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Author | Topic: Why Creationists' Willful Ignorance? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
subbie Member (Idle past 1580 days) Posts: 3509 Joined:
A population can not exceed it's available food source for any sustained period of time. End of story. But with 5 trillion people there, think of all the Soylent Green they'd have. They could feed multitudes!Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. -- Thomas Jefferson We see monsters where science shows us windmills. -- Phat It has always struck me as odd that fundies devote so much time and effort into trying to find a naturalistic explanation for their mythical flood, while looking for magical explanations for things that actually happened. -- Dr. Adequate ...creationists have a great way to detect fraud and it doesn't take 8 or 40 years or even a scientific degree to spot the fraud--'if it disagrees with the bible then it is wrong'.... -- archaeologist
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined:
This is a myth. Australia is surrounded by H20 and has more water than the middle-east, which is also half desert. Sparse population still cannot justify no evidences at all for 60K years. Surrounded by _salt water_ which clearly you have been drinking. AND, you are desperately trying to change topics. "evidences at all for 60k years"??! WTF does that have to do with your claim that there should be 5 trillion Australians. Could 5 trillion people living in Australia TODAY? Right now? Even with worldwide food production? We wouldn't have enough people over the entire rest of the world to produce and transport enough food fast enough to support that many people in Australia. And we have PLANES. Clearly population size is limited by resources. Until you admit that, there's really no reason for you to type anything.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined:
You really must be living in la la land As a citizen of La La Land, I reject your insulting implication that we'd ever accept someone like Joseph here.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined:
But with 5 trillion people there, think of all the Soylent Green they'd have. They could feed multitudes! Wait, are you saying that Soylent Green is people? It's peeeeeeeoppppple?!?!
subbie Member (Idle past 1580 days) Posts: 3509 Joined:
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. -- Thomas Jefferson We see monsters where science shows us windmills. -- Phat It has always struck me as odd that fundies devote so much time and effort into trying to find a naturalistic explanation for their mythical flood, while looking for magical explanations for things that actually happened. -- Dr. Adequate ...creationists have a great way to detect fraud and it doesn't take 8 or 40 years or even a scientific degree to spot the fraud--'if it disagrees with the bible then it is wrong'.... -- archaeologist
IamJoseph Member (Idle past 3993 days) Posts: 2822 Joined: |
So you accept that today's population of some 6.5B is resultant from 30K years ago - or even 60K?
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
So you accept that today's population of some 6.5B is resultant from 30K years ago - or even 60K? Modern humans (archaic variety) developed on the close order of 200,000 years ago. But your argument is clearly flawed: the growth rate of bacteria is such that if they multiplied as you imply humans do they would exceed the mass of the earth in short order, and the mass of the universe not long after.Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
I think homo sapiens is even older then that and i accept it, while you reject reality and substitute your own.
Panda Member (Idle past 4038 days) Posts: 2688 From: UK Joined: |
IamJoseph writes:
Why are you asking me what kind it is? How about 'winged creatures.'Do you not know? But since 'winged creatures' is not a 'kind' listed in the bible - I would expect that you are wrong. Where do mosquitoes fit into your 'kinds'?Are they land kind; are they water kind or are the airborne kind?
Larni Member Posts: 4000 From: Liverpool Joined:
Seriously, you are mentally disturbed. You need PROFESSIONAL help. You are a danger to yourself and others. Stand back ladies and gents this looks like my field of........ Oh, what a minute, it's IAJ WAY too complex!
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined:
I think IamJoseph is a verry good candidate for the QQQQQ, or the the golden crockoduck.
dwise1 Member Posts: 6193 Joined: Member Rating: 5.4 |
None of that had anything at all to do with the topic.
Simple question: Among those Christian groups that would embrace "creation science", commonly called "fundamentalists" though that term properly applied is too narrow, is the purpose of education to compel the students to adopt certain beliefs?
IamJoseph Member (Idle past 3993 days) Posts: 2822 Joined: |
Your frog leaping, as seen in most responses here. The issue was the first recording of life form groupings. Otherwise start a thread of the most colorful deflection strategies.
jar Member (Idle past 164 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
What the hell does "the first recording of life form groupings" even mean?
Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!
IamJoseph Member (Idle past 3993 days) Posts: 2822 Joined: |
quote: I wasn't asking - I was reminding you to read before wasting virtual ink. 'Winged creatures' are surely listed, even as emerging from the waters, in the only hard copy texts greater than 2,300 years old.
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