 1):
quote: and
quote: Because, personally, I do not see these categories as being necessarily one or the other exclusive -- ie both could be valid aspects of the debate/s, and I do see some confusion between {testable supernatural aspects} and {untestable supernatural aspects}. Enjoy. (1) - the necessarily tentative kind of knowledge usage in science, of course ![]() (2) - Supernatural Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
quote: Edited by Zen Deist, : clrtyby our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi nwr,
The thing is that when science investigate and explains the supernatural, it calls the result "natural." So the effect is to diminish what is considered supernatural, and to increase what is considered natural. Much that was once in the province of supernatural religion is now natural. ... Straggles, Message 9: For example - Thor as the conceptual cause of this phenomenon remains as conceptually supernatural as ever. And nothing science discovers will change that. Science doesn't make Thor natural. Science makes the supernatural explanation that is Thor redundant. Partly correct: science explains how natural systems operate, thus science shows how lightening and thunder occur, but science does not explain whether or not Thor (etc)(1) used those processes to cause thunder and lightening. Whether "Thor" exists and uses these processes to cause thunder and lightening is "a-natural" and/but unnecessary to the scientific explanation of how thunder and lightening occur. The (an)other side of this issue - particularly as it impacts this thread - is the "believer" claim that "Thor" causes thunder and lightening, thunder and lightening exist, therefore this is evidence for the existence of "Thor" (the affirming the consequent logical fallacy of course). This can be regarded as "inductive logic(2)", a conjecture, a guess or an hypothesis, but it is (currently) not a testable concept as I see it. Enjoy (1) - there are lots of god/s that are purported to cause thunder and lightening, and for the purposes of debate we can consider them all to be the same god under different names, and use "Thor" as the useful designational name. (2) inductive logic is guilty of the same affirming the consequent logical fallacy in the formation of scientific (or other) hypothesis, but the intention is to produce a testable concept, rather than one considered to be true (or true until falsified), and where (scientific) testing of the concept can turn it into a (scientific) theory (or even a law).by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi Rahvin, thanks.
Let's stick with ghosts, since they're less emotionally-charged than deities tend to be. Ghosts are a conceivable possibility by a completely unknown mechanism; they're a popular hypothesis to explain a widely disparate set of phenomenon (we'll leave aside for now the discussion on whether they actually serve that purpose well). At the end of the day, however, either ghosts exist, or they do not. A more generic term may be spirits, which are found in (almost?) all religions (afaik), from the simple ancestor spirits of chinese belief to the various spirits of native american beliefs.
... At the end of the day, however, either ghosts exist, or they do not.
It seems to me a more nuanced approach may be more appropriate than just {exist/not-exist}.
Is it that mysteriousness that makes them qualify as "supernatural?" Is that just a label that we apply to conceivably possible things when we don't know the mechanism that could be involved? Is it a label that we apply when a hypothesis seems to contradict other, more certain theories about reality, and we're just either too lazy to try to figure out the real rules that reality is using that explain all of the phenomenon, or too stubborn to let go of a hypothesis that we really like? As an example, the attribute of ghosts/spirits to move through walls\etc. would be "un-natural" (unexplained?)(a) behavior, however there is another conceivable possibility here (imho): Another common thread in beliefs about spirits is in the ability of "possession" of individuals by spirits, and that they can then cause the people to do or see (un-natural) things that they would not normally (naturally) do or see. In this regard, a vision of a ghost as a 4-D (space/time) hologram injected into a persons visual nerves would have the appearance of an object moving independently and unaffected by the physical world seen through the normal vision paths: one image superimposed on the other, a double exposure experience(b). Is this testable? Is possession in general testable? Would you agree that the "natural" explanation would be that it is an hallucination, produced by abnormal (non-normal ... un-normal?) behavior inside the brain, rather than an actual event? Any testing by cat-scans etc could be shown to be entirely consistent with the "natural" hallucination hypothesis\explanation, ... and yet we are left with the "thor question" -- is this just how the spirit causes the phenomena to occur, or is it just a natural mechanism?
