This is a somewhat strange topic, so I'm not sure what direction you expect the discussion to take.
Personally, I don't take money to be any kind of god.
I assume it stems from the verses in Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13 ...
I assume that, at least in part, it comes from the observation that some people seem to make money the thing that has greatest influence over the way that they lead their lives.
A false god is, in Abrahamic doctrines, a deity or object of worship that is either illegitimate or non-functioning in its professed authority or capability.
But surely that only means that the religious authorities deem it illegitimate. They are attempting to delegitimize it in the eyes of the people.
Has Christianity run out of competing gods and need to invent new false gods or is it just politically incorrect to bash other gods so a more universal villain is needed?
But that has always been a practice, as far as I know. It's a sort of primitive tribalism, an attempt to depict those not in the tribe (those who are not adherents of the religion) as having some sort of defect. So those outside the tribe are depicted as being part of an inferior religion. We see it a lot in the evc debates, with secularism, Darwinism, science (described as "scientism") all treated as false religions.
Fundamentalism - the anti-American, anti-Christian branch of American Christianity