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Author Topic:   Suspensions and Bannings Part III
Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 121 of 275 (619464)
06-09-2011 9:45 PM

Taz, 2 hours for rule 8 violation
The "little red suspension dot" message:
2 hour suspension - Re: This - As recognized by Poe's law, satire can be mistaken for the real thing. And such is a rule 8 violation. Such causes confusion and forum mess, and I think it needs to stop. - Adminnemooseus
Rule 8:
Avoid any form of misrepresentation.
I'm sure this will be controversial - Take the discussion to the Whine List.

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Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 122 of 275 (619737)
06-11-2011 10:09 PM

Jar, "No time duration suspension" for Jar like behavior
Call it a serious reprimand, without having to serve any time.
This message, quoted in its entirety:
Jar writes:
Chuck77 writes:
Is it everyones opinion that this paper has no merit whatsoever? Even with all the references and sources listed?
Chuck77 writes:
Are you all saying that his entire paper is a complete bald faced lie?
More an example of misrepresentation, quote mining and selecting the desired evidence while ignoring the evidence that does not support his desired outcome.
I'm calling this a rule 4 violation:
4. Points should be supported with evidence and/or reasoned argumentation. Address rebuttals through the introduction of additional evidence or by enlarging upon the argument. Do not repeat previous points without further elaboration. Avoid bare assertions.
My bolding. Jar's message just does't cut it as being a valid reply.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Corrected rule number in quote box and activate "signature".

Please be familiar with the various topics and other links in the "Essential Links", found in the top of the page menu. Amongst other things, this is where to find where to report various forum problems.

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 123 of 275 (619887)
06-12-2011 11:04 PM

RightHandMan, 2 days for operating in the extreme rant mode
The "little red suspension dot" message:
2 day suspension (initially I was thinking 1 week). A rabid preaching machine, maybe not that far from Mabus. See this and this. - Adminnemooseus
Try coming back in a couple of days, without the "foaming at the mouth" effect. If not, the next suspension will probably be permanent.

Please be familiar with the various topics and other links in the "Essential Links", found in the top of the page menu. Amongst other things, this is where to find where to report various forum problems.

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 124 of 275 (620270)
06-15-2011 2:46 AM

Buzsaw Restricted from Science Forums
I have notified Buzsaw that he should no long participate in threads in the science forums. See Message 257.

Administrator (Idle past 307 days)
Posts: 897
Joined: 03-02-2006

Message 125 of 275 (622443)
07-03-2011 4:59 AM

mass suspension
Why are there no human apes alive today? is under active moderation. The following people have been suspended for disrespect, failure to be on topic, useless one line posts and so on and so forth.
Mazzy, 48 hours for Message 579 and Message 600
zenmonkey, 24 hours for Message 580
anglagard, 24 hours, for Message 581
dr adequate, 48 hours for Message 588 and Message 602
nuggin, 48 hours, for Message 606 and Message 607 and Message 612
Warning was given in Message 517.

Replies to this message:
 Message 127 by Adminnemooseus, posted 07-03-2011 6:17 PM AdminModulous has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 126 of 275 (622476)
07-03-2011 6:04 PM

Theodoric and Catholic Scientist, 3 days
Belated announcement, still ~ 21 hours to go.
The "little red dot" suspension message:
3 days. See Message 331 and Message 345 - Adminnemooseus

Please be familiar with the various topics and other links in the "Essential Links", found in the top of the page menu. Amongst other things, this is where to find where to report various forum problems.

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 127 of 275 (622477)
07-03-2011 6:17 PM
Reply to: Message 125 by AdminModulous
07-03-2011 4:59 AM

Re: mass suspension (fix an implementation oversight)
Add Nuggin to the list, for message 623 - 24 48 hours.
Added by edit:
AdminModulous had intended a 48 hour Nuggin suspension, but apparently didn't complete implementing it. I have changed my imposed 24 hours to AdminModulous's intended 48 hours.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : See above.

Please be familiar with the various topics and other links in the "Essential Links", found in the top of the page menu. Amongst other things, this is where to find where to report various forum problems.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 125 by AdminModulous, posted 07-03-2011 4:59 AM AdminModulous has not replied

Inactive Administrator

Message 128 of 275 (624637)
07-19-2011 6:21 AM

neomedchennai - Spam
neomedchennai suspended indefinitely for spamming PNT.

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 129 of 275 (625399)
07-23-2011 1:46 AM

Mazzy and Dr Adequate Suspended 24 Hours, by Admin
See Message 932 and up-thread. That message inclludes:
Mazzy's suspension is because it's becoming clear that more words from me are not going to be any more helpful than the earlier words from me.
Dr Adequate's suspension is for not knowing when to let up. Mazzy's claims of victory and torrents of unsupported assertions whose rebuttals she refuses to engage or even understand do indeed invite derision, but there's a limit.
As I write this, the suspensions have about 4 hours left to run.

Please be familiar with the various topics and other links in the "Essential Links", found in the top of the page menu. Amongst other things, this is where to find where to report various forum problems.

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 130 of 275 (631583)
09-01-2011 8:29 PM

IamJoseph suspended one week by Admin
See here and upthread.

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 131 of 275 (631586)
09-01-2011 8:38 PM

Jar, 4 weeks suspension.
Message 170
ABE: Alternate debate site
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : See above.

Please be familiar with the various topics and other links in the "Essential Links", found in the top of the page menu. Amongst other things, this is where to find where to report various forum problems.

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 132 of 275 (632000)
09-05-2011 6:17 AM

Recision of Jar Suspension
Hello everyone!
In the past Adminnemooseus has followed a pattern of administering severe justice followed by reduction or commutation of sentence within a day or two, but I think he must have taken a few days off this holiday because he has not responded as he usually does to the comments posted to his General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures (aka 'The Whine List') thread, nor to a PM I sent him on another topic.
So I am rescinding Jar's suspension, and I'll be posting some additional comments in the General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures (aka 'The Whine List') thread.

EvC Forum Director

Administrator (Idle past 307 days)
Posts: 897
Joined: 03-02-2006

Message 133 of 275 (633366)
09-13-2011 6:43 PM

hooah212002 for three days
Message 38 in Importance of Original Sin:
Rule 10, please keep discussion civil.

Replies to this message:
 Message 134 by AdminChuck, posted 09-14-2011 12:45 AM AdminModulous has seen this message but not replied

Inactive Member

Message 134 of 275 (633422)
09-14-2011 12:45 AM
Reply to: Message 133 by AdminModulous
09-13-2011 6:43 PM

Content hidden - Not a discussion topic
{Content hidden - The "Public Record" forum and the "Suspensions and Bannings" topic are not places for discussion, even by admins (non-admins can't post in the "PR" topics). This discussion should go to the "Whine List" topic (public) or to a topic in the "Private Administration Forum" (which non-admins can't even see). And this is not a matter of if I agree or disagree with the hidden content. - Adminnemooseus}
Edited by AdminChuck, : No reason given.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide and commentary.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Change subtitle.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 133 by AdminModulous, posted 09-13-2011 6:43 PM AdminModulous has seen this message but not replied

Administrator (Idle past 307 days)
Posts: 897
Joined: 03-02-2006

Message 135 of 275 (634124)
09-19-2011 12:26 PM

Artemis Entreri for Message 192.
crashfrog for Message 134.
Please keep discussion civil.

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