If it can be observed, it can be studied. Just because something has a mysterious mechanism doesn't mean it's an "exception" to the laws of reality - it just means we don't understand everything about reality yet. That's fine, I was never under the presumption that humanity had figured it all out yet. If the thing is conscious and intentionally avoids detection in most circumstances...well, that just means it's difficult to study, not that it's outside the realm of human understanding. And even if it were incomprehensible, that wouldn't mean it's somehow an exception to the laws of reality. Once again, it would just mean that the laws of reality are different to some degree from what we currently think they are, and we already know that to be near-certainly true. Interesting assertions. I would only add that there may be some aspects that cannot be explained and understood via science, perhaps because the experiences\observations may be chaotic in nature, with results that are not repeatable. Enjoy. Notes:(a) - edited phrase to correct: was {would be "non-natural" behavior} (b) - added ending for clarity Edited by Zen Deist, : corrected, added phrasing Edited by Zen Deist, : a & b vs 1 & 2 by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi Dr Adequate,
So, explain to me. What is there in all that you've conceded that should delay me one nanosecond from saying: "I don't believe that Thor causes thunder"? Nothing: you can have your opinion\belief\guess based on the things you know (tentatively), the things you think you know (but are not validated) and your personal world view/s. Just as what you have conceded cannot delay me from being open minded but skeptical. Enjoy.by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi Dr Adequate,
In fact, I have never met anyone who describes themselves as "closed-minded and gullible". And everyone considers themselves to be logical and rational.
What I want to know is --- given that we have apparently very similar epistemologies, how does it come about that I'm an atheist and yet you're a deist ... At what point does your epistemology start to differ from mine ... Simple, imho. They start to differ where our world views, opinions and beliefs differ, areas not necessarily subject to science or logic but just the accumulation of life experiences and the associated beliefs and opinions that you have gained in your life-tiime. What makes a conservative different from a liberal?
... who goes around condemning atheists as closed-minded pseudoskeptics? ... Who goes around condemning certain specific people (many of which happen to be atheists, but not all) for exhibiting the behaviors typical of pseudoskeptics.(1)
... for me to say such things as: "I don't believe in ... Is perfectly fine: it is a belief. There is no need to substantiate a belief (or an opinion or a guess about the future) -- you aren't claiming that it is true. If I say that I don't believe in unicorns either(2), then that too is my belief. If someone happens to show that unicorns do in fact exist, then both our opinions would be falsified, but that wouldn't mean that we were not able to have those beliefs logically due to the evidence available before then. http://english.glendale.cc.ca.us/unicorn1.html (one of my favorite stories). If someone says "{X} does not exist," or that "the preponderance of evidence shows that it is highly improbable that {X} exists," they should be prepared to substantiate those claims with some objective evidence (and not just the "absence of evidence" that it exists). Enjoy. Notes: (1) - see Pseudoskepticism - Wikipedia and Marcello Truzzi - Wikipedia
quote: Maybe I should describe myself as an open-minded zetetic ... ? ![]() (2) - For the stalkers, belief that {X} does not exist would be a 5, imho.by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi nwr, thanks.
I'm not sure why you are making a reply to my post. It seems that your "reply" is entirely a response to the bullshit that Straggler has made up and has attempted to falsely impute to me. Agreed, however I find it more parsimonious to reply to you as a clarification of how I see the picture that you initiated and I agree with. Enjoyby our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined:
Hi Rahvin, (& readers),
Apologies for the length, but I feel the level of detail is important for clarity. I will provide a summary at the end, and you can chose to respond to those points, keeping the details fleshed out here in mind. This is taking me a fair bit of time, so your consideration is appreciated. A side benefit (to others, anyway) is that I won't be spending this time on other responses today. ![]() I don;t think we're here to discuss whether ghosts/spirits actually exist or whether appealing to the popularity of an idea lends weight to its probability of accuracy. It's just an example of something usually labelled "supernatural." That's all. Correct, the purpose of the thread is discussion of how you can, or cannot, study the supernatural. Spirits are just an example that can be discussed.
All you're doing with those examples is subdividing the sets {exist} and {not exist}. It's irrelevant. ... Actually, I am subdividing the set of {supernatural possibilities} into sets that {can possibly be studied} and {cannot possibly be studied} to see if further study of the aspects that {can possibly be studied} can provide insight or evidence for the {exist} or {not exist} sets, and not confuse them with discussion of the aspects that {cannot possibly be studied} and thus are indeterminate. This is absolutely relevant to the topic.
... It's conceptually possible that aspects of reality might exist yet be undetectable to us. In fact, it's historically true - quarks and gluons, as random examples, were for the great majority of human experience, completely undetectable. The existence of "quarks and gluons, as random examples" is inferred from their (theoretically) detectable actions, yes? So you would agree that IF spirits are members of the {exist} set, that THEN it could be possible for their existence to be inferred from their (theoretically) detectable actions, yes? Poltergeists, for one example, possession for another.
I'm not at all talking about the sets {known to exist} and {not known to exist} or {known to not exist}. I'm talking about the sets {exist} and {not exist}. In every single case, either a thing exists, or it does not, correct? Mundanely, tautologically true, but pointless without relation to knowledge (tentative or absolute) of the facts or the ability to study and test them.
What we currently know boils down to a matter of probability assigned by previous observation and testing, but what exists is irrelevant to our knowledge - the territory is independant of the map. North America existed long before Columbus or Eric the Red. What we know (tentatively) is inferred from the evidence and deduced from testing of the evidence, and is necessarily an approximation of what is real - it is the map, not the territory. The more it is tested, the more accurate the map, and the higher the confidence we have that the conclusions approximate reality. The approximation is improved by discarding falsified concepts, thereby narrowing the possibilities, and the confidence is improved by undertaking additional (and targeted) testing without falsification or false results occurring.
Stop. Is that "non-natural behavior?" Or is it simply "behavior not in accordance with currently understood natural law?" In other words, a mystery? By labelling the phenomenon "un-natural" or "supernatural," it seems to me that you're identifying a mystery, a gap in our understanding and saying "wow, this doesn't fit with what I think I know, so I must never be able to really know it, it's compeltely untestable." Sorry, I should have used "un=natural" there instead of non-natural. My mistake. I've corrected that post to say: "As an example, the attribute of ghosts/spirits to move through walls\etc. would be "un-natural" (unexplained?)(a) behavior, ..." where the (a) footnote refers to the edit made. Thank you for catching me on not using the terms I introduced (Message 17) to distinguish what can theoretically be testable from what cannot theoretically be testable. I'll repeat them here for clarity:
quote: (bold added, for the footnotes see Message 17) If you can think of better terminology or symbolic representation, I'm open to suggestions (perhaps "?-natural" instead of "un-natural" and "x-natural" for "a-natural"? would those be less confusing?).
By labelling the phenomenon "un-natural" or "supernatural," it seems to me that you're identifying a mystery, a gap in our understanding and saying "wow, this doesn't fit with what I think I know, so I must never be able to really know it, it's compeltely untestable." No, what is untestable would be a-natural (or x-natural) by the above terminology, introduced to prevent\reduce this confusion.
Un-natural (or ?-natural) would include unexplained phenomena, such as aliens and sasquatches and some supernatural aspects. We don't know if natural explanations can apply (including ones that haven't been derived yet), it's not limited to supernatural and supernatural is not necessarily limited to un-natural (or ?-natural). Identifying a "mystery" Un-natural (or ?-natural) phenomena means that we can then target them for further study, and see if we can determine what kind of explanations can be derived. Clear as mud?
That's not the proper response to a mysterious question. The proper response is to accept that you don;t understand the phenomenon, and try to come up with some tests to determine what mechanism is at work. and what you can reasonably test and what you cannot reasonably test, how those tests would provide bonafide positive and negative results, and how you could guard against false positives or negatives.
... "Walking through walls" isn't even all that special - certain forms of matter like neutrinos pass through walls all the time. Electromagnetic fields can pass through most walls as well, which is why I'm able to post this despite the fact that my wireless access point is on the other side of a concrete pillar at the moment, and why my cell phone works indoors. So ghost images could be radio\tv type waves. That's testable: would finding radio\tv type waves be positive evidence of spirits or a false positive? Would not finding radio\tv type waves be negative evidence of spirits or a false negative? Does the image need to actually go through the wall or just disappear as it comes to the wall?
Identifying a mystery just doesn't mean you identify the phenomenon as some brand-new special subset that somehow disqualifies it from natual laws. Mysterious phenomenon, in fact, are exactly what help us the most in determining what the real natural laws are. Remember, a scant few hundred years ago, Lord Kelvin identified the response of muscles to conscious thought as something "infinitely beyond" human understanding. This tendency to worship one's own ignorance by revering the mysteriousness of mysteries rather than trying to just figure out what's really going on is fascinating. Which is beside the point of what you can reasonably test and what you cannot reasonably test, how those tests would provide both bonafide positive and bonafide negative results, and how you could guard against false positives and false negatives. The Ben Franklin analogy again: if a Ben Franklin Wannabe (BFW) was flying a kite in a rainstorm, without a means to test for static electricity, with lightening striking the kite, could he rationally conclude:
Now let's say he has a bottle with a balloon over the end attached to the (wet part of the) string. Our BFW has not tested this apparatus with static electricity, under a variety of conditions, to show that the balloon only inflates when static electricity is present and does not inflate when static electricity is absent.
(*) - it's a dark and stormy night: he holds the bottle over a candle to observe the balloon ... minutes pass ... You need to know that your test mechanism will produce bonafide positive results and bonafide negative results and NOT produce false positive results or false negative results.
The question isn't whether it's a "natural" phenomenon or an "unnatural" phenomenon. The question is, what is the real mechanism at work in this case?" In any case with a mysterious question, we have to try to differenciate between many potential hypotheses to see which is the closest to reality. If we observe a parrtern of numbers that goes {2, 4, 6}, the rule "the number increases by two each time" fits equally well as the rule "the number increases each time" or even "any selection of numbers at all." That's the entire point of investigating a phenomenon - in large part you just have to describe the phenomenon by what you can test to be not happening. The question should be "does the mechanism of posession exist or not," not "is the mechanism 'natural.'" The question is whether the appearance of possession is properly explained by a new mechanism (that may or may not be "natural" - according to current thought\knowlede\belief) or only by existing "natural" mechanisms. The question is whether or not you can test for it with a test mechanism that will produce bonafide positive results and bonafide negative results and NOT produce false positive results or false negative results.
If all you can test for, if the only test mechanisms you have that are validated (ie tested, calibrated and known(1) to produce bonafide positive results and bonafide negative results and NOT produce false positive results or false negative results) are known(1) natural mechanism, then are you really able to test for supernatural presence/essence.
If it's observable, RAZD, then it is testable. It may not be easy to do so, but that hardly justifies the creation of a brand new set of ambiguous phenomenon called {supernatural}. Curiously, the "phenomenon called {supernatural}" is not being invented here, but is older than science, and what we are discussing is the question of whether or not we can test for "supernatural" essence/s to see if they fit in the {exist} or {don't exist} sets.
If it's not observable, meaning it cannot be detected with any of the senses, then how would you ever get the idea that it happens in the first place? ... By inferring that it may exist from other evidence, whether that evidence is anecdotal religious texts (that may or may not be true) or some other source. The preponderance of spirits in (virtually all?) most religions and the preponderance of narratives about possession by spirits, would make it a good target for shooting practice, yes? OR we can get the idea by inferring that it may exist from observable non-normal/abnormal behaviors that would be consistent with a hypothetical possession, as you said:
quote: ... their presence was (and still is) inferred\deduced from observed behavior in the theoretical patterns, and not directly observable, "meaning it cannot be detected with any of the senses" - correct?
... If I can observe a mysterious human-looking figure or other object passing through a wall, then I can try to test under what circumstances this phenomenon seems to happen; test whether some substances are permeable and some are not; see whether the object responds to various stimuli; etc.... If someone reports "a mysterious human-looking figure or other object passing through a wall" and you cannot repeat the experience, does that mean that the concept is invalid or untested? If you do see such an event, does that mean that the concept is valid or tested? When testing for permeability, how do you know what level is required? If you find impermeable substances where the puported wall passing occurred, does that mean that the concept is invalid or untested? If you find permeable substances, that allow liquid or gas but not your solid hand to pass, does that mean that the concept is valid or tested?
... "Posession" may be extremely difficult to differentiate from mental illness ... Agreed. Particularly when there is a long tradition of labelling people with mental illness because of behavior that is not understood, it is kind of a catch-all, grab-basket, cubbyhole classification, rather than a well-defined one. However, I note that not all possessions need be malevolent, some may be benevolent, such as a person saying that a spirit moved them to do {X}. In this regard it would seem (to me) that this is possibly the most commonly reported experience of supernatural essence\presence. Further, it is conceivably possible to transport and study a possessed person, as compared to ghosts, which seem to be cantankerous at best. In my mind this may be the best candidate for further study. Certainly it could be used as a test pilot to use in discussion of how we can study the supernatural.
... or powerful suggestion and the like, but again - if someone thinks they've seen it happen to themselves or others, then they've observed it and we can test it. Does a posessed individual respond to psychiatric medication? To verbal stimuli? Does it only happen in specific locations and conditions? To specific individuals who may share a common trait? To animals? What would be an indication of "posession" that differenciates it from "mental illness" so that we can tell which phenomenon we're studying in a given individual? The proper question/s would be does a possessed person respond differently to psychiatric medication than a non-possessed person? etc. If you assume a priori that response to psychiatric medication is evidence of mental illness ("or powerful suggestion and the like), rather than possession, then have you really tested for possession?
The question isn't whether it's a "natural" phenomenon or an "unnatural" phenomenon. The question is, what is the real mechanism at work in this case?" In any case with a mysterious question, we have to try to differenciate between many potential hypotheses to see which is the closest to reality. If we observe a parrtern of numbers that goes {2, 4, 6}, the rule "the number increases by two each time" fits equally well as the rule "the number increases each time" or even "any selection of numbers at all." That's the entire point of investigating a phenomenon - in large part you just have to describe the phenomenon by what you can test to be not happening. The question should be "does the mechanism of posession exist or not," not "is the mechanism 'natural.'" But that is the question. Just asking that question though, does not tell you if your best guess of "many potential hypotheses" accurately explains the situation or just the tested aspects of the situation.
Once again - that a phenomenon may be difficult to investigate, but if a phenomenon is observable in the first place, then further observations can be made to investigate what's going on. Sometimes we don't have the tools to really figure it out; sometimes we don't even have the tools to make the tools that would let us test another phenomenon that would let us create the tools to even observe what's really going on. At no point does that make the phenomenon some super-special set that takes exception to reality's laws. We don;t know all of reality's laws with absolute certainty; that much is going to be true for the forseeable future, and so the proper response to a mysterious question is "let's investigate and see what's going on; if we can't do it yet, let's try to find out what we might need to do so; and until then, we'll accept that we just don't know. Yet. Fully agree.
summary points
conclusions Personally, I do not see it being possible to test any real supernatural aspects that may be in the {exist} set, because in order to properly validate (ie tested, calibrated and known(1)) to produce proper results) such a test you would need bonafide positive and negative results, which would make the whole exercise unnecessary.
This means you can only logically test for the effects of supernatural presence\essence on natural systems that can be tested. Problems here are (a) the strong possibility of false negative results, and (b) results that are confused with and ascribed to natural causes. Thus we have to work from inference from indirect evidence, rather than direct observation and deduction, and thus we need to practice extreme care not to make premature conclusions, pro or con. (whew) Enjoy. Notes:(1) - know\known\knowledge with scientific tentativity Edited by Zen Deist, : No reason given.by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined:
Hi Chuck77
There is only two possibilities. Super-natural OR natural. A third possibility is that "natural" is "supernatural" -- that everything "natural" was created that way. Enjoy.by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Content hidden because of similarity to discussions in other threads. --Admin
Hi Rahvin So you simply see it as a question of exploring of any phenomena in question to see if it belongs in the {exist} or {not exist} set.
Supernatural is an extraneous term. There should be no distinction whatsoever between phenomenon that lack explanations. What is {known} has been studied, and phenomena have been placed in {exist} or {not exist} sets. That leaves what is {not known} to study, and to see if any phenomena in question belongs in the {exist} or {not exist} sets.
... my entire point has been that these subsets are unnecessary, and harmfully so. So let's use different terms to (a) avoid this problem and (b) avoid confusion. Would you say that within the set of {not known} phenomena that there are phenomena that are {unknowable unknown} and are {knowable unknown}? We can also qualify all three with "at this time" so that we have:
At this time we have things\concepts that are:
Would you agree that trying to study {unknowable unknown} phenomena at this time would be unproductive? Or rather that all we could reasonably do is {either wait for new means} or work on developing {new means to apply} to the question that would move these phenomena from {unknowable unknown at this time} to {knowable unknown at this time}? Otherwise, that leaves us with {knowable unknown at this time} phenomena to study. Enjoy. Edited by Admin, : Hide content.by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi Straggles,
... We cannot scientifically test for the existence of supernatural entities despite the fact that many many people claim to be able to detect supernatural entities because ... it would seem that such entities should be readily detectable with more advanced equipment than human eyes, ears etc. What does the equipment detect? What does the equipment need to detect? Can you tell if supernatural presence\essence is tested? Enjoy Edited by Zen Deist, : Content hidden per Percy requestby our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Your call Percy.
I don't see the response to Rahvin going there, but I'm okay with it. I expect consistency, of course. The problem I see is more with counter-productive and disruptive behavior on the Scientific Knowledge thread, than here with a reasonable exchange of views here. I don't have a lot of time free for a while, so my posting will likely be reduced in any event. Enjoy.by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi 1.61803,
GDR writes: I don't know, QM is pretty strange. Humanity is still sitting in Plato's cave poking at shadows. I am reminded of the quote:
quote: When you look at the fine print of the universe (QM level) you see constant shifting and rebuilding. Everything changes from micromoment to micromoment yet appears to stay the same. Enjoy.by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
RAZD Member (Idle past 1724 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Brian Greene in his Book "The Fabric of the Cosmos" says that there must be something wrong with the data because when they bring together the math of relativity and the math of QM the answer keeps coming up as infinity. What if the math is right and infinity is the correct answer. I'm reading his book "the Elegant Universe" where he is showing how string theory can unify QM and relativity without the ∞ problems. Of course string theory then requires more dimensions ... Enjoy. Edited by Zen Deist, : bold ∞by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click)
